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The King of Fighters XV/Yashiro Nanakase/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV



General Notes

  • Light will denote a 2B, 2A, 2A starter. Assume any combos with this starter will also work off of heavy starters.
  • Heavy will denote a c.D > 6B starter.
  • Any combo using aforementioned starters can be used after a jump in.
  • Any combo with a super in the corner can be followed up with an OTG 6A.

Rush Auto Combo

Meterless: Backhand, turn punch, knee in the stomach. Ends with qcb+A. (146 DMG)

1 Meter: Ends with 236236K. (240 DMG)

2 Meter: Ends with 236236BD. (367 DMG)

3 Meter: Ends with 2141236CD. (439 DMG)


Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light > 214A 151 50 0 20% Anywhere Quick and easy meterless BNB off a light starter. Ends in soft knockdown.
2B > Rush Autocombo 165 50 0 25% Anywhere Might actually be better to go into Rush Autocombo if you don't even have enough meter for an EX special. It does more damage and builds a bit more meter than the above. Absolutely do not use this combo if you have 1 bar or more, as it will go to waste.
Heavy > 41236A ~ 236C 240 60 0 35% Anywhere Especially useful confirm from poking with f.C. Make sure to hit confirm the 236 C follow up.
Heavy > 214C > 623A 280 50 0 40% Corner
CD > 41236 C (whiff) > 41236A ~ 236C 182 60 0 30% Midscreen In the corner, CD > 41236 C will combo, so just input the 236 C follow up there.
CD > run > 2D 182 70 0 15% Anywhere An option for uncancelled CD.

0.5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light > 214AC > 6B > 41236C ~ 236C 263 60 0.5 30% Anywhere Max damage ender. If the opponent quick recovers, Yashiro is too far to be able to establish oki however.
Light > 214AC > 6B > 214D 255 60 0.5 30% Anywhere Hard knockdown ender. End your combo in this to keep an offensive up at the cost of some small damage.
Light > 214AC > 6B > 623C > c.D 269 70 0.5 30% Corner Ends in an air reset, giving Yashiro a lot of room to re-establish an offense.
Heavy > 214C > 623AC > c.D 341 70 0.5 40% Corner Excellent damage for just half a bar while building most of the bar back. Slightly more damage than the above combo.
CD > 41236 C (whiff) > 41236 AC ~ 236 C > 6B > 214D 304 60 0.5 35% Midscreen Note that when 41236 AC > 236 C is used in a combo, any further 41236 P ~ 236 C will not connect, so the 214D is optimal here.
CD > 41236 AC ~ 236 C > 6B > 623 C > c. D 322 70 0.5 30% Corner
623 AC > 214 A 168 50 0.5 15% Corner A small extension after landing 623 AC near the corner.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light > 214A > [SC] 236236D 299 50 1 20% Anywhere
Light > 214AC > 41236AC ~ 236C > 6B > 214D 320 60 1 30% Anywhere Max damage midscreen and ends in a hard knockdown.
Light > 214AC > 6B > 41236AC ~ 236C > 6B > 623C > cl.D 330 70 1 30% Corner
Heavy > 41236A ~ 236C > [SC] 236236D 400 60% 1 30% Anywhere In the corner, if you follow up with an OTG 6A, this will be the optimal corner 1 bar combo.
Heavy > 41236AC ~ 236C > 214AC > 6B > 623C > c.D 418 70 1 40% Corner Against some characters, a delay on the 623C will be necessary.
236CD > 6B > 41236C ~ 236C 254 60 1 75% Anywhere Shatter Strike combo.
236CD > 6B > 214D 239 60 1 70% Anywhere Hard knockdown ender. Also most consistent after an anti-air Shatter Strike.
236CD > 6B > 623C > c. D 254 70 1 75% Corner
236CD > 41236AC ~ 236C > 6B > 214D 349 60 1 25% Anywhere On anti-air hit, you will have to delay the 236C slightly.
236CD > 41236AC ~ 236C > 6B > 623C > c.D 373 70 1 25% Corner

1.5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light > 214 AC > 6B > 41236C ~ 236C > [SC] 236236C (hold) 353 60 1.5 30% Anywhere When charging 236236C, release the button as the opponent reaches the apex of the launch.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes
cr.B > cr.A (x2) > 214AC > 6B > 41236C ~ 236C > [SC] 236236C 353 1.5 Anywhere
... > 214AC > 6B > 41236C > [SC] 236236D 323 1.5 Anywhere can end combo with 6A in the corner
... > 214C > [SC] 236236BD 399 2 Anywhere can end with 6A in the corner

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter Cost Meter Gain Location Notes

External Links

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Yashiro combos by Kakuge / Fighting Games


The King of Fighters XV

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