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The King of Fighters XV/Ryo Sakazaki

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The King of Fighters XV


Ryo is the son and entrusted owner of Takuma Sakazaki's dojos for the Kyokugenryu school of Karate. As a child, Ryo spent his time training his body and eventually became so powerful that he was nicknamed The Invincible Dragon.
Naturally, he is extremely strong-willed and will spare no effort getting things done. Even to this day, he continues to train himself to his maximum potential.
Jump: 39f
Hop: 32f
Backdash: 22f
Run Speed Ranking: 7


(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK


Kyokugenryu Sanren Geki - / +

Tomoe Nage - / +

Command Normals

Hyouchuu Wari - +

Jyoudan Uke - +

Gedan Uke - +

Kizami Duki - +

Special Moves

Kohou - + / (*)

Ko-Ou Ken - + / (*)

Hien Shipuu Kyaku - + / (*)

Zanretsuken - + / (*)

Super Special Moves

Haoh Shoukou Ken - + / (!)

Ryuuko Ranbu - + / (!)

Climax Super Special Moves

Shin * Tenchi Haoh Ken - ++

Gameplay Summary

Ryo Sakazaki treads a fine line between being a standard shoto and a rushdown character. He has all the characteristics and hallmarks of a shoto, but lacks the proper zoning tools—and instead is built around pushing himself in with his surprisingly advantageous pressure.

Ryo's tools are designed to push him into close quarters, and make it hard for the opponent to send him out of that range. Instead of having a meterless projectile, he uses Ko-Ou Ken (236P[P]), a rather large pseudo-fireball that either keeps him in place (236A) or pushes him forward significantly (236C). Both of these versions can leave Ryo plus on block from a relatively close distance.

Ryo's fireballs aren't the only things that can leave him at an advantage. Ryo's frame data is extraordinary, having lengthy normals that leave him at a better block advantage than a majority of the cast. He also has a command normal, Kizami Duki (A+C) than he can cancel into from a canceled 6A, which leaves Ryo +2 on block while still leaving him within effective distance of the opponent. These options give Ryo a powerful pressure game that is hard to contest.

Ryo also has some of the best defense in the game. Besides having a very fast DP, he is also the only character in the entire roster to have access to parries (6B, 3D) which have very fast startup, are extremely active, and push Ryo forward slightly. These parries can make Ryo hard to zone out as well, as he'll only build more meter from zoning attempts.

One would think that Ryo's excellent defensive options would mean he has poor damage output, but in all actuality, Ryo hits very, very hard. One EX Hien Shipuu Kyaku (214BD) opens the door to multiple combo options, such as Zanretsuken (646P[P]), a highly damaging multi-hit attack that can end in a hard knockdown (646A) or be used to juggle the opponent even more (646C/AC). To put it simply: Ryo has some of the best damage output in the game.

In the end, besides being a rather simple character with a slight weakness to zoning and reliance on meter, Ryo doesn't have any real fatal flaws. Ryo works well in any team position, but is especially powerful on anchor.

Ryo Sakazaki is a rushdown-oriented shoto who trades zoning tools for an intimidatingly augmented offensive and defensive game.
Pros Cons
  • Insane Damage Output: Given his multiple juggle and launch options (including a meterless launcher), Ryo is capable of racking up tons of damage without having to spend a lot of meter at all. In fact, Ryo can deal up to 583 damage with just one bar from anywhere on the screen. Most of the cast can only get 470 damage or less with one bar. Which means if Ryo gets a hit on the opponent when he has a lot of meter... chances are they're probably going to die.
  • Fantastic Meter Build: DP-style moves build plenty of meter on their own, but only Ryo is capable of using his DP twice in a combo, allowing him to build an absurd amount of meter and gain nearly half a bar back from using both 623A and 623C in a combo.
  • Great Pressure: Ryo excels at being up close, with several plus-on-block normals and parries that can create 50/50 mixup scenarios. Frame traps come easily to Ryo, who can cancel his 6A into Kizami Duki (AC), a slow but plus advancing mid. Ryo's 6A also serves as a raw overhead that can be Quick Max'd for massive damage.
  • Frame Data: Being a rushdown character, Ryo's kit is designed to let him get in and stay in. Ryo has significantly more advantage on his normals than a great majority of the cast. All of his light normals range from being +3 to -1 on block, while his st.C and cr.D have noticeably more frame advantage than most other characters have for their respective moves of the type.
  • Top Tier Defense: Ryo has unique defensive capabilities in the form of parries (6B, 3D) which are extremely fast countermoves that can nullify any attack as long as the proper parry is used. Besides preventing Ryo from accumulating chip damage, the fast recovery of the parries means that should a parry connect with an opponent's attack, Ryo has plenty of time to counterattack with a highly damaging combo route. Ryo can cancel into these parries from any command-cancellable move, even if that move whiffs. Overall, Ryo's parries contribute to his excellent punish game.
  • Heavily Fundamental: Ryo does not really have anything that might catch the opponent off guard besides his parries and his overhead. He doesn't need a ton of meter to be a real threat, but having access to at least half a bar significantly improves Ryo's capabilities. Mostly, Ryo players will have to utilize strong fundamentals in order to win.
  • Mediocre Mobility: Ryo isn't exactly slow by any means, but he's not fast, either. Ryo shines up close, but he can still get overwhelmed by pressure. With Ryo, you must take care in how you approach and use your tools at your spacing.

