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The King of Fighters XV/Haohmaru

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The King of Fighters XV


Haohmaru is a traveling swordsman determined to master the way of the sword. He is a bold and free-spirited fighter who hates cowardice, and travels from country to country, sake in hand, in search of a match with anyone who can put up a real fight.
In order to help his friend Nakoruru, and to fight with new and formidable opponents, he travels far beyond time and space and lands on the KOF stage.
Jump: 40f
Hop: 32f
Backdash: 22f
Run Speed Ranking: 5


(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK


Adamantine Slash - (close) / +

Headwind Slash - (close) / +

Command Normals

Surprise Attack - +

Iron Flash - +

Special Moves

Crescent Moon Slash - + / (*)

Renting Tremor Slash - + / (*)

Cyclone Slash - + / (*)

┗Fake Cyclone Slash - +

Earthquake Slice - + / (*)

Rice Wine Whack - + / (*)

Shock Blast - + / (*)

Cyclone Wave - + / (*)

Super Special Moves

Flame of the Conqueror - + / (!)

Supreme Gale Flash - + / (!)

Climax Super Special Moves

Supreme Severing Flash - +

Quick Combo Reference

Quick Combo Reference


0 Meter

Low Confirm

2B > 2A > 5B > 214D/623C = 116/192 dmg
5C > 6A > 623C = 252 dmg

½ Meter

Low Confirm

2B > 2A > 5B > 214BD > 623C = 253 dmg
5C > 6A > 236BD > AC = 380 dmg

1 Meter

Low Confirm

2B > 2A > 5B > 623C > 236236A = 310 dmg
5C > 6A > 236BD > 4214AC > 623C = 453 dmg

2 Meters

Low Confirm
MAX Confirm

2B > 2A > 5B > 623C > 236236AC = 430 dmg
5C > 6A > 236BD > 4214AC > 623C > 236236AC = 556 dmg
2B > 2A > 5B > BC > 5C > 6A > 236BD > 66236C > 236236A = 411 dmg

Gameplay Overview

After nearly 30 years of being denied entry into the KoF franchise due to canonical issues, Haohmaru finally makes his playable debut in The King of Fighters XV. Haohmaru specializes in keeping opponents at a distance with his long range pokes, and capitalizing off of openings with his very high burst damage.

In essence, Haohmaru is basically a shoto with a sword. He's got a variety of tools for almost any scenario, such as anti-zoning tools in Rice Wine Whack (214K[K]); decent space control and zoning in his 5A and 5C, alongside a projectile that always knocks down (236P[P]); and a very strong anti-air game in his 2C and Crescent Moon Slash (623P[P]), a DP with very high damage. He also has decent pressure with cl.A, Cyclone Wave (236K[K]), 214C, and 4214C, which are plus on block. But his greatest attribute, undoubtedly, is his damage. EX Cyclone Wave is a 20-frame launcher that juggles opponents high, allowing him to connect his Iron Flash command normal (A+C), which does a whopping 200 damage on hit, or he can link one of his specials, such as 214A or 623C, into a super. This makes Haohmaru's metered damage potential very high, and getting hit by him even once can be a legitimate threat.

Unfortunately, Haohmaru's massive damage comes with a few drawbacks. First of all, he's slow. Very slow. Almost all of Haohmaru's specials have over 14 frames of startup, which makes his light confirms almost nonexistent. To make matters worse, he has pretty much no way to confirm his lights into any meaningful damage outside of his cl.A, which forces him to fight in close-range, a position where he absolutely struggles. Haohmaru is basically outclassed by almost all of the cast, who are better at poking and doing consistent damage than he is. In high-level play, there's almost no reason to play him unless you're just looking to have fun. If all you want is to play a swordfighter and feel like you're playing Samurai Shodown in KoF, then Haohmaru may be for you.

