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The King of Fighters XV/King of Dinosaurs/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A 38 Standard two-hit low light confirm. Can add up to two additional 2A for 60 and 81 damage.
5B 30 Special cancellable midrange poke. Does not whiff cancel, making it an excellent empty cancel button. Shifts forward during the animation, allowing for consistent conversions (e.g., 236AC).

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2C > 4A 127 4A shifts forward significantly, providing combo stability. However, 4A will whiff on crouching opponents if 2C is blocked, effectively requiring a jump-in to confirm the string.
2C > 6A 117 6A is generally worse than 4A (less damage and forward movement). However, 6A will hit crouching opponents even if 2C is blocked, making it confirmable. Though the string can drop after a jump-in.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 206 0 Rush combo ending in a special move. This is Dinosaur's highest meterless damage off of point blank cr.B
cl.A > A > A > C 230 1 Rush combo ending in a super. 294 damage when using 214A follow-up.
cl.A > A > A > D 359 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super.
cl.A > A > A > A 441 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super.


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
2B > Rush Autocombo (B Ender) 209 60 0 32% Anywhere Optimal, but need to be nearly point blank to get 2B > cl.5A for the rush combo.

Enough okizeme for immediate brief run into safe super jump.
If the far 5A comes out accidentally and whiffs a crouching opponent, KoD can reach with slightly delayed 6214A or a super grab (longer range) if the opponent isn't pressing buttons.

Light Starter > 6214A 182 60 0 26% Anywhere Slightly weaker, slightly better range. Same notes as above.
Light Starter > 236A 134 140 0 19% Anywhere Longer range 2-hit confirm, can use off point blank 3-hit starter but 236A whiffs if the confirm is blocked. Not recommended.
Light Starter > 2A > 236A(1) > AB 83 220 0 16% Anywhere Longest range 2-hit light confirm. If poorly spaced, 236A can be whiff punished by long reach moves if opponent knows the spacing even if the AB "break" is used.
Heavy Starter > 63214A 271 170 0 35% Anywhere Works consistently from all ranges if using 2C > 4A or 2C.
Heavy Starter > 236C 259 270 0 33% Anywhere More consistent when using non-2C starters.
Heavy Starter > 236C(2), 5D > 4214D 421 300 0 55% Corner Big meterless damage. Unsafe on block against most characters.
CD > roll forward, 236C 165 170 0 Anywhere Convenient since there is lots of time to confirm the CD.
CD > 5D > 236C(2) > AB, c.D 292 320 0 Corner Easy to space. After max range CD, have to walk forward a bit to reach with far D. If too close, getting far D isn't possible.


Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 6214AC 225 105 0.5 % Anywhere 6214AC combos off of max range 2A. Same okizeme as other 6214P command throws (brief run into safe super jump).
Light Starter > 236AC, 4A > 4214D 294 160 0.5 32% Midscreen 236AC does not combo off of max range 2A, but does reach at most ranges. The okizeme is better after 4214D if the opponent is almost in the corner.
Light Starter > 236AC, 214B 195 60 0.5 18% Corner Below average damage. Use this to salvage a corner 236AC into keeping the corner if you don't have any more meter to do 236C out of the corner into 214BD to toss them back into the corner.
Light Starter > 214BD 179 60 0.5 5% Anywhere Best used if your back is against the wall and you want to prioritize position. Quick sideswap with moderate range (a bit more than 3 hit confirm). Good okizeme like the 6214P command throws if throwing them into the corner. Terrible okizeme otherwise. Can position for a vertical safe jump that lets you react to rolls.
Heavy Starter > 236C, 214BD 371 270 0.5 33% Anywhere Same notes as when using in a light confirm.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 4A > 4214D 368 270 0.5 40% Midscreen Optimal midscreen.
Heavy Starter > 236CD, 2C > 5A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 4214D 423 470 0.5 70% Corner Similar damage to the meterless variant, but shatter strikes allow heavy confirm follow-up to deal more stun and build a bit of meter back.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 236A(1) > 236236B, 214B 322 100 1 27% Anywhere Avoid using the 214B if you have the opponent cornered, otherwise you will lose the corner and your oki.
Light Starter > 236AC > 236C, 214BD 292 115 1 27% Corner Good to deal some damage and maintain corner. Good enough oki to do a delayed safe jump.
5B > 236A(1) > 236236B, 214B 314 70 1 23% Anywhere Ranged 5B confirm. Cancel 236A(1) into AB on block.
Heavy Starter > 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 407 230 1 39% Midscreen
Heavy Starter > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B, 214B 503 300 1 50% Corner Loses all momentum. Only worth if it'll close the round, otherwise do the meterless route.

