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XV Broken/Isla

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Isla is an extremely energetic graphic artist based in South America. Though she lives a life of solitude, she has developed a deep and trusting relationship with her phantom arms, Amanda.

However, when push comes to shove, Isla is no joke as she uses Amanda and her spray cans to mix up whoever gets in her way. She has a bright and cheery personality, but for some reason, she seems to really have it out for Shun’ei.

Isla is a highly mobile character with excellent pokes to complement her tricky approach options. Her high run speed and variety of ways to attack from different air angles makes her offense difficult to predict while her formidable pokes and unorthodox fireball can help convince the opponent to stand still long enough for Isla to get her rushdown game started. Isla spends meter quite effectively but isn't helpless without it as many of her meterless combos can end with a hard knockdown into a safe jump. On defense she has an above-average suite of anti-air normals but her full-body invincible reversal (dp+D) is rather slow and has a blind spot very close to the ground allowing some characters to low-profile it with certain moves.


(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK

(Midair Only) = Can only be done in the air.

(Air OK) = Can be done on both the ground and in the air.

All-City - / +
Crossing Out - / +
Command Normals
Cloud - +
Designs - +
Special Moves
Drips Forward - + / (Midair Only)
Drips Backward - + (Midair Only)
Drips Vertical - + (Midair Only)
Piecing A - + (Midair Only) (*)
Piecing B - + (Midair Only)
Piecing C - + / (Midair Only) (*)
Fill-in - + / (*)
Scribe - + / (*)
To Front - + / (*)
┗Brake -
┗Throwie A - (After To Front or EX)
┗Throwie B - (After To Front or EX)
┗Throwie C - (After To Front or EX)
┗Piecing A - + (*)
┗Piecing B - +
┗Piecing C - + / (*)
Super Special Moves
Back to Back - + / (Air OK) (!)
Wild Style - + / (!)
Climax Super Special Moves
King of Piece: I&A - ++

Quick Combo Reference

Quick Combo Reference


0 Meter

cl. C, fwd+B, air qcb B/D
cr. B, cr. A, qcf B

( = 184
( = 125

1 Meter

cr. B, cr. A, qcf B, qcf qcf A/C, qcf D, A
cl. C, fwd+B, air qcf BD, dp BD, air qcf D

( = 302
( = 351

1.5 Meter

cl. C, fwd+B, air qcf BD, dp D, air qcf qcf B/D
cr. B, cr. A, qcf BD, A, dp B, air qcf qcf B/D

( = 430
( = 344

2 Meters

df+D, quick max, cl. C, fwd+B, air qcf BD, dp BD, air qcf D, air qcf qcf B/D
cl. C, fwd+B, air qcf BD, dp BD, air qcf D, air qcf qcf B/D

( = 449
( = 470

3 Meters

far C, qcf B, qcf qcf A/C, qcf D, qcf qcf BD
df+D, quick max, cl. C, qcf B, qcf qcf A/C, qcf D, qcb hcf CD

( = 518
( = 568

Gameplay Overview

Far C with qcb+B buffered behind it is an excellent poke that is safe on block and difficult to punish. Many of her air specials alter her jumping trajectory and allow her to approach unpredictably from the air. Jump CD can be canceled into air specials which allows her to add another layer of unpredictability to her offense while remaining relatively safe behind the long blockstun of the jump CD. Counterhit jump CD's can be picked up into juggles with qcf B from midscreen or dp D near the corner. Jump D is an unorthodox jumping normal which hits at a downwards angle behind her. This uniquely gives her a way to attack from nasty crossup ranges similarly to Iori's j. back+B.

She has an exceptional stand CD with ways to convert stray grounded hits into combos from almost any position on screen.

Isla's combos are highly versatile and she has options to spend just about any quantity of meter off of most situations to perfectly cash out your resources into damage and okizeme as the situation necessitates.

cr. C, cl. C, stand A, and all her jumping buttons besides j. D are good at controlling the air. Additionally she has an upper-body invincible dp (dp+B) which hits at a decent upwards angle above and in front of her. Her dp is somewhat slow which makes it more difficult - though not impossible - to use as an anti-hop tool.

Isla's reversal options are relatively weak with dp+D being her only meterless option with full-body invincibility. Like dp+B her dp+D is rather slow and susceptible to being low profiled by some characters. Her qcfqcf BD super has considerable invincibility and moves her forwards quite a bit before losing invincibility. Qcfqcf AC has strike invincibility until startup but does nothing if it trades. It does have full projectile invincibility which makes it quite useful for punishing fireballs on reaction from about half to 3/4 screen distance and leads to better damage than qcfqcf BD because Isla can juggle into qcf D afterwards.