Haohmaru is a mid-ranged swordsman who tries to keep the opponent at a distance before utilizing meter to score massive damage.
Pros Cons
  • Massive Damage: Haohmaru is easily capable of depleting around half of the opponent's life meter if he lands one of his cancellable normals, even with just half a bar. His Iron Flash (AC), while not cancellable by any means, can still be used as an ender after 236BD and does great damage.
  • Versatility: Haohmaru has a variety of specials at his disposal—a fireball that he can fake out of during startup, a leaping overhead, an elbow tackle, a multi-hit attack with lots of blockstun, and more. Given his options, Haohmaru can suit multiple playstyles.
  • Big Pokes: Being a swordfighter, many of Haohmaru's normals have a lot of range. His st.C is a great tool for contesting space, his cr.C is a massive anti-air, and his j.D is a godly air-to-air. Even his st.A has a good amount of range for what it is.
  • Poor Reward from Lights: Haohmaru's specials (excluding his DP and Rice Wine Whack), even in EX form, start up too slowly for them to connect from light normals. Haohmaru's only cancellable command normal, Surprise Attack (6A) also starts up too slowly for it to be used as a converter from lights, so Haohmaru has to rely on landing heavy normals in order to score big damage. Haohmaru's best light confirm is chaining cl.C from cl.A, but the range for this can be tight.
  • Big Hurtboxes: Opponents can easily counterpoke him way before his active frames comes out with just the press of a button. Iron Flash is the only exception to this problem but it's heavily telegraphed and punishable on block and pretty much a death sentence on whiff.
  • Slow: Also as expected of a swordfighter, Haohmaru is on the slower end of the roster. For example, his cr.C is one of the slowest in the game at 12 frames of startup. Cyclone Slash, his only projectile, doesn't even combo from heavies. As mentioned above, most of his specials, excluding his DP and Rice Wine Whack, have very slow startup, so they can be rather hard to combo into, and it's likely that a Haohmaru player will get counterpoked if they try to use one of his specials in neutral.


Far Standing Normals

Far A

far A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid super 6 2 15 -2 -4 - 30 60
  • Far variant of his standing light slash.

A quick slash with better range and faster startup than 5B, but lacks special cancel properties.

Far B

far B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
30 Mid special 7 4 12 -1 -3 - 30 60
  • Does not hit low like in the original game.

A kick to the shins that's a tad slower than most 5Bs, but has special-cancel properties. Because of the slow startup of most of Haohmaru's special moves, his options after 5B are quite limited. 214K and 623P are decent confirm options, but their block disadvantage makes them risky if blocked. 236B is a decent blockstring/frame trap option thanks to its safety, but its 20-frame startup makes it impossible to confirm.

Far C

far C

Neutral 101

Neutral 101

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid super 11 6 18 -3 -5 - 70 120
  • Far variant of his standing medium slash.

Large poke that's good for controlling space.

Far D

far D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid super 11 3 20 -2 -4 - 70 120
  • Same animation as his close D, but not cancellable, so be careful.
  • Works as an anti-air.

Haohmaru performs a high kick with his inner leg. Only one frame faster than his cr.C, making it his fastest anti-airing normal.

Close Standing Normals

Close A

close A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 4 5 4 +6 +4 - 30 60
  • Close variant of his standing light slash.
  • Chains into cl.C at close range, allowing Haohmaru to perform damaging light confirms up close.

A very fast normal that's also very plus. This normal is extremely important for Haohmaru's low confirms, as it links into cl.C. Haohmaru should typically always be trying to cancel into cl.C when this move lands, especially considering how mediocre his autocombo is.

Close B

close B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
30 Mid special 7 4 12 -1 -3 - 30 60
  • Same exact frame data as his st.B, not much to say.

Close C

close C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid command 6 4 16 +1 -1 - 70 120
  • Close medium slash from the home game.

Always try to link into this when cl.A hits. Large activation range.

Close D

close D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid command 7 3 20 -2 -4 - 70 120
  • Same animation as far D, but cancels into both specials and 6A.

Haohmaru's cl.D looks exactly the same as his far D, but he can cancel it into both specials and 6A. This can be rather confusing, so just use cl.C when you're in proximity.

Crouch Normals

Crouch A

crouch A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 5 4 8 +3 +1 - 30 60
  • Close variant of his crouching light slash.

Haohmaru jabs the opponent with the hilt of his katana. This is his safest crouching normal and it is plus on block, so it can be used to frame trap.

Crouch B

crouch B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
15 Low super 5 4 9 +2 0 - 15 30
  • Crouching kick from the home series.

Haohmaru is able to link cl.A > cl.C from this, allowing for damaging light conversions.

Crouch C

crouch C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
90 Mid command 12 3 28 -10 -12 - 90 -
  • Crouching heavy slash from the home game.
  • Puts airborne opponents into a juggle state on counterhit

Anti-air with above-average damage, but is slow and cannot be linked into from jump-ins. Can be extremely damaging if it counter-hits an airborne opponent, in which case it will juggle them.

Crouch D

crouch D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Low super 9 10 26 SKD (13: Tech / 40: Non-tech) - Close -17 (Close Range) to -8 (Max Range) - 70 120
  • Moves Haohmaru forward during the animation, giving it a lot of range.
  • Universal sweep from the original game.

Haohmaru slides forward a considerable distance, giving this cr.D great range. However, it cannot cancel into command normals or specials, so Haohmaru cannot cancel into anything to make it safer if it gets blocked.