Quick Combo Reference

In a nutshell

  • Confirm into 214BD > 623C > Super.
  • You can squeeze an extra EX in with 214BD > Close D > 646AC > 623C > Super.
  • In the corner you can do 214D instead of the EX to save meter, but only against standing opponents (and 2C forces stand).
  • Comboing into 236A doesn't need to be confirmed, and allows for follow-ups in the corner.

Quick Combo Reference


0 Meter

Low confirm
Corner / Low confirm
Corner variant

2B > 2A > 214B = 131 dmg
2C > 236A > 214B = 219 dmg
Close C > 6A > 624D > 624B = 287 dmg
2B > Close A>A>A>B, 623A, 623C = 288 dmg (Uses Rush Combo B/Special)
Close C > 6A > 624D > 623C = 318 dmg

½ Meter

Low confirm
Corner / Low confirm
Corner / Low confirm

2B > 2A > 214BD > 623A > 623C = 262 dmg
2B > Close A>A>A>B, 623A, 623AC = 306 dmg (Uses Rush Combo B/Special)
2B > Close 5A > 624D, 623A, Close 5C > 646AC, 623C = 376 dmg
2C > 6A > 624D > Close D > 646AC > 623C = 412

1 Meter

Low confirm
Corner FB pickup

2B > 2A > 214BD > Close D > 646AC > 623C = 327 dmg
2C > 236A > 214BD > Close D > 646AC > 623C = 405 dmg
CD > (3D) > C Ranbu = 241 dmg

2 Meters

Quick Punish

5B > MAX > 5D > 6A > 214BD > 623C > Ranbu = 372 dmg
Close C > 6A > 214BD > Close D > 646AC > 623C > Ranbu = 482 dmg
5D > MAX > 646AC > 623C > Ranbu = 326 dmg


Far Standing Normals

Far A

stand A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 5 6 6 +3 +1 - 30 60
  • Chains into itself and cr.A starting frame 12. Whiff cancellable.

Command cancelable and has slightly longer range than cr.A. While it is not Ryo's most plus button, it is his furthest reaching plus button, which makes it preferable as a frametrap starter.

Far B

stand B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
30 Mid super 6 3 11 +1 -1 - 30 60
  • Good for far range punishes into Quick MAX combos.
  • Can be canceled into from st.A.

Basic space control poke that's a bit stubbier than it looks. Can be used as a Quick Max combo starter.

Far C

stand C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 Mid special 8 5 16 0 -2 - 70 120

Solid poke with high reward thanks to its special-cancelability.

Far D

stand D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid super 10 6 18 -3 -5 - 70 120
  • Whiffs on crouching around Ryo's foot.

Decently large anti-airing option with middling reward. As a poke it is relatively mediocre, and cr.D is usually a better option.

Close Standing Normals

Close A

close A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 4 3 8 +4 +2 - 30 60
  • Chains into light normals starting frame 11. Whiff cancellable.

Close B

close B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
30 Mid command 5 3 7 +5 +3 - 30 60

Ryo's most plus button, only preferable as a frame trap starter if Ryo is really close.

Close C

close C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 Mid command 4 6 14 +1 -1 - 70 120
  • Faster startup than close D, but overall overshadowed by 2C.

Useful for corner EX Zanretsuken combos, if cl.D might be a tad too slow to land.