Far Standing Normals

Far A

Far A
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
25 30 6 - - - -3
  • Standard anti-hop normal. Able to hit crouching opponents too.

Far B

Far B
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
30 30 5 - - - -2
  • Good close range harassment poke. Not much reward without spending meter but useful for halting enemy movement and resetting to neutral situation.

Far C

Far C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 12 - - - -4
  • Incredible poke that can be canceled into qcf B on block or hit for easy confirms. Covers hops very effectively and is very difficult (in many cases impossible without meter) to whiff punish on reaction. Vulnerable to being jumped over but the opponent must input the jump before any visual indication of this move coming out.

Far D

Far D
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80 70 7 - - - -2
  • Situational anti-air button that hits right above and in front of Isla's head. Stops hops and some jump ins but somewhat difficult to use because she isn't invincible and doesn't lower her hurtbox while performing this move.

Close Standing Normals

Close A

Close A
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
25 30 5 - - - -1
  • Fairly standard close A. Chains into other lights making it a good button in pressure sequences as stray hits can lead into combos. Has a good hitbox above her head which makes it a serviceable anti-air in some situations. Can be canceled into forward+B during pressure sequences to access her jumping special moves.

Close B

Close B
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
30 30 5 - - - +1
  • Standing low that can be chained into other lights. Very useful button for establishing close-range pressure and a potential combo starter as well.

Close C

Close C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 5 - - - -1
  • Phenomenal speed and vertical range while also being cancelable into forward+B and any special/super. Cancelability makes it useful in blockstrings to continue pressure if opponent blocks and on hit can convert into high reward. Speed and verticality allow this button to work well as an anti-air in some situations.

Close D

Close D
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80 70 6 - - - -3
  • In many ways this button can be seen as a strictly worse option to close C. Shares many of the same properties (cancelability, fast, vertical) but activation range feels shorter (needs testing!) and vertical hitbox is not nearly as pronounced as close C. Does more damage than close C which makes it useful for punishes.

Crouch Normals

Crouch A

Crouch A
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
25 30 6 - - - +2
  • Relatively standard crouch A. Especially useful to end light chains as it hits from a decent range and is cancelable. Shares many similarities with other cancelable light normals as far as usage.

Crouch B

Crouch B
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
30 30 4 - - - -1
  • Good range, low, and chainable. Similar usage as crouch A except more useful near the beginning of chains due to its low property as well as the fact that it isn't special/super cancelable.

Crouch C

Crouch C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 6 - - - -2
  • Solid anti-air. Can be canceled into specials to juggle anti-aired opponents on counterhit and can also be chained into forward+B on grounded hit for big reward or pressure on block.

Crouch D

Crouch D
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80 70 9 - - - -2
  • Fairly standard KOF sweep but also lacking in range. Short range limits its use as a mid range low poke but remains useful as a staggered low option to catch opponents standing or trying to act during block pressure. Special cancel property allows Isla to end her pressure safely.

Jump Normals

Jump A

Jump A
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
45 30 6 - - - -
  • Great horizontal range and speed. Excels at air-to-air exchanges where opponent is about level with Isla.

Jump B

Jump B
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
45 30 5 - - - -
  • Fast air-to-ground normal that can cross up ambiguously. Converting crossup hits into combos requires late jump in timing. Also useful for hitting air-to-air when Isla is above the opponent.

Jump C

Jump C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 7 - - - -
  • Fantastic air-to-ground button. Vertical range is pretty large and begins large combos. Might be able to instant overhead some characters (didn't think to test this)

Jump D

Jump D
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 6 - - - -
  • Isla kicks in the opposite direction that she is facing. This move is designed to be used after Isla jumps over the opponent. Strong combo starter but requires a hit closer to the ground in order to convert. Also good to use if opponent crosses under Isla's jumps to make her intended jump in whiff.

Hop Normals

Hop A

Hop A
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
40 30 6 - - - -
  • Great horizontal range and speed. Excels at air-to-air exchanges where opponent is about level with Isla. Hop version is especially useful to put a relatively large hitbox on the screen at a spacing that many characters like to occupy.

Hop B

Hop B
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
40 30 5 - - - -
  • Fast air-to-ground normal that can cross up ambiguously. Converting crossup hits into combos requires late jump in timing.