Jump Normals

Jump A

jump A

Hop Version
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

40 High - 5 5 1 on ground - - 30 30 50

jump jump

45 High - 5 7 1 on ground - - 30 30 60
  • Based on his unarmed jumping slash.

Basic, quick air-to-air.

Jump B

jump B

Hop Version
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

40 High - 6 7 1 on ground - - 30 30 50

jump jump

45 High - 6 9 1 on ground - - 30 30 60
  • Jumping kick from the home game.

Slightly slower, but slightly more active than j.A.

Jump C

jump C

Hop Version
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

80 High - 13 2 1 on ground - - 70 70 100

jump jump

80 High - 12 5 1 on ground - - 70 70 120
  • Jumping heavy slash from the original game.

A very slow j.C, but hits very deep. Practically useless when performed from a hop.

Jump D

jump D

Hop Version
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

80 High - 9 5 1 on ground - - 70 70 100

jump jump

80 High - 9 5 1 on ground - - 70 70 120
  • Godly aerial, as an air-to-air, or a jump-in.
  • Jumping medium slash from the home game.
  • The "original XV Gato 2C" of air-to-air normals.

Haohmaru performs a sideways slash. Covers a large amount of range and is a great air-to-air and a very good jump-in as well.




Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 Mid special 14 3 22 Wall Splat (+72~+91) -2 - 100 160
  • Based on his Stance Break animation from Samurai Shodown.

Haohmaru performs a shoulder charge that advances him forward. Good for kara canceling. The range of which Haohmaru advances forward is low, making it hard or impossible for him to perform Shatter Strike combos.

Shatter Strike

Shatter Strike

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 Mid - 15 6 27 Crumple - HKD (93) -10 Armor: 4 to 14 (11 frames) 0 200

Has lower forward movement than it looks. Won't combo after 6A.



Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 Mid - 28 6 37 (on whiff) / Recovers faster on hit and block. HKD (68 - Non Throw Counter Hit) / Crumple (103 - Throw Counter Hit) 3 Full Body Armor Frames: 7 to 33 (27 frames) / Throw Counter Frames: 4 to 27 (24 Frames) 0 150
  • Same animation and range as his CD.
  • The throw counter is at the feet.

jump CD

jump CD

Hop Version
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

90 Mid - 17 4 1 on ground SKD - - 80 120

jump jump

100 Mid - 17 4 1 on ground SKD - - 80 140

Very slow, but massive j.CD. Be careful with abusing this—it's easy to get punished up close.

Rush Moves

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

cl.AA cl.AA

48 (25+25) Mid - 6 - - -5 -7 - 30 120 (60+60)

cl.AAX cl.AAX

70 (25+25+25) Mid - 6 - - -8 -10 - 30 180 (60+60+60)

Absolutely not worth using at all. If you can land cl.A, you can land cl.C and get significantly higher reward.


Adamantine Slash

Adamantine Slash
(close) 4/6C
(close) 4/6C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 N/A - 1 1 0 HKD (52) Unblockable - 0 0
  • Placeholder

Headwind Slash

Headwind Slash
(close) 4/6D
(close) 4/6D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 N/A - 1 1 0 HKD (43) Unblockable - 0 0
  • Placeholder

Command Moves

Surprise Attack

Surprise Attack

Raw Version
Cancel Version

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 [50] High [Mid] super [special] 24 [15] 2 19 [24] 0 [-5] -2 [-7] - 80 [40] 110 [60]
  • As a command overhead, slow if used raw, but starts up faster and turns into a mid if canceled into.

A slow overhead with noticeably long startup and middling range. One of Haohmaru's only attacks that's slower than it is in SamSho.

Iron Flash

Iron Flash

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
200 Mid - 21 4 39 -3 -15 - 150 150
  • Completely uncancelable—cannot be canceled into or cancel into anything.
  • Causes a soft knockdown on counterhit (+22: Tech / +62: Non-tech)

A very unique normal for the KoF series, Haohmaru's AC lacks any cancel properties and has very slow startup, but makes up for it with absurdly high damage, doing the same as the average 1-bar super. On counter-hit, it causes a soft knockdown, and on a regular hit, it causes a unique stagger effect that leaves Haohmaru safe on hit to compensate for the otherwise high block disadvantage.

Unfortunately, the properties of AC make it completely useless as a neutral poke, as the risk significantly outweighs the reward. It should only be used in combos where the opponent is juggled high, such as after 236BD.