Close D

close D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Low command 6 8 18 -5 -7 - 70 120
  • Extends Ryo's head hurtbox.
  • Longer activation range than cl.C (activates around the furthest range st.A will hit)
  • Moves Ryo forward, which is great for strings & combos, but also means you cannot stuff out wakeup throws with it.

A very good normal and quite possibly one of the best heavy starters in the game. cl.D has a significantly large activation range (noticeably larger than other proximity normals) which makes it very easy to start combos with.

Crouch Normals

Crouch A

crouch A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 4 3 8 +4 +2 - 30 60
  • Chains into light normals starting frame 11. Whiff-cancellable.
  • Links into cr.C and cl.C up close.

Great abare button and one of your best frametrap tools. At +2 on block, 2A is great for maintaining your turn and starting frametraps.

Crouch B

crouch B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
15 Low super 5 3 10 +2 0 - 15 30

Basic crouching light kick. Even on block, which makes it decent for pressure.

Crouch C

crouch C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 Mid command 4 5 24 -8 -10 - 70 120
  • Ryo's fastest heavy normal. Only the first two active frames hit grounded opponents and are cancellable.
  • Forces stand.
  • Very unsafe on block or whiff.

Very fast cr.C that is a powerful anti-air thanks to Ryo's ability to cancel it into his 646AC anywhere juggle, leading to huge damage. Do be careful with using this because cr.C has a lot of recovery and massive disadvantage on hit and block.

Crouch D

crouch D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Low command 9 5 19 SKD (25: Tech / 52: Non-tech) -5 - 70 120
  • Whiff-cancelable.
  • Has an enormous hurtbox stretching from Ryo's foot to the opponent's round start distance during recovery frames.
  • 3D cancel advantage: SKD (+26: Tech / +53: Non-tech)oH / -4oB

Ryo's farthest reaching normal that works decently for space control at only -5 on block, but necessitates canceling (especially whiff-canceling) due to its enormous hurtbox during recovery.

Jump Normals

Jump A

jump A

Hop Version (Hitbox)

Hop Version (Hitbox)
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop A hop A

40 High - 5 10 1 on ground - - - 30 50

jump A jump A

45 High - 5 10 1 on ground - - - 30 60
  • Lots of active frames, but susceptible to getting low profiled under.

Jump B

jump B

Hop Version (Hitbox)

Hop Version (Hitbox)
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop B hop B

40 High - 5 8 1 on ground - - - 30 50

jump B jump B

45 High - 5 10 1 on ground - - - 30 60
  • Crossup.
  • Leaves you very close to the opponent.

Jump C

jump C

Hop Version (Hitbox)

Hop Version (Hitbox)
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop C hop C

70 High - 6 4 1 on ground - - - 70 100

jump C jump C

70 High - 6 5 1 on ground - - - 70 120
  • Susceptible to getting low profiled under, but more an issue of running out of active frames than a hitbox one.

Jump D

jump D

Hop Version (Hitbox)

Hop Version (Hitbox)
Jump Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop D hop D

70 High - 7 6 1 on ground - - - 70 100

jump D jump D

70 High - 7 7 1 on ground - - - 70 120

Great air poke. Go-to for jump-ins.

Rush Moves

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

cl.AA cl.AA

25 Mid RU 8 - - -4 -6 - 0 -

cl.AAX cl.AAX

25 Mid RU 9 - - -5 -7 - 0 -
  • 236A is the meterless ender and allows for the usual corner follow-ups. This is also the only way Ryo can low confirm into 236A.




Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 Mid command 12 5 19 Wall Splat - HKD (+76~+92) -1 - 100 160
  • Whiff-cancellable starting frame 13.
  • CD > 3D is even on block.

Above-average startup but is rather stubby. When canceled into 3D, it becomes safer and is one of Ryo's best cancel options. For example, if CD hits a grounded opponent and you cancel into 3D, you will have time to run up and perform 214BD from anywhere on the screen.



Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 Mid - 15 6 27 Crumple - HKD (+93) -10 Armor: 4 to 14 (11 frames) 0 -

Doesn't have very far range, and will not hit after 6A.



Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 Mid - 28 6 37 (on whiff) / Recovers faster on hit and block. HKD (68 - Non Throw Counter Hit) / Crumple (103 - Throw Counter Hit) 3 Full Body Armor Frames: 7 to 33 (27 frames) / Throw Counter Frames: 4 to 27 (24 Frames) 0 150
  • Same animation and range as his CD.
  • The throw counter is at the feet.

jump CD

jump CD

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop CD hop CD

80 Mid - 13 6 1 on ground SKD - - - 80

jump CD jump CD

90 Mid - 13 7 1 on ground SKD - - 80 -

j.CD has excellent range and is Ryo's biggest aerial normal. It is one of his best tools for approaching from the air.


