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The King of Fighters XV/Mai Shiranui/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A 38 Standard low light confirm.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
cl.C/2C > 3D (1) 98 Standard heavy starter. 2C's horizontal range is larger than cl.C's activation range, but 5C has greater vertical coverage if hopped over.
cl.D > 3D (1) 108 Slightly more damage, but cl.D's slower startup and smaller activation range means it's better to save this for guaranteed punishes.
cl.B > 5D 87 Special cancellable target combo.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75


Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 129 0 Rush combo ending in a special move.
cl.A > A > A > C 242 1 Rush combo ending in a super.
cl.A > A > A > D 356 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super.
cl.A > A > A > A 444 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super.


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 236B 116 125 0 18% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 236D 197 170 0 26.5% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 214A, 2D 224 240 0 29.5% Corner
CD, 236D 124 140 0 19.5% Anywhere Works anywhere on some characters, but drops when cornered on others. Also does more damage when the opponent is near the corner, where both hits of 236D connect.
CD, 214A, 2D 172 250 0 27% Corner


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 214AC, 236D 224 125 0.5 20.5% Anywhere
Light Starter > [2]9AC~j.214AC, 214C 232 165 0.5 19.5% Corner
Heavy Starter > 214AC, 236D 284 170 0.5 26.5% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 214AC, 214C, 2D 329 280 0.5 33.5% Corner Sweep ender.
CD, 214AC, 214C, cl.C 239 290 0.5 30% Corner Be aware, the cl.C ender will leave you in wakeup throw range without immediately walking back after.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 214AC, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C 320 165 1.0 19.5% Anywhere
Light Starter > 214AC, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C, 5C 351 235 1.0 26.5% Corner Corner extension.
Heavy Starter > 236BD, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C 377 210 1.0 25.5% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 214A, [2]9AC~214AC, 214AC, j.4/6C 401 170 1.0 31.5% Corner Air throw ender.
CD, 236BD, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C 255 220 1.0 23% Anywhere
Light/Heavy Starter > 214AC, 236BD, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C 348/408 165/210 1.5 19.5%/25.5% Anywhere Huge damage and corner carry, but in the corner it requires a very specific delay between 214AC and 236BD.
Light Starter > [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236K 360 165 1.5 19.5% Corner
Light Starter > 214AC, 236D > 2141236K 359 250 1.5 21% Corner Slightly less damage than the above combo, but no charge needed.
Heavy Starter > 214A, 214AC, 236B > 2141236K 436 250 1.5 35.5% Corner

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 214AC, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236K 417 165 2.0 19.5% Anywhere The timing for the dive changes in the corner.
Light Starter > 214AC, 214C, [2]9AC~214AC, 236B > 2141236K 459 245 2.0 33.5% Corner A delay between 214C and [2]9AC~214AC may be necessary.
Heavy Starter > 236BD, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236K 474 210 2.0 25.5% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 214A, 214AC, [2]9AC~214AC, 236B > 2141236K 509 250 2.0 35.5% Corner
Light/Heavy Starter > BC > cl.D > 3D (1) > 214AC, 236D > 2141236K 361/421 215/260 2.0 4%/10% Anywhere 1000 and 1250 Quick Max midscreen combo. Quick Max is not optimal from the listed starters, but used for conversions from far pokes/3D (1). Note for all Quick Max routes: it may be necessary to use cl.C instead of cl.D for conversions from far range.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC > cl.D > 3D (1) > [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236K 366/426 255/300 2.0 4%/10% Anywhere 1000 and 1250 Quick Max corner combo.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC > cl.D > 214AC, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C (1) > 2141236K 396/456 175/220 2.0 4%/10% Anywhere 1500 Quick Max midscreen and corner combo. The timing on the super cancel can cause the last hit of 2141236K to drop, 236236P can be used instead for more consistency but slightly less damage.
CD, 236BD, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236K 352 220 2.0 23% Anywhere Corner to corner.
Light/Heavy Starter > 214AC, 236BD, [2]9AC~214AC, 214C 445/505 165/210 2.5 19.5%/25.5% Anywhere
Light Starter > [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236BD 458 165 2.5 19.5% Corner
Light Starter > 214AC, 236D > 2141236BD 446 125 2.5 21% Corner Delaying the super cancel is required to avoid drops.
Heavy Starter > 214A, 214AC, 236B > 2141236BD 517 250 2.5 35.5% Corner

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 236B > 2141236K > 236236AC 523 125 3.0 18% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 236D > 2141236K > 236236AC 604 170 3.0 26.5% Anywhere
Light/Heavy Starter > BC > cl.D > 3D (1) > 214AC, 236D > 2141236CD 492/552 215/260 3.0 4%/10% Anywhere 1000 Quick Max midscreen combo.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC > cl.D > 3D (1) > [2]9AC~214AC, 214C > 2141236CD 499/559 255/300 3.0 4%/10% Anywhere 1000 Quick Max corner combo.
Light/Heavy Starter > BC > cl.D > 236D > 2141236K > 2141236CD 579/639 195/240 3.0 4%/10% Anywhere 1250 and 1500 Quick Max midscreen and corner combo.
CD, 2141236K > 236236AC 450 140 2.0 19.5% Anywhere Doesn't work when cornered.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
2B > 2A > QUICK MAX > close C > 3D > 236D > 2141236KK > 2141236CD 639 215 4 0 Anywhere Wait to level 3 until all hits of the level 2 have connected. If you use this exact starter the level 2 ends at 19 hits.

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
2C > 3D > 214AC > 236BD > 214C > 2141236K > j.2141236CD 660 210 5 0.3 Anywhere Prone to accidental cross-overs if you reach the corner with 236BD. Requires very specific timing on the 236BD if started in the corner.
2C > 3D > 236BD > 214AC > 214C > 2141236K > j.2141236CD 676 210 5 0.3 Mid-screen to Corner

External Links

Mai Combos by Meno


The King of Fighters XV

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