Hop C

Hop C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 7 - - - -
  • Fantastic air-to-ground button. Vertical range is pretty large and begins large combos.

Hop D

Hop D
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
70 70 6 - - - -
  • Isla kicks in the opposite direction that she is facing. This move is designed to be used after Isla jumps over the opponent. Strong combo starter but requires a hit closer to the ground in order to convert. (Remember that you cannot hop over opponents that are knocked down!) Very useful for hopping over an opponent who is crouching expecting a low light chain but requires some conditioning.


Stand CD

Stand CD
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
75 100 14 - - - -7
  • Average startup but incredible range and hitbox. Isla can convert stray grounded stand CD hits into combos from just about anywhere on screen. Having meter gives her more potential conversions.

Jump CD

Jump CD
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
90 80 13 - - - -
  • Decent angle for both air-to-air as well as air-to-ground. Isla's suite of air specials combined with this button's special cancelable property and long blockstun makes this an incredible tool for applying pressure on blocking opponents. Jumping version will likely be used more often to control space than to explicitly attack.

Hop CD

Hop CD
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80 80 13 - - - -
  • Decent angle for both air-to-air as well as air-to-ground. Isla's suite of air specials combined with this button's special cancelable property and long blockstun makes this an incredible tool for applying pressure on blocking opponents. Hopping version is especially useful for applying quick, hard-to-stop pressure.


Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - - -
  • Given how useful Isla's C buttons are, this throw will be a common sight. Hard knockdown allows for a safejump that can leave Isla outside of opponent's (normal) throw range even if Isla doesn't perform a jumping attack. The safe jump loses that anti-reversal throw property if the opponent is thrown close to the corner.

Crossing Out
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - - -
  • Useful throw for repositioning self or opponent but somewhat higher risk due to the less versatile/forgiving nature of Isla's D normals. Also allows for a safe jump that leaves Isla outside of opponent's throw range if performed mid screen. Like C throw, if opponent is thrown into the corner the safe jump might lose to wakeup reversal throw if done empty.

Command Moves

Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
45 40 17 - - - -5
  • Some low invulnerability. Allows Isla to access her air special moves in the middle of combos and blockstrings. This makes her pressure less linear and her combos more rewarding. Combos off of close heavy normals as well as cr. C.

Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
65 60 15 - - - -7~0
  • Slide designed to sneak in an unexpected low if done raw or as combo filler for quick max routes. Highly effective low poke especially when backed up with 2+ bar for quick max to keep it safe or convert into damage. Doesn't low profile very well (needs more testing)

Special Moves

Drips Forward

Drips Forward
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
A - - - - - - -
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
C - - - - - - -
  • Isla jumps forward off the purple hands in midair. Button strength controls distance with A going far and C going short. Isla is allowed to perform a jumping normal afterwards. This move is useful for altering her air trajectory and attacking at unexpected times and angles.

Drips Backward

Drips Backward
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - - -
  • The reverse of j. qcf A/C - this move makes Isla jump backwards off the purple hands in midair instead of forwards.

Drips Vertical

Drips Vertical
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - - -
  • Isla jumps vertically off the purple hands in midair.

Piecing A

Piecing A
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
B 80 60 14 - - - -
  • Isla performs a dive kick aimed at an angle down and in front of her. Slightly negative on block which makes it useful for ending forward+B pressure sequences while minimizing risk at farther spacings. Punishable if done too close. Can be performed from a backdash.
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
BD 20*2+70 0 11 - - - -
  • EX version is useful in combos as it gains a followup that launches the opponent into the air. Becomes unsafe on block.

Piecing B

Piecing B
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
65/20*2+70 60/0 24/11 - - - -
  • Isla performs an arcing drop kick that propels her horizontally some distance while falling. Covers a large amount of space depending on the height from which it was performed and is safe on block (I think? Someone confirm). Can be canceled into her jumping qcf qcf B/D/BD super on hit. Can be performed from a backdash.