C throw

Kyokugenryu Sanren Geki
(close) 4/6C
(close) 4/6C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 N/A - 1 1 0 HKD(+53) Unblockable - - -
  • Close hard knockdown for possible setups.

D throw

Tomoe Nage
(close) 4/6D
(close) 4/6D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 N/A - 1 1 0 HKD (+42) Unblockable - - -
  • Hard knockdown that can be taken advantage off in the corner.

Command Moves

Hyouchuu Wari

Hyouchuu Wari

"Ice Pillar Splitter" / Raw Version (Hitbox)

"Ice Pillar Splitter" / Raw Version (Hitbox)
Cancel Version

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 [55] High [Mid] super [special, A+C] 22 [15] 8 16 [21] -3 [-8] -5 [-10] - 80 -
  • Causes a spiked soft knockdown on airborne opponents if performed raw.
  • Standard raw overhead / heavy normal extender. Key frametrap tool.

A knifehand strike that hits overhead when done raw that also serves as a key frametrap/extender tool when canceled into.

Jyoudan Uke

Jyoudan Uke

"Upper Level Block"

"Upper Level Block"

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
- - special 4 14 (Parry Window) 8 - - - - -

Parries all high and mid attacks, such as jump-ins and overheads.

  • Increases Power Gauge by 80 points on successful parry.
  • Can be instantly followed up with any kind of special (including supers) or another parry.
  • Can be whiff canceled if canceled into.

Ryo's parry for high and mid attacks. On a successful parry, a distortion effect will appear in front of Ryo, and he will be able to follow up with a special move, a Super Special move, or another parry. Starts up and recovers very fast, and has a noticeably large parry window (nearly 1/4 of a second).

Gedan Uke

Gedan Uke

"Low Level Block"

"Low Level Block"

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
- - special 5 8 (Parry Window) 10 - - - - -

Parries all low attacks and low-angled projectiles (such as Joe's Hurricane Upper)

  • Increases Power Gauge by 80 points on successful parry.
  • Can be instantly followed up with any kind of special (including supers) or another parry.
  • Moves Ryo forward slightly, regardless if the parry connects or not.
  • Can parry ground-based projectiles.

Ryo's parry for low attacks. Pushes Ryo forwards, which can allow him to stay in range during pressure strings. Has 3 less overall frames than his 6B parry, which can make 3D a better option for making his moves safer (for example, st.CD becomes even on block). Has a noticeably smaller parry window than 6B, but is still able to beat most lows on reaction.

Kizami Duki

Kizami Duki

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid super 29 5 16 +6 +2 - 40 120
  • Can be easily beaten out by mashing opponents.
  • Combos into cl.D at close range.
  • Can be canceled into from Hyouchuu Wari (6A) if Hyouchuu Wari is canceled into.

A slow, wind-up punch that pushes Ryo forward. Leaves Ryo in relatively close range and is plus on block. Since Ryo is able to cancel into this move from 6A, he can use it to create frame traps/blockstrings that leave him at an advantage. As a move that has very long startup, though, this move should not be used raw.

Special Moves



"Tiger Roar" / A Version (Hitbox)

"Tiger Roar" / A Version (Hitbox)
C Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


80 Mid super 4 10 36 (10 on ground) SKD (31: Tech / 58: Non-tech) -27 Full body against non-projectile air moves: 1 to 5 (5 Frames) 80 100


125 (90+35) Mid super(1) 5 12 48 (13 on ground) SKD (17: Tech / 44: Non-tech) -38 Full Body: 1 to 9 (9 Frames) 110 (80+30) 130 (100+30)


150 Mid - 4 13 43 SKD (18: Tech / 45: Non-tech) -37 Full Body: 1 to 9 (9 Frames) 0 120

A very fast DP that is arguably one of the best anti-airs in the game since it can become a highly damaging combo starter if it hits a jumping opponent. Also an excellent combo ender with high damage potential.

623A: Allows for combos on opponents that are in the air. Options include 623C, cl.C, 2C, or 214B. Very low recovery compared to other 623As, unless it gets blocked.

623C: Hits twice. First hit does more damage than 623A, making it good for super canceling.

