-Happy New Year 2025!

The King of Fighters XV/Ángel/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage/stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B, clB 43 Allows for 214A routes off of a low. It's a stronger option limited by proximity.
2B, 2A, 2A 60 Low confirm.
clB, clD > 6B (1) 133 Light into Heavy, great for close punishes and crossup confirms. (160 with both hits of 6B)
jA, clB, clD > 6B (1) 170 Crossup confirm. (195with both hits of 6B)

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
clD > 6B 108 Standard starter. (136 with both hits of 6B).
jC, clB, clD > 6B (1) 195 Crossup confirm. (220 with both hits of 6B)

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75 Big CD that she can start combos from.
236CD 75 Shatter Strike, big and starts combos.
Counter jCD 112 Big and she has a lot of options after it.
2C 70 Launcher, also juggles.
426P/AC 60/80 Command Grab Starter.

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


General Notes:

  • Due to how different clB and 2A Light Starters are, and how limited 2A is, combos that can work off of 2A will be pointed out.
  • Notation: Unchain followups are written using a ~ to connect the moves. So it will read as starter~unchain circle~finisher.

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
cl.A > A > A > B 138 30 0 .23% Anywhere Rush combo ending with Red Sky (624A). Normally this won't combo from Lights.
cl.A > A > A > C 200 30 1 .7% Anywhere Rush combo ending with Real Rave (4623P).
cl.A > A > A > D 324 30 2 .7% Anywhere Rush combo ending with MAX Real Rave (4623AC).
cl.A > A > A > A 431 30 3 .7% Anywhere Rush combo ending with a Climax.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
Starter > 46K (1) ~ 2P ~ 6K ~ 236C 187(L)
Anywhere Ol' reliable from grounded 46K. This combo works from 2A
Starter > 214C ~ 2K ~ 426B ~ 8P ~ 426D ~ 8K ~ 66C, 624B 277(L)
Anywhere Standard 214P route, a bit harder from 2B, clB. You can sacrifice the 624B for oki, and you can change 426D to 426B to keep it same side. 214A after clB/214C after Heavies.
Starter > 46D ~ 6A ~ 66A, 46D ~ 2B ~ 426B ~ 8A ~ 426D ~ 8B ~ 66C, 624B 289(L)
Anywhere High damage 46K route, more reliable from clB than 214A. You can sacrifice the 624B for oki, and you can change 426D to 426B to keep it same side.
Starter > 214P ~ 2K ~ 426B ~ 8P ~ 6AB ~ 66A, 46D ~ 8K ~ 66K (2), clD 322(L)
Midscreen Leads to a HKD if all hits of 66K connect at the cost of some damage. 214A after clB/214C after Heavies.
Starter > 214C ~ 2K ~ 66A, 46D ~ 6K ~ 8P ~ 426B ~ 8K ~ 66K (2), clD 334(L)
Corner More of everything but more reliable and in the corner. 214A after clB/214C after Heavies.

0.5 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
2B 2A > 46B ~ 6A(1) ~ 66A, 63214BD 204 240 Anywhere
2B c.B > 46D ~ 6A(1) ~ 66A, 46D ~ 2B ~ (8A) ~ 6B ~ 41236BD ~ 8A ~ 41236B ~ 8B ~ 66C, 63214B 314 305 Midscreen
2B 2A > 46D ~ 6A(1) ~ 66A, 46D ~ 2B ~ 8A, 41236BD ~ 8B ~ 66C, c.D 289 360 Corner
2B c.B > 214A ~ 2B ~ 41236B ~ 8B ~ 66A, 46D ~ 8B ~ 41236BD ~ 8A ~ dl.66C, 63214B 356 340 Midscreen Drops against Meitenkun, Chris, Athena, and Yuri
j.D c.D > 6B 46D ~ 6A ~ 66A, 46D ~ 2B ~ (8A) ~ 6B ~ 41236BD ~ 8B ~ 66C, 63214B 376 400 Midscreen
j.D c.D > 6B 46D ~ 6A ~ 66A, 46D ~ 2B ~ (8A) ~ 6B ~ 41236BD ~ 8B ~ 41236B ~ 8A ~ 66C, 63214B 381 430 Midscreen
j.D c.D > 6B > 214A ~ 2B ~ 66A 46D ~ 6B ~ 8A 41236BD ~ 8B ~ 66C, f.C 453 520 Corner
j.D c.D > 6B > 214A ~ (2A) ~ 66A 46D ~ 2D ~ 41236B ~ 8B ~ 66B 41236BD ~ 6B ~8A dl.66C, c.D 483 560 Corner 66B must not connect with the final hit

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
j.D c.D 6B > 214A ~ 2B ~ 41236B ~ 8B ~ 66A, 46D ~ 6B ~ 41236BD ~ 8A ~ dl.66C, 63214BD 465 450 1 -0.4 Midscreen Drops against Meitenkun, Chris, Athena, and Yuri
j.D c.D 6B > 236CD, cl.D > 6B > 214A ~ 2B ~ 41236B ~ 8B ~ 66A, 46D ~ 6B ~ 41236BD ~8A ~ dl.66C, 63214BD 427 550 1 -0.7 Midscreen Drops against Meitenkun, Chris, Athena, and Yuri

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes

External Links

Angel Combos by Meno


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