Special Moves

Crescent Moon Slash

Crescent Moon Slash


A Version
C Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


100 (80+20) Mid super (1) 5 4 (2) 8 38 (20 on ground) SKD (30: Tech / 57: Non-tech) -30 Full body against non-projectile air moves: 1 to 10 (10 Frames) 100 (80+20) 80 (60+20)


150 (100+20+20+10) Mid super (1) 9 4 (2) 3 (1) 9 57 (20 on ground) SKD (36: Tech / 63: Non-tech) -50 Full Body: 1 to 15 (15 Frames) 170 (80+30+30+30) 170 (80+30+30+30)


196 Mid - 5 9 (1) 9 57 (20 on ground) SKD (38: Tech / 65: Non-tech) -50 Full Body: 1 to 13 (13 Frames) 0 190 (100+30*3)

Haohmaru's most damaging and reliable combo ender against grounded opponents, as well as a strong reversal thanks to its high damage and long range. All versions are prone to losing out on max damage if spaced improperly.

623A: No forward movement. Great at catching opponents jumping in.

623C: Has a noticeable amount of forward movement and goes very high. Has slower than average startup, so 623C can sometimes entirely miss jumping opponents depending on how high up they are.

623AC: Very high damage. Has the startup of 623A and the movement, damage, and recovery of 623C.

Renting Tremor Slash

Renting Tremor Slash

"Shippu Kogetsuzan"

A Version
C Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


120 (100+20) Mid super (1) 5 4 (2) 8 48 (30 on ground) SKD (30: Tech / 57: Non-tech) -40 Full body against non-projectile air moves: 1 to 8 (8 Frames) 80 (60+20) 80 (60+20)


170 (120+20+20+10) Mid super (1) 7 4 (2) 3 (1) 9 67 (30 on ground) SKD (36: Tech / 63: Non-tech) -60 Full Body: 1 to 13 (13 Frames) 170 (80+30+30+30) 170 (80+30+30+30)


216 (120+30+20+9+9+4*7) Mid - 3 9 (1) 9 67 (30 on ground) SKD (38: Tech / 65: Non-tech) -60 Full Body: 1 to 11 (11 Frames) 0 190 (100+30*3)
  • Can only be performed from frame 12 until frame 16 of a dash.

If 623P is inputted from frame 12-16 of a dash, it becomes Renting Tremor Slash, an immensely damaging DP (even more so than Omega Rugal's Genocide Cutter) with even more forward movement, faster startup, higher damage... and much more recovery. Essentially a higher risk, higher reward version of Kogetsuzan.

Shippu Kogetsuzan cannot be used as a combo ender unless the opponent is juggled very high, in which case it is useless unless you're trying to super cancel.

Cyclone Slash

Cyclone Slash

"Senpuu Retsuzan"

A Version
A Version Feint Cancel
C Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


80 Mid - 22 Projectile 29 SKD (27: Tech / 54: Non-tech) - Close -5 (Close Range) to 22 (Max Range) - 40 40


80 Mid - 33 Full Screen Projectile 22 SKD (27: Tech / 54: Non-tech) - Close 2 (Close Range) to 24 (Max Range) - 0 40


108 (30+120) Mid - 21 Full Screen Projectile 24 Juggle - HKD (54) - Close 3 (Close Range) to 24 (Max Range) - 0 80
  • A version travels halfway across the screen and can be faked out of, C version travels fullscreen.
  • EX version puts the opponent into a juggle state. 10% scaling is added after the first hit.

Haohmaru uses his katana to send out a small tornado that travels across the ground. Opponents that are hit by this tornado will be launched upwards, giving Haohmaru plenty of time to approach and prepare for his next move.

The EX version puts the opponent into a juggle state, meaning anything Haohmaru hits the opponent with afterwards will land instead of whiffing like with the A or C version. One of his best options afterwards is his AC command normal.

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

Feint Feint

0 N/A - - - 20 (32 Total Frames from neutral) - - - 0 0

Haohmaru can feint the A version of Cyclone Slash, leaving him less vulnerable.

Earthquake Slice

Earthquake Slice


A Version
C Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


100 High - 23 3 24 HKD (38) -8 - 80 80


116 (20+20+80) High - 33 6 24 HKD (+52) +2 - 120 (20+20+80) 120 (20+20+80)


135 (20+20+100) [70] Mid - 23 6 29 Ground Bounce - HKD (+64) -15 - 0 120 (20+20+80)
  • Cannot connect up close unless the opponent is in a juggle state.
  • Heavy version is plus on block.
  • EX version hits three times and causes a groundbounce, and it's best used after 236D/BD. It also hits OTG (damage in parenthesis) after 214AC,236AC,236236A/C/AC/B/D, add damage from 66 to 17 (usually 42 after 2 bar BnB).