623AC: Hits once, but does more damage than both of 623C's hits combined. Can be used to end combos when there's no other metered options available.

Ko-Ou Ken

Ko-Ou Ken

"Tiger Fist" / A Version (Hitbox)

"Tiger Fist" / A Version (Hitbox)
C Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


75 Mid super 17 6 20 SKD (40: Tech / 67: Non-tech) -1 (Close) to 2 (Max Range) - 80 80


85 Mid super 19 9 19 SKD (33: Tech / 60: Non-tech) -5 (Close) to 3 (Max Range) - 80 100


87 (40+50) Mid - 15 Full Screen Projectile 32 SKD (42: Tech / 69: Non-tech) +1 (Close) to 20 (Max Range) - - 60 (20+40)
  • Generates a very small amount of meter during startup.
  • As only the EX version is a true fireball, the meterless versions are considered physical strikes and therefore use the standard hitbox, meaning they can't be reflected, but they can still be countered.

Ryo's "pseudo-fireball"— a mid-ranged attack that functions similarly to a fireball, but lacks the fullscreen range. Compared to true projectiles, Ko-Ou Ken has slower startup and range, but more than makes up for it with higher damage, faster recovery, and a larger vertical hitbox. It also knocks down if it hits, which is great for Ryo's pressure.

The EX version is similar to your standard fireball, especially with its slower recovery than meterless, but it is still a very fast fireball with high damage.

All versions allow for corner juggling, making this move an important part of corner combos.

236A: Used for safe blockstrings and frametraps. While it doesn't hit until frame 17, the projectile can't be prevented from coming out from frame 12 and onwards, even if Ryo gets hit - which is great for corner pressure, since you can combo even after trades. Ryo has an extended lower hurtbox during active frames, which makes it easier to punish him with a sweep.

236C: Immense forward movement, pushing Ryo about half-screen. Unsafe point blank, but can be made safer with proper spacing. Decent as a midscreen approach tool due to its absurd disjoint.

236AC: Full screen projectile that hits twice and can power through non-EX fireballs. Great for winning fireball wars. Plus on block even at point blank, allowing for some extended pressure, especially in the corner.

Hien Shipuu Kyaku

Hien Shipuu Kyaku

"Flying Gale Leg" / B Version (Hitbox)
D Version

"Flying Gale Leg" / B Version (Hitbox)
D Version
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


87 (40+50) Mid - 5 6 34 SKD (13: Tech / 40: Non-tech) -20 - 100 (40+60) 120 (60+60)


141 (40+50+60) Mid - 14 6 (10) 3 26 SKD (36: Tech / 63: Non-tech) -10 - 120 (40*3) 180 (60+60+60)


113 (30+50+40) Mid - 7 2 (2) 4 (9) 4 28 SKD (36: Tech* / 75: Non-tech) -13 - 0 160 (60+40+60)

Ryo leaps into the air and performs two flying kicks. This is your most basic combo ender, but definitely should not be randomly thrown out in neutral because of its high block disadvantage and recovery.

214B: Situational punisher and combo ender after 623A. Very high block disadvantage and recovery.

214D: Combos from lights from a very close distance. Does the most damage and has the least amount of block disadvantage/recovery, but is still a guaranteed death sentence on block. Can be used for starting corner combos. Combos into 214B.

214BD: Your go-to move in confirms. Launches the opponent.



"Relentless Fist" / Normal Version (Hitbox)

"Relentless Fist" / Normal Version (Hitbox)
EX Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


168 (0+12*9+60) Mid super(11) 8 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 28 HKD (69) -41~-29 - 0 -


128 (0+12*9+20) Mid super(11) 18 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 28 SKD (36: Tech / 63: Non-tech) -38~-26 - 0 -


158 (0+(10*2)+(10*2)+(10*2)+(10*2)+(10*2)+(10*2)+(10*4)+(14*2)+40) Mid - 15 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 28 SKD (36: Tech / 63: Non-tech) -62~-46 - 0 -
  • Functional hitgrab; the full animation will not play out unless the move properly connects.
  • Does no chip damage whatsoever.

Ryo enters a stance and performs several high speed punches with his inner fist. If any of the hits snag the opponent, it will trigger the main attack that either knocks the opponent away (646A) or launches them upwards (646C/AC). Even with meter, this move has poor range and long startup, meaning it is very hard to use as a combo starter or after 6A. Secondly, Zanretsuken pushes Ryo back on block, so if he is unable to land it, not only will Ryo be left wide open, but he will be sent out of close range, where he works best. For these reasons, Zanretsuken works best as a midcombo extender, such as 646A after 214BD or 646AC after 214BD, cl.C/cl.D.

