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The King of Fighters XV/Benimaru Nikaido/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A > 2B 51 Standard low light confirm.
2B > 2B > 2B 42 Weaker but can be more consistent at some ranges.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
cl.C/2C 70 Standard jump-in starter.
cl.D 80 Stronger but has a shorter activation range than cl.C.
cl.A, cl.C/cl.D 91/101 Light-heavy link. Requires you to be somewhat close(very close for cl.D).
2A, cl.D 101 Light-heavy link, cl.C is too slow to link from 2A. Requires you to be very close.
6B 40 Can be used to attack from a distance.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 178 0 Rush combo ending in a special move
cl.A > A > A > C 228 1 Rush combo ending in a super
cl.A > A > A > D 350 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super
cl.A > A > A > A 434 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K 159/191 240/250 21%/22.5% Anywhere Standard meterless confirm.
CD, run, 2D 131 170 15.5% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 214A, 236D ~ 28K 242 330 31.5% Corner Since 214A is safe, you can get this conversion off of stray 214A or 214C hits as well.
CD, 6B > 236C, 214A, 236D ~ 28K 259 440 51% Corner


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location notes
Light Starter > 236BD ~ 28K 192 60 5% Anywhere Very simple way to get extra damage from a light. Not a recommended use to meter often unless it kills. You can technically combo into 632146AC from a light normal, but only after one light, meaning it can't be hit confirmed.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 6B > 214C, 236D ~ 28K 328 370 40% Anywhere
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 6B > 236C, walk, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 351 260 40% Corner Optimal corner combo. In the ender, the 236D will whiff but the follow-up will hit, even after the air reset from the cl.D. You can input the 236D as 2369D and hold the D to make the follow-up come out, as long as the cl.D is cancelled a little later than normal. However...
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 6B > 236C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K 350 330 45% Corner Simply comboing into the 236D as normal results in just 1 less point of damage as well as more stun and slightly more meter build. So just stick with this. If you don't want to deal with the delay on the 236D, end in an 623D instead.
CD, run, 236BD > 28K 189 100 15% Midscreen/Corner Input 236BD as 2369BD to avoid inputting DP.
CD, 6B > 236C, 236B, 236BD ~ 28K 322 280 35% Corner
632146AC, 6B > 214C, 236D ~ 28K 224 300 25% Anywhere
632146AC, 6B > 236C, 214A, 236D ~ 28K 261 340 43.5% Corner As you can see, your 632146AC combos will be identical to your 236AC combos.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, 236K ~ 28K 323/379 380 1 30% Anywhere When super cancelling 28K into super, input the 28K as 2368K. 23698K works too, but make sure K is being input on the 8 position to prevent super cancelling early. You'll lose a good chunk of damage in doing so.
Heavy Starter > 214A, 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 414 400 1 45% Corner If you don't want to deal with the ender, end in 623D for 4 less damage.
CD, run, 214A > 236236K, 236K ~ 28K 275 360 1 30% Anywhere
236CD, 236K ~ 28K 204 180 1 65% Anywhere Shatter Strike combo. Benimaru can't get much off of his unfortunately.
(AA) 236CD, 214C, 236D ~ 28K 258 260 1 75% Non-corner You can get a 214C if you land an anti-air SS. The timing in which the combo plays out will vary based on your screen positioning.
236CD, 214A, 236K ~ 28K 256 260 1 70% Corner
632146AC, 6B > 214C, 236BD ~ 28K 239 120 1 15% Anywhere
632146AC, 6B > 236C, 236B, 236BD ~ 28K 266 180 1 25% Corner
Light Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, 236BD ~ 28K 347 200 1.5 20% Anywhere Not very worth it. You can generally use EX versions of enders to turn 1 bar combos into 1.5 bar combos, but they often aren't worth the meter spend since the damage increase is small and you lose out on stun and meter build.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 6B > 214C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, 623D 443 430 1.5 55% Anywhere 420 dmg omitting 28K.
Light Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, 236B, 236BD ~ 28K 367 300 1.5 25% Corner
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 6B > 236C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 467 400 1.5 55% Corner 444 dmg omitting 28K.
632146AC, 6B > 214C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, 623D 314 360 1.5 45% Anywhere 296 dmg omitting 28K.
632146AC, 6B > 236C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 330 330 1.5 45% Corner 312 dmg omitting 28K.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236BD, 236K ~ 28K 420/489 380 2 30% Anywhere Simple upgrade to 2 bars.
Heavy Starter > 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 579 400 2 45% Corner First use of 236236AC juggle.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 6B > 214C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, 623D 368/439 490 2 25% Anywhere Quick Max combo for all positions. Weaker than your regular combo but can be used off of non-cancellable pokes like far C and far D. 353/418 dmg omitting 28K.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 6B > 236C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 385/456 460 2 20% Anywhere Quick Max corner combo for all positions. 368/436 dmg omitting 28K.
CD, run, 214C > 236236BD, 236K ~ 28K 408 320 2 30% Anywhere
CD, run, 214C, 236D > 236236BD, 623D 426 380 2 45% Midscreen/Corner
CD, 6B > 236C, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 521 430 2 55% Corner
236CD, 236B ~ 28K > 236236K, 623D 399 240 2 80% Anywhere Using the B version helps with the juggle height.
236CD, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 445 330 2 85% Corner
632146AC, 6B > 214C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, 236BD ~ 28K 323 260 2 25% Anywhere 305 dmg omitting 28K.
632146AC, j.236AC, 236C, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236K, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 346 370 2 55% Corner You can input the j.236AC as 2369AC.
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236BD, 236BD ~ 28K 444/518 210 2.5 20% Anywhere Optimal to just use 236BD at the end of all of your 2 bar combos, even for your heavy confirms. 236AC will scale the combo too much.
632146AC, 6B > 214C, 236D > 236236BD, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 361 330 2.5 35% Anywhere
632146AC, 6B > 236C, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 434 330 2.5 45% Corner