Piecing C

Piecing C
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
B 80 60 21 - - - -
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
D 80 60 21 - - - -
  • Isla briefly halts her air momentum and attacks directly beneath her. Hits overhead and is especially useful for double "overhead" sequences by canceling jump CD or forward+B on block to sneak in an overhead. Awards a hard knockdown on hit which allows for safe jumps. Also safe on block (I think - someone confirm)
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
BD 138 0 21 - - - -
  • EX version gains a followup that launches the opponent but requires opponent to be cornered to continue combos. Becomes unsafe on block (I think)


Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
A 60 40 19 - - - -9
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
C 60 40 19 - - - -15
  • Angled fireball that launches towards the ground at an angle from high above Isla's head. Angle is determined by button strength with A going short and C going long. Upon contact with the ground the can explodes expelling another hitbox on the ground for a short time and distance past the initial contact point. The can itself also has a hitbox which allows this move to anti-air reasonably well if done proactively. Projectile hits can be canceled into super.
Version Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
AC 80 0 19 - - - -9
  • EX version's followup paint explosion travels much faster and farther. Also gains more projectile durability (I'm pretty sure but didn't test)


Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80/120/120 80/80/0 10/12/14 - - - -29/-33/-33
  • Isla's "dragon punch" move. Does not become active until Isla is about 90 degrees in to her backflip which makes this move feel somewhat sluggish. B version is faster and has upper-body invincibility which makes it a good anti-air while D version is slower but has full body invincibility. D version is her best meterless reversal option on wakeup or during block pressure.
  • EX version is only upper-body invincible and even slower than both versions making it a poor reversal but allows Isla to act in the air after she completes her backflip. She can combo into j. qcf D on hit.

To Front

To Front
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80/60/60 80/60/0 14/18/14 - - - -5/-5/-5
  • B version makes Isla dash forward and perform a kick if she reaches her opponent during the dash. If she doesn't then she enters a fairly long recovery period. D version is slower to start up than B but also has followups which will be discussed below.
D during To Front
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - - -
  • Isla halts her forward dash and is able to act again after a brief recovery.
Throwie A
A after D or EX To Front
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
60/90 60/0 7/7 - - - -15/-8
  • The purple hands hit the opponent for a hard knockdown. Combos on hit and is the preferred meterless ender for qcf D. Punishable on block.
  • If done after qcf BD the purple hands dribble the opponent and leave them in a ground bounce state allowing Isla to juggle into dp+B or any normal for a reset.
Throwie B
B after D or EX To Front
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
40/60 40/0 10/7 - - - -7/-2
  • The purple hands perform a quick sweep leading to a soft knockdown on hit. Combos on hit but highly punishable on block making this a risky move to perform especially because defending against it is trivial.
  • EX version is safe on block.
Throwie C
C after D or EX To Front
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
- - - - - - -
  • Isla jumps forward off the purple hands. While airborne she is able to perform her air special moves that don't involve jumping off the hands.
  • If done after qcf BD Isla has access to her jumping normals as well.
Piecing A
236B after Throwie C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80 60 14 - - - -
  • Probably has the same properties as air qcf B.
Piecing B
236D after Throwie C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
65/20n+70 60 24/11 - - - -
  • Probably has the same properties as air qcf D.
Piecing C
214B/D after Throwie C
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
80/138 60/0 21/21 - - - -
  • Probably has the same properties as air qcb B/D.

Super Special Moves

Back to Back
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
170/300 - 12/10 - - - -46/-54
  • Ground version: Isla launches herself horizontally full screen. Best use case is likely to end combos after you've already hit them with the qcfqcf A/C super. Leads to a safe jump. EX version is fully invincible.
  • Air version: Isla launches herself horizontally full screen. Can be useful for catching people committing to jumps but most frequently will be used to end combos. EX version probably invincible. Usually side switches and poor frame advantage afterwards.

Wild Style
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
110/240 - 13/11 - - - -15/-25
  • The purple hands extend horizontally from Isla for a bit and a successful hit leads to an animation super. Isla can combo after this super finishes. EX version gains some strike invincibility and full projectile invincibility. Useful to punish fireballs from about half screen.

King of Piece:I&A
Damage Stun Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv
450 - 12 - - - -42
  • Fully invincible and hits a short distance in front of Isla. Fairly standard climax super.


Safe jumps on hard knockdown:

Forward throw: Running hyper hop forward (out of range for reversal throw if done midscreen)

Backward throw: Wait for a moment and super jump (out of range for reversal throw if done midscreen)

qcf D, A: Wait for a moment and forward hop

qcf BD, B: cr. A, hyper hop forward

air qcb B/D (on standing or crouching opponent): Wait for a moment, cr. A, forward hop

Safe jumps on soft knockdown with recovery roll:

qcf B: Immediate hyper hop forward (Must connect early to be in range)


Isla Reveal Trailer


The King of Fighters XV

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