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The King of Fighters XV/Clark Still/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Note: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A 38 Standard low confirm. Works in practically any situation. Can fit an extra 2A for bonus damage.
2A > 2A 48 Light starter with less pushback than 2B, making it the preferred follow-up after jump-ins. Can fit an extra 2A for bonus damage.
2B > cl.B > 2A 65 Highest damage low confirm. Must be very close.

Heavy Starters

Note: A Heavy Starter can access any Light Starter combo and it may be more optimal in some situations. A Heavy Starter combo will do 58 more damage and generate .06 more meter than a Light Starter.

Combo Damage Notes
cl.C(1) > 6B 96 Standard, reliable heavy starter. Works in practically any situation.
2C > 6B 131 Most damaging combo starter. Requires a deep jump-in due to 2C's slower startup.
cl.B, cl.B, cl.C(1) > 6B 144 Light link into cl.C. The added hits can cause worse scaling in longer combos. Omit one cl.B after a jump-in.

Other Starters

Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75
Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location notes
41236B/D > 236P 165 0 0 .217 Anywhere Damage baseline.
41236BD, 214A 226 80 .5 .13 Anywhere +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.
41236BD, 623C, 214A 325 160 .5 .29 Back-to-corner +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.
41236BD, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 321/361 80 1 .13 Anywhere Significant damage increase.
41236BD, 623C, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 414/454 160 1 .29 Back-to-corner
41236B/D > 236P > 6321463214P 266 0 1 .217 Anywhere Extremely inefficient but a simple meter dump without risking 41236BD.
41236BD, 623C, 623AC, 41236AC > 22C/22K 416/449 80 1.5 .16 Back-to-corner Not worth the extra meter.
41236B/D > 236P > 6321463214AC 361 0 2 .217 Anywhere Extremely inefficient but a simple meter dump without risking 41236BD.
41236B/D > 236P > 2141236CD 425 0 3 .217 Anywhere Extremely inefficient but a simple meter dump without risking 41236BD.
41236BD, 214A > 2141236CD 624 80 3.5 .13 Anywhere Excellent damage for meter cost and can be done anywhere.
41236BD, 623C, 214A > 2141236CD 701 160 3.5 .29 Back-to-corner Preposterous damage.


Note: Clark's most practical BnBs are the first listed Light Starter and Heavy Starter. Following entries are situational or for completeness.

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 138 0 Rush combo ending with A Gatling Attack.
cl.A > A > A > C 242 1 Rush combo ending with Ultra Argentine Backbreaker.
cl.A > A > A > D 354 2 Rush combo ending with MAX Ultra Argentine Backbreaker.
cl.A > A > A > A 446 3 Rush combo ending with Ultra Clark Buster (Climax).


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 41236A > 22C/22K 157/182 45 .225/.25 Anywhere Reliable, high damage combo ender. 41236A combos from lights at practically any range.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 214A 229 295 0.36 Anywhere +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.
Light Starter > 214A 110 125 0.17 Anywhere Maintains sides. +38/+65 on tech/knockdown. Grants an autotimed safejump.
Light Starter > 623A 110 125 0.17 Anywhere Maintains sides. +48/+75 on tech/knockdown. Can drop at some ranges.
Light Starter > 623C 137 125 0.2 Anywhere Maintains sides. +30/+57. Grants a shallow autotimed safehop. Best used in the corner.
Light Starter > f.B, 2D > 6BD 133 145 0.15 Anywhere +24/+51 on tech/knockdown.
Light Starter > 41236D > 236P 185 45 .257 Anywhere Max damage ender. 41236D has limiting range, especially after a jump-in. Requires near immediate chains/special cancel.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 2D > 6BD 229 285 0.31 Anywhere +24/+51 on tech/knockdown.
Heavy Starter > 214C > 623A/C 237 215 0.32 Anywhere Max damage. +44 knockdown but sends them far away.

0.5 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 214AC, 41236A > 22C/22K 232/254 45 0.225/0.25 Anywhere Most versatile combo from a light starter.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 307/340 295 0.36 Anywhere Builds a significant portion of the EX meter before you even spend it.
Light Starter > 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 199/239 125 .167 Anywhere Poor use of .5 bar but an easy damage dump after a 214A confirm.
Light Starter > 41236BD, 214A 241 125 .17 Anywhere Close range combo that sets up for further meter spending. +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.
Light Starter > 623AC, 41236D > 236P 245 45 0.257 Anywhere Must be point blank with perfect chains/cancels. Can't add an extra light. Significantly more reliable after cl.C > 6B.
Light Starter > 214AC, 214A 190 125 0.17 Anywhere Maintains sides. +42/+69 on tech/knockdown. Can apply oki afterwards.
Light Starter > 214AC, 623C 214 125 0.2 Anywhere Maintains sides. +35/+62 on tech/knockdown. Launches too far away for oki.
Light Starter > 214AC, 623C, 214A 274 205 .33 Corner Maintains sides. +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.
Light Starter > 41236BD, 623C, 214A 329 205 .33 Back to Corner Max damage when cornered. +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.