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236P > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K 542/628 380 3 30% Anywhere
Light Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 551 450 3 45% Corner
Heavy Starter > 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P > 236236BD, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 654 400 3 45% Corner
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 6B > 214C, 236D ~ 28K > 214236CD 544/603 390 3 5% Anywhere 1000 Max gauge combo. Input 28K as 2148K.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, 236D ~ 28K > 214236CD 584/647 410 3 5% Anywhere 1250 Max gauge combo. The timer is extremely tight here; omit one of the 28Ks if you need the extra few frames to fit everything within the timer. If you're at 1500 Max gauge, you won't have that issue.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 6B > 236C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 214236CD 559/620 350 3 5% Anywhere 1000 Max gauge corner combo. You can delay the 236C instead if you prefer.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P > 214236CD 591/647 350 3 5% Anywhere 1500 Max gauge corner combo. Either version of 236236P will work. At 1250 gauge just use the midscreencl.D > 236K ~ 28K > 236236K, 236D ~ 28K > 214236CD combo.
CD, run, 214C > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P 504 280 3 25% Anywhere
CD, run, 214C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236A > 236236BD, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 551 430 3 45% Midscreen/Corner 540 dmg omitting 28K.
CD, 6B > 236C, (delay) 236D ~ 28K > 236236A > 236236BD, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 574 430 3 55% Corner 561 dmg omitting 28K.
CD, 6B > BC, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236A > 214236CD 589 360 3 15% Corner Available at 1250/1500 Max gauge.
236CD, 236A > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K 517 220 3 75% Anywhere Make sure to cancel 236A on the second hit.
236CD, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 612 330 3 85% Corner
632146AC, j.236AC, (delay) 214C, 236D > 236236BD, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 372 290 3 30% Anywhere Not significantly stronger than your 2.5 bar combo.
632146AC, j.236AC, 236C, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 444 370 3 55% Corner Not significantly stronger than your 2.5 bar combo.
Light Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236P > 236236BD, 236BD ~ 28K 563 200 3.5 20% Anywhere Use 236BD to add on extra damage on your 3 bar combos.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, BC, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P > 214236CD 671 210 3.5 10% Anywhere Raw Max mid combo.
632146AC, 6B > BC, 214C, 236D > 236236P > 214236CD 541 220 3.5 5% Anywhere Available at 1250 Max gauge. At 1500 gauge, add a 28K before the super for an extra 18 damage.
632146AC, 6B > BC, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P > 214236CD 563 260 3.5 5% Corner Available at 1250/1500 Max gauge.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236P > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P 620/724 340 4 30% Anywhere
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 648/762 450 4 45% Anywhere
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236D ~ 28K > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K > 214236CD 662/738 410 4 5% Anywhere 1250/1500 Quick Max combo.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC > 214236CD 670/748 350 4 5% Corner 1500 Quick Max corner combo.
CD, run, 214C > 236236A > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K > 236236P 626 280 4 25% Anywhere
CD, 6B > BC, 214A, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC > 214236CD 668 360 4 10% Corner
236CD, 236A > 236236A > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K 664 220 4 80% Anywhere
236CD, 236A > 236236K, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC, cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K 692 290 4 90% Corner
Heavy Starter > 236AC, BC, 236D ~ 28K > 236236K > 236236AC > 214236CD 830 210 4.5 5% Anywhere Raw Max mid combo.
632146AC, 6B > BC, 214C, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC > 214236CD 634 260 4.5 5% Anywhere
632146AC, 6B > BC, 236A > 236236AC, 236D ~ 28K > 214236CD 642 220 4.5 5% Corner

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 236K ~ 28K > 236236P > 236236BD, 236D ~ 28K > 236236AC 695/806 340 5 25% Anywhere In the corner, you can add a cl.D > (236D) ~ 28K for 751/875 dmg.

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The King of Fighters XV

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