Haohmaru somersaults forward before striking the ground with his katana. This has the most startup out of all of Haohmaru's moves and therefore the most telegraphed, so this is not a good move to use in neutral.

Rice Wine Whack

Rice Wine Whack

B Version
D Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


60 Mid super 10 4 30 SKD (20: Tech / 47: Non-tech) -15 - 60 60


60 Mid super 10 4 30 SKD (20: Tech / 47: Non-tech) -15 - 60 60


80 (20+60) Mid - 10 4 32 Crumple - HKD(+92) -15 - 0 80 (20+60)
  • B version nullifies projectiles, D version reflects projectiles.
  • EX version causes a crumple.
  • Ridiculously unsafe on block. Don't use this as a blockstring ender.

One of Haohmaru's faster special moves that has some use as a combo ender from 2A or 5B, or to start combos with said buttons (214BD). It can also be used to nullify or reflect projectiles. Other than that, this move is practically useless. It is very unsafe and does low damage, which limits its use. Haohmaru will almost always have a better option than this move.

Shock Blast

Shock Blast

Normal Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


80 Mid super 17 5 20 SKD (29: Tech / 56: Non-tech) -6 (Close Range) to -4 (Max Range) - 60 60


80 Mid super 30 5 22 Juggle - SKD (37: Tech* / 64: Non-tech) +2 - 60 60


120 Mid - 20 5 16 HKD (+73) -2 - 0 80
  • A and EX versions combo after heavies.
  • A version can be used as a combo extender in the corner.
  • EX version causes a sliding hard knockdown.

A forward-rushing elbow tackle. Somewhat slow, but the opening it creates in blockstrings can trick opponents into pressing.

The heavy version is plus and causes a small juggle on hit that can be followed up in the corner.

Cyclone Wave

Cyclone Wave

Normal Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


80 (20+60) Mid super 20 6 18 +2 -2 - 40 (20+20) 40 (20+20)


110 (10+10+10+10+10+60) Mid super 26 6 25 Juggle - SKD (58: Tech / 85: Non-tech) +3 - 70 (10+10+10+10+10+20) 70 (10+10+10+10+10+20)


125 (15*5+50) Mid - 20 6 20 Juggle - SKD (53: Tech / 80: Non-tech) -2 - 0 130 (20*5+30)
  • D and EX versions launch and cause a juggle state.
  • B and EX version have the same startup speeds and connect from heavies.
  • D version is too slow to connect from anything.

Haohmaru slashes upwards, creating a wave of energy that hits the opponent multiple times. The EX version of this move is his greatest combo tool, and opens up multiple extremely damaging combo routes, such as Iron Flash (AC) or EX Earthquake Slice (4214AC).

Super Special Moves

Flame of the Conqueror

Flame of the Conqueror

Normal Version
Max Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


200 Mid advanced, climax 12 12 49 HKD (+60) -42 Full Body: 1 to 3 (3 Frames) 0 0


200 Mid advanced, climax 20 12 49 HKD (+60) -42 Full Body: 1 to 3 (3 Frames) 0 0


350 Mid climax 9 12 49 HKD (+60) -42 Full Body: 1 (1 Frame) 0 0
  • Straightforward 1-hit super.
  • Based on his Weapon Flipping Technique from his home game.

Haohmaru's version of Samurai Shodown's universal Weapon Flipping Technique is his most damaging Super Special move in KoF XV. The C version is significantly slower than the A version and can drop in specific combos, so you'll probably just want to use the A version.

Supreme Gale Flash

Supreme Gale Flash

Hitbox is the same for both normal and max versions.

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

B or D B or D

180 Mid advanced, climax 14 4 72 HKD (+50) -57 Full Body: 1 to 9 (9 Frames) / Projectile Invincibility: 10 to 18 (9 Frames) 0 0


340 (50+100+190) Mid climax 10 4 72 HKD (+33) -57 Full Body: 1 to 5 (5 Frames) / Projectile Invincibility: 6 to 14 (9 Frames) 0 0
  • B and D versions function the same, and sideswitch on hit.
  • MAX version does not sideswitch, making it a good option after 236236P.
  • Based on his "Issen" rage attack from his home game.


Supreme Severing Flash

Supreme Severing Flash

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
470 (70+80+80+240) Min: 235 Mid - 6 6 45 HKD (+37) -32 Full Body: 1 to 11 (11 Frames) 0 0
  • Has slightly more range than 236K.

Standard Climax. Very punishable on block and whiff.


Alternate Colors

Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
Color 7
Color 8


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The King of Fighters XV



The King of Fighters XV

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