1 Bar

Note: At 1 bar, Clark has no unique Heavy Starter combos that deal more damage than a Light Starter combo.

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 41236BD, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 324/361 125 1 .17 Anywhere Maintains sides. Max midscreen damage.
Light Starter > 214AC, 623C, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 346/376 205 1 .33 Corner Max corner damage.
Light Starter > 41236BD, 623C, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 407/440 205 1 .33 Back corner Max back-to-corner damage.
Light Starter > 623AC, 41236BD, 623C, 214A 364 205 1 .33 Back to corner Suboptimal back-to-corner damage but it gives Clark the corner. +41/+68 on tech/knockdown.
Light Starter > 623C(3) > 4123641236K 289 105 1 .18 Anywhere 4123641236K grants an autotimed safejump. Possibly the only 1 bar method to get an autotimed safejump.
Light Starter > 214AC, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 268/301 125 1 .17 Anywhere A simple way to cash out if you confirmed into 214AC.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 623AC, 2C > 41236AC > 22C/22K 338/368 285 1 .3 Corner The only unique 1 bar Heavy Starter combo (and it does less than the Light Starter combo).
Heavy Starter > 236CD, 66, cl.B > cl.B, cl.C > 6B > 41236D > 236P 307 210 1 .977 Anywhere 236CD is inconsistent (e.g., whiffs on standing females) but the combo deals damage and refunds its cost.
Light Starter > 41236A > 22C > 236P > 6321463214P 297 45 1 .225 Anywhere Can super cancel any 236P (Flashing Elbow) for bonus damage, but this is less efficient than using 2 EX moves
Light Starter > 623AC, 41236BD, 214A, 41236AC > 22C/22K 357/387 125 1.5 .17 Anywhere A rather pitiful increase in damage for an extra .5 but one of his only 1.5 routes

2 Bars

Note: Clark does not gain significant damage for the meter investment at 2 bars.

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > BC > cl.C(1) > 6B > 623AC, 41236D > 236P > 6321463214P 369 120 2 .04 Anywhere 2nd/3rd character only. A very inefficient use of meter (1 extra bar for ~8 more damage).
Light Starter > 623C(3) > 4123641236BD 396 105 2 .18 Anywhere +48 knockdown allows for decent oki.
Light Starter > 623C(3) > 6321463214AC 403 105 2 .18 Anywhere 7 more damage! At the cost of oki!
Light Starter > 41236A > 22C > 236P > 6321463214AC 392 45 1 .225 Anywhere Can super cancel any non-EX 236P (Flashing Elbow) for bonus damage, but this is very inefficient.

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > BC > 2C > 6B > 623C(3) > 4123641236K > 2141236CD 617 215 3 .04 Anywhere 3rd position. Works for 2nd position without the 6B (at the cost of 13 damage).
Light Starter > 623C(3) > 4123641236K > 6321463214AC 557 105 3 .18 Anywhere 1st position meter dump.
6B > BC > 2C > 6B > 623C(3) > 4123641236K > 2141236CD 547 210 3 .065 Anywhere 3rd position/2nd position (omit 6B). Raw overhead 3 meter damage dump.
Light Starter > 41236A > 22C > 236P > 2141236CD 486 45 1 .225 Anywhere Can Climax cancel any non-EX 236P (Flashing Elbow) for bonus damage, but this is very inefficient.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > BC > 2C > 6B > 623C(3) > 4123641236BD(3) > 2141236CD 672 215 4 .04 Anywhere 3rd position. Works for 2nd position without the 6B (at the cost of 17 damage).
Light Starter > 623C(3) > 4123641236K > 2141236CD 665 105 4 .18 Anywhere Minimal damage loss compared to the Quick Max variation. Does more damage than the Quick Max combo in 2nd position.
6B > BC > 2C > 6B > 623C(3) > 4123641236BD > 2141236CD 622 210 4 .065 Anywhere 3rd position/2nd position (omit 6B). Raw overhead 3 meter damage dump.

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 623C(3) > 4123641236BD(3) > 2141236CD 725 105 5 .18 Anywhere With j.A > 2C > 6B, Clark caps out at 803 damage.

External Links

Clark Combos by Meno
Clark Combo Guide by rooflemonger
Clark Combos by Kakuge / Fighting Games


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