646AC is the cornerstone of Ryo's metered combos. Faster, more damaging, and more active than 646C and even having anywhere juggle properties, it is part of what makes getting hit by Ryo's metered combos so threatening. Ryo can only connect this move once per combo, so be sure on which version you want to use.

646A: Combos from lights and causes a sliding hard knockdown, and is Ryo's only hard knockdown option outside of supers. Does more damage than the heavy version.

646C: Combos from heavies but the poor range and speed means the move will not connect after 6A. Launches the opponent. An excellent combo extender after a close heavy, and allows for more immensely damaging combos.

646AC: Does the second most damage and has anywhere juggle properties. Launches the opponent. Applies heavy scaling (counts as 10hits - so +50% DR), so be careful with where you use it in a combo (damage representation has been modified accordingly to help understand Damage Scaling)

Super Special Moves

Haoh Shoukou Ken

Haoh Shoukou Ken

"Supreme Ruler's Roaring Fist" / Normal Version (Hitbox)

"Supreme Ruler's Roaring Fist" / Normal Version (Hitbox)
Max Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

A or C A or C

180 Mid advanced, climax 19 Full Screen Projectile 57 HKD (+35) -27 (Close) to 13 (Max Range) Full Body: 1 to 3 (3 Frames) 0 -


320 Mid climax 13 Full Screen Projectile 50 HKD(+64) -20 (Close) to -6 (Max Range) Full Body: 1 (1 Frame) 0 -
  • Massive fireball.
  • A version is slow enough to catch people rolling/jumping expecting the C version.
  • C version is very fast, for catching people doing special moves from full screen away.
  • MAX version is as fast as C version, but with a longer activation freeze.
  • MAX version lets you juggle after when canceled into from the final hit of Ranbu.

Ryo shoots a massive fireball from his hands. Compared to Robert's fireball super, it's a bit slower by a frame (level 2) or two (level 1), but it has significantly less recovery.

Ryuuko Ranbu

Ryuuko Ranbu

"Dragon & Tiger Wild Dance"/ Normal Version (Hitbox)
"Kyokugen-ryu secret technique!"

"Dragon & Tiger Wild Dance"/ Normal Version (Hitbox)
"Kyokugen-ryu secret technique!"
Max Version

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


200 (0 + 5*2 + 10 + 5 + 10*2 + 5 + 10 + 5*4 + 120) Mid advanced, climax 10 20 22 HKD(+47) -29 Full Body: 1 to 5 (5 Frames) 0 -


200 (0 + 5*2 + 10 + 5 + 10*2 + 5 + 10 + 5*4 + 120) Mid advanced, climax 12 20 22 HKD(+47) -29 Full Body: 1 to 5 (5 Frames) 0 -


330 (0 + 10*3 + 15 + 10 + 15*2 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 15 + 10 + 30*2 + 100) Mid climax (1~15,18) 10 21 21 HKD(+44) -9 Full Body: 1 to 17 (17 Frames) 0 -
  • Full screen dash into a flurry of strikes.
  • A version stops slightly short of full screen.
  • C version goes full screen.
  • MAX version goes full screen (but slower than C version), and has full invulnerability for ~the first 1/3 of travel.

Ryo lunges forward with a knee and performs his iconic Ryuuko Ranbu if it lands. Synergizes very well with Ryo's kit, and is very easy to cancel into from his moves.

Climax Super Special Moves

Shin • Tenchi Haoh Ken

Shin • Tenchi Haoh Ken

"True Heaven and Earth Supreme Fist"
"One hit certain death!"

"True Heaven and Earth Supreme Fist"
"One hit certain death!"

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
450 Min:270 Mid - 13 3 60 HKD(+3) Guard Crush (-14) Full Body: 1 to 14 (14 Frames) 0 -
  • Full invincibility.
  • The guard crush effect is to your detriment, since all it does is reset the opponent's guard gauge.
  • Does no extra damage whatsoever on a counter hit due to a cinematic 0 damage hit at the start.

A massive punch with more range than the animation implies. Damage is not affected by counterhits.


Alternate Colors

Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4
Color 5
Color 6
Color 7
Color 8


Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia Reveal Trailer
The King of Fighters XV



The King of Fighters XV

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