1.5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
5B > 236A(1) > 236236B > 214BD 367 70 1.5 11% Anywhere Ranged 5B confirm. Cancel 236A(1) into AB on block.
Light Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 387 140 1.5 32% Midscreen
Light Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 357 90 1.5 27% Corner Inferior version of the above combo. Sends the opponent back towards the corner, but lacks oki.
Light Starter > 236A(1) > 236236B, 214BD 370 100 1.5 13% Corner Highest corner damage from a light for 1.5 bars. Loses the corner.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 461 250 1.5 39% Midscreen
Heavy Starter > 236CD, 2C > 4A >236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B 454 470 1.5 50% Corner Comparable damage to midscreen, with tons of stun to boot.
Heavy Starter > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B, 214BD 550 300 1.5 37% Corner Gives up the corner in exchange for much more damage.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214BD 428 140 2 32% Midscreen
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 396 310 2, 1250 MAX 18% Midscreen Slightly less damage, more metergain and stun. For 1000 MAX variant, axe the 4A.
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B 396 360 2, 1000 MAX 5% Corner
Light Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214BD 398 90 2 16% Corner Slightly more damage and better metergain, much worse oki.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214BD 502 250 2 27% Midscreen
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 470 420 2, 1250 MAX 13% Midscreen Slightly less damage, more metergain and stun. For 1000 MAX variant, axe the 4A.
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B 470 530 2, 1000 MAX 13% Corner
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214BD 472 200 2 24% Corner Slightly more damage and metergain, much worse oki.
6A > BC, 2C > 236AC, 236C(2) > 236236B, 214B 316 230 2, 1250 MAX 20% Midscreen Sample overhead confirm. Any Quick Mode combos can be applied to 6A.

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236A(1) > 236236B, 2141236CD 528 270 3, 1000 MAX 5% Anywhere 1000 MAX gauge variant.
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236A(1) > 236236B, 2141236CD 583 270 3, 1250 MAX 5% Anywhere 1250 MAX gauge variant. With 1500 MAX, can do 236C(2) instead for slightly more damage and stun.
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236A(1) > 2141236CD 570 410 3, 1000 MAX 5% Corner
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B, 2141236CD 654 360 3, 1500 MAX 5% Corner For 1250 MAX, use the "Anywhere" route in the corner.
5B > 236A(1) > 236236B, 6321463214AC 500 70 3 11% Anywhere Ranged 5B confirm. Cancel 236A(1) into AB on block.
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(3) > 2141236CD 602 440 3, 1000 MAX 13% Anywhere 1000 MAX gauge variant.
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236A(1) > 236236B, 2141236CD 657 380 3, 1250 MAX 13% Anywhere 1250 MAX gauge variant. With 1500 MAX, can do 236C(2) instead for slightly more damage and stun.
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236A(1) > 2141236CD 644 480 3, 1000 MAX 13% Corner
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236B, 2141236CD 728 470 3, 1500 MAX 13% Corner For 1250 MAX, use the "Anywhere" route in the corner.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236A(1) > 236236BD > 2141236CD 682 270 4, 1250 MAX 5% Anywhere 1250 MAX gauge variant. With 1500 MAX, can do 236C(2) instead for slightly more damage and stun.
Light Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236BD > 2141236CD 744 360 4, 1500 MAX 5% Corner For 1250 MAX, use the "Anywhere" route in the corner.
5B > 236A(1) > 236236B, 2141235CD 619 70 4 11% Anywhere Ranged 5B confirm. Cancel 236A(1) into AB on block.
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236A(1) > 236236BD > 2141236CD 756 380 4, 1250 MAX 13% Anywhere 1250 MAX gauge variant. With 1500 MAX, can do 236C(2) instead for slightly more damage and stun.
Heavy Starter > BC, 2C > 4A > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236BD > 2141236CD 818 470 4, 1500 MAX 13% Corner For 1250 MAX, use the "Anywhere" route in the corner.
Max Mode Heavy Starter > 236AC > 236C(2) > 236236BD > 2141236CD 848 250 4 0% Midscreen
Max Mode Heavy Starter > 236C(2) > AB, 5D > 236236BD > 2141236CD 962 300 4 0% Corner ToD if started with j.C c.D 4A.

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes

External Links

Dino Combos by Meno


The King of Fighters XV

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