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The King of Fighters XV/Rock Howard/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A > f.B > 6A 107 Optimal light starter. 6A will whiff if canceled into from longer ranges. A general rule of thumb is 6A will whiff after a string of 4 light normals. If you find yourself in a range where 6A will not connect, use the below starter.
2B > 2A > f.B 65 Light starter for when 6A is too far to connect. Can add an additional 2A/2B depending on range. Just about the only things you can combo into from a far 5B are 214A, 236AC, 236236P, and Climax, so keep this in mind in situations where a light normal into 6A won't work.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
cl.C > 6A 117 Standard heavy starter and Rock's most consistent combo starter.
cl.D > 6A 127 More damaging than the above at the cost of slightly slower startup on cl.D. Useful for punishes or after landing a deep jump-in.
cl.D > 6B 146 6B does more damage than 6A. While it does combo from cl.C as well, cl.D's lesser pushback makes it more reliable for going into 6B. Note 623C will whiff on this starter.
cl.B > cl.A, cl.C > 6A 158 Link into cl.C > 6A. Optimal heavy starter in terms of damage, though Rock needs to be point blank to get cl.C after cl.A.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


General Notes:

  • Any combo that starts with 2B*2 > f.B > 6A can also be started with cl.C/cl.D/2C > 6A.

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 138 0 Rush combo ending in a special move.
cl.A > A > A > C 223 1 Rush combo ending in a super.
cl.A > A > A > D 351 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super.
cl.A > A > A > A 450 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Starter > 623C ~ AB, 214C 241/269 255/250 36% Anywhere Meterless BNB after a confirm into 6A. If you have your install up, you can land an OTG 236C after if close enough to the corner.
Starter > 623C ~ AB, 236A, 623A 255/285 295/290 42% Corner Meterless corner BNB. The above combo does more damage if you tack on a super afterward compared to a super cancel from this one, otherwise use this one if you can't/don't want to use a super.
2B > 2A > 6A > 632146P 180 105 25.5% Anywhere A niche combo that trades damage for a sideswap, useful if you're in the corner. Usually works as 2 light normals into 6A, though cl.A > cl.B and cl.B > cl.A > f.B > 6A works too. Does not work at longer ranges, after Heavy Starters, or after any Heavy normal.
5C > 214C 180 150 24% Anywhere Small close or far C combo in case you're too far away for Rock's other combo starters.
CD > 236A, 214K ~ C 169 200 26.5% Midscreen Midscreen CD confirm. Also works if your back is to the corner, but not when the opponent is in the corner.
CD, 623C ~ AB, 236A, 623A 203 260 37.5% Corner Corner CD confirm.
632146P ~ AB, 236A, 623C ~ AB, 236A, 623A 160 220 41% Cornered A way to squeeze a little extra damage off a command grab. Otherwise just let the command grab play out to deal 115 damage.

0.5 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Starter > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C 312/350 255/250 36% Anywhere Great damage and meter gain for just half a bar.
Starter > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 236A, 623A 325/365 295/290 42% Corner
Starter > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 236A, cl.D/2D 326/366 305/300 33% Corner Alternate ender that does slightly more damage(but less metergain) and gives a different post-combo situation(air reset for cl.D).
2B > 2B > 2B > f.B > 236AC, 214C 224 155 24.5% Anywhere Suboptimal but idiot-proof confirm.
632146P ~ AB, 236A, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 236A, 623A 202 220 -10% Back to Corner
632146AC, run, 623C ~ AB, 214C 196 120 -25% Anywhere EX command grab combo. Possible anywhere on screen, but more difficult the closer you are to the corner.
236BD, run, 623C ~ AB, 214C 187 120 -25% Anywhere Confirm after an EX counter. The combo will be exactly the same as the 632146AC combo.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Starter > 6A > 214AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C 369/418 255/250 1 45% Anywhere Cannot omit 6A anymore if using a light starter.
Starter > 6A > 214AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 236A, cl.D/2D 381/432 305/300 1 45% Corner No longer drops on certain characters, works on everyone as of version 2.20.
Starter > 6A > 623BD, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 236A, cl.D/2D 378/428 305/300 1 45% Corner Not as optimal compared to the above combo.
CD, 214K ~ C > 236236K 248 140 1 20% Anywhere Except Corner Most consistent CD combo.
CD > 236A, 214K ~ dl.C > 236236K 277 200 1 25% Midscreen Requires you to delay Rage Run's C follow-up to land all 5 hits of Shine Knuckle. Not really worth the extra damage when the above is easier.
CD > 236A, 214K ~ C > 236236P 289 200 1 25% Anywhere Except Corner Works regardless of the opponent's height when C followup hits, though you lose out on corner carry.
CD, 623BD, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 236A, cl.D 306 270 1 35% Corner Same as your corner combo.
236CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C 245 120 1 (Refunded 0.5) 80% Anywhere Shatter strike combo. If out of range for 623C, skip it and go straight into 214C.
632146P ~ AB, 214C > 236236K 188 80 1 20% Anywhere
632146P ~ AB, 236A, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P 249 180 1 40% Back to Corner
632146P ~ AB, 623BD, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 236A, cl.D 231 170 1 30% Back to Corner Works from further away from the corner.
632146AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C 257 120 1 30% Midscreen/Corner Doesn't work if Rock has his back to the corner.
Starter > 6A > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 420/476 255/250 1.5 45% Anywhere Either super works here. 236236P does slightly more damage, but 236236K grants much better corner carry and okizeme opportunity. In the corner however, the screen carry and oki is less significant so 236236P is the preferred ender there. The damage notation here assumes you've used 236236K.
Starter > 6A > 214AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 407/464 255/250 1.5 40% Anywhere Easier but slightly weaker version of the above.
CD, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P 352 220 1.5 40% Corner
236CD (AA), 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C 336 120 1.5 (Refunded 0.5) 80% Midscreen Rock can only meaningfully use EX moves after Shatter Strikes midscreen if they hit in the air.
236CD, 623C ~ AB, dl.236AC, 236A, cl.D/2D 342 270 1.5 (Refunded 0.5) 20% Corner
632146P ~ AB, 236A, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P 293 180 1.5 40% Back to Corner
632146AC, run, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 346/335 120 1.5 30% Anywhere If you don't run close enough before the 623C, 236236P can drop, so 236236K is even more recommended as the ender here for consistency.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
2B*2 > 5B > 6A > 214AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 489/479 270 2 45% Anywhere
... > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 464/454 400 2 15% Anywhere 1000 and 1250 Max Mode Timer combo. Damage values listed are after a 2B*2 > 5B > 6A starter.
... > BC > c.D > 214AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 486/476 340 2 15% Anywhere 1500 Max Mode Timer combo.
CD > 236A, 214K ~ C > 236236AC 452 200 2 25% Midscreen This combo is still consistent without the 236A.
CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 453 220 2 40% Corner This combo does the same damage as a combo with EX moves, but the oki is much better.
236CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 415/398 120 2 80% Anywhere
632146P ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 290 80 2 20% Anywhere
632146P ~ AB, 236A, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 324 180 2 40% Back to Corner
632146P ~ AB, 623BD, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P 321 120 2 30% Back to Corner
632146AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P or K 397/387 120 2 30% Midscreen/Corner
2B*2 > 5B > 6A > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 542 270 2.5 45% Anywhere
2B*2 > 5B > 214AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 510 210 2.5 40% Anywhere
CD, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 521 220 2.5 40% Corner
236CD, 623C ~ AB, 236AC, 214C > 236236P 475 120 2.5 80% Corner
632146P ~ AB, 236A, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 368 180 2.5 40% Back to Corner
632146P ~ AB, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 352 120 2.5 30% Back to Corner
632146AC, run, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 428 120 2.5 30% Anywhere

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
2B*2 > 5B > 6A > 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236K > 236236AC 588 270 3 45% Anywhere Swap the supers if you're in the corner for more damage.
2B*2 > 5B > 214AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 558 210 3 40% Anywhere
... > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 214236CD or 236214CD 589/564 400 3 15% Anywhere 1000 Max timer combo. Rock does comparable damage with his Max confirms to his regular combos.
... > BC, cl.D > 214A > 236236P > 214236CD or 236214CD 600/572 280 3 15% Anywhere 1250 Max timer combo. Leaving 6A out of the combo after the Quick Max tends to help the scaling.
... > BC, cl.D > 6A > 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236214CD or 236214CD 638/613 400 3 15% Anywhere 1500 Max timer combo.
CD, 214K ~ C > 236236K > 236236AC 549 140 3 20% Anywhere
CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236K > 236236AC 571 220 3 40% Corner The order of the supers results in the same damage here so take your pick.
236CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 542 120 3 80% Anywhere
632146P ~ AC, 214D ~ C > 236236P > 236236BD 380 40 3 20% Anywhere The usual 214C combo works here too, you'll just have to swap supers for 10 less damage.
632146P ~ AC, 236A, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 414 180 3 40% Back to Corner
632146AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 472 120 3 30% Anywhere
2B*2 > 5B > 6A > 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 636 270 3.5 45% Anywhere
2B*2 > 5B > 214AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 604 210 3.5 40% Anywhere
CD, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 628 220 3.5 40% Corner
236CD, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC 586 120 3.5 30% Corner
632146P ~ AC, 236A, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 458 180 3.5 40% Back to Corner
632146P ~ AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 442 120 3.5 30% Back to Corner
632146AC, run, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 511 120 3.5 30% Anywhere

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
2B*2 > 5B > 6A > 623C ~ AB, 214A > 236236P > 214236CD or 236214CD 665/632 250 4 40% Anywhere Keeping the combo short with 214A tends to improve the scaling in Climax combos. Note that 214P > 236236P can drop when done at too far ranges; use 236236K if you aren't confident in the spacing.
... > BC, cl.D > 214A > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 690/662 280 4 15% Anywhere 1250 Max timer combo.
... > BC, cl.D > 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 713/688 400 4 15% Anywhere 1500 Max timer combo. Stronger than your 4.5 bar combos.
BC, cl.D > 6A > 214A > 236236K > 236236AC > 214236CD 1016 190 4 0 Anywhere Raw Max kill confirm.
CD, 214K ~ C > 236236K > 214236CD or 236214CD 622/584 140 4 20% Anywhere
CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 214236CD or 236214CD 648/615 220 4 40% Corner
236CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236K > 236236AC 678 120 4 30% Anywhere
632146P ~ AB, 623BD, 236AC, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 486 120 4 30% Back to Corner
632146AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 236236BD 562 120 4 30% Midscreen/Corner

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
2B*2 > 5B > 6A > 623C ~ AB, 214A > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 770/737 250 5 40%
CD > 236A, 214D ~ C > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 767/732 200 5 25% Midscreen
CD, 623C ~ AB, 214A > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 767/732 200 5 30% Corner
236CD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236P > 214236CD or 236214CD 775/735 120 5 80% Anywhere
632146P ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 535/507 80 5 20% Anywhere
632146P ~ AB, 214A > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 549/524 180 5 40% Back to Corner
632146AC, 623BD, 623C ~ AB, 214C > 236236AC > 214236CD or 236214CD 622/597 120 5 30% Midscreen/Corner

External Links

Rock Combos by Meno


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