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The King of Fighters XV/Kim Kaphwan/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A > 2A 60 Standard low light confirm.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
cl.D > 6B 127 Standard heavy starter, works from a jump-in and crossup. cl.C deals slightly less damage, but also works fine.
cl.A , cl.C > 6B 136 Light linking into heavy, allows for heavy starter combos. Nice to have

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD , 66A 103 Works with opponent close to or in corner. Puts you airborne, letting you combo into j.214K or j.236KK.

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


General Notes

  • Kim gets hard knockdowns with relative ease, but they don't always lead to a safejump. [2]8D > j2D is a better damage ender resulting in HKD, but moves like j.214D and 214P > 6K > 2K give more reliable safejumps.

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 272 0 Rush combo ending in a special move
cl.A > A > A > C 236 1 Rush combo ending in a super
cl.A > A > A > D 366 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super
cl.A > A > A > A 453 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super

Beginner Combos

Combo Damage Meter Cost Location Notes
2B > 2A > 2A > 214A ~ 6K ~ 2K 167 0 Anywhere Building block confirm. Get comfortable with this, as it'll be a basis for future combos.
j.D > cl.D > 6B > 214C ~ 6K ~ 2K 298 0 Anywhere Basic heavy hitter combo from close up or a jump in.
Starter > 214AC ~ 4P ~ 4P , ... ~ 0.5 Anywhere This EX confirm works from any starter and can start many combos, notably leading back into a 214P series with the K enders. Get comfortable with this.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > [2]8D ~ 2D 176 225 0.5 Anywhere Strongest ender off of a light. You'll get less hits in the further you push the opponent away, which will mean less damage and meter build.
Light Starter > 214A ~ 6K ~ 2K 167 195 0.25 Anywhere Slightly worse combo, but travels further.
Heavy Starter > 214C ~ 4P ~ 4P 265 240 0.4 Anywhere Most damaging meterless combo, not much else to really say.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Starter > 214AC ~ 4P ~ 4P , [2]8D ~ 2D 270/351 225/290 -0.2 Anywhere Damage combo.
Starter > 214AC ~ 4P ~ 4P , 214A ~ 6K ~ 2K 262/342 195/260 -0.25 Anywhere Safejump combo, very nice for the amount of meter spent.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Starter > 214AC ~ 4P ~ 4P , 214AC ~ 6K ~ 2K , [2]8D ~ 2D 336/423 225/290 -0.75 15% Anywhere Damage combo.
Heavy Starter > 214D > 236236B , 66A > j.214D 470 360 1 -0.6 Anywhere Safejump ender, whiff a st.B to make it easier to time the safejump.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Heavy Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Heavy Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Heavy Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Light Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Heavy Starter > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Combo Tree

Trying a new combo listing format. Still WIP with readability and notes. Feel free to apply the format to other characters.
Common light starters
2AxN - can be chained up to 3x from point blank range (3rd 2A whiffs on block)
2B 2AxN - standard low starter, can chain 2A twice from close (2nd 2A whiffs on block)
c.B c.A~A~A~B - low confirm into auto combo from 2 lights. Leads to 214D (heavy confirm) routes. Can stop at c.A, which is +3 on block

Common heavy starters
c.C/c.D 6B - standard heavy confirm, typically into 426D midscreen or 214B in the corner
2C - typically cancelled into 214B, then confirmed into 236236K super cancel or juggles in the corner
2C 6B - whiffs outside of close range

Useful links
c.A, c.C - recommended from a cross up j.A, but can also use auto combo

All damage and stun values are calculated without the starter included unless otherwise noted

recommended - relatively easy combos, must-learn
recommended - optimal but missable
recommended - optimal but easy to drop, typically not necessary
recommended - optimal, easy to drop, punishable if missed

  • From light or heavy starters
→~6/9K~2K recommended
0 gauge - 127 damage - 120 stun

→[2]8D~2D recommended - max damage and meter gain
0.5 gauge - 252 damage - 150 stun
→214A~6/9K~2K recommended - leads to safe jump (manual timing)
0.5 gauge - 243 damage - 120 stun
→[2]8D~2D recommended
1.0 gauge - 338 damage - 150 stun
→[2]8B 236236D - [2]8B must hit at lowest height possible
→214C~4P~4P recommended
1.5 gauge - 404 damage - 160 stun
→214A~4P 236236D - easier variation of the above
→corner 214A~4P~4P(1) 236236B
→[2]8D~2D recommended
1.5 gauge - 468 damage - 330 stun

  • From heavy starters - all 214D routes work from auto combo B ender
214C~214P~214P recommended - max damage meterless
0 gauge - 154 damage - 100 stun

→[2]8D~2D recommended
3.0 gauge - 618 damage - 210 stun
236236BD connects from all but max range
→[2]8D~2D recommended
2.0 gauge - 452 damage - 210 stun
→corner [2]8B - see below for corner 236236B routes
→corner [2]8BD

→214C~214P~214P recommended
1.0 gauge - 373 damage - 220 stun
214AC~214P~214P - can delay or dash before 214AC, should side swap
→2D recommended
1.5 gauge - 473 damage - 270 stun

→corner 214D 236236B or 214B [2]8B 236236B - these 2 routes have slight differences, but followups are 99% the same
→66A 214B
→[2]8D~2D recommended
1.0 gauge - 435 damage - 350 stun
→~delay~4A - max damage w/ safe jump
→[2]8B recommended
1.0 gauge - 439 damage - 320 stun
→214A~9K~2K recommended - easy knock down/super cancel option
1.0 gauge - 427 damage - 320 stun
→66A j.214B
→[2]8D~2D recommended
1.5 gauge - 506 damage - 350 stun
j.214BD difficult - can be input as 44214BD or 2147BD from 214B [2]8B 236236B; must be input as 2147BD from 214D 236236B starter
→66A j.214B
→66A j.214B
→[2]8D~2D recommended
2.0 gauge - 583 damage - 350 stun

  • Shatter Strike

damage+stun values include 236CD starter
→[2]8D~2D - only connects from close range
→214A~9K~2K - recommended follow up for corner hit vs airborne

→[2]8D~2D recommended


→[2]8D~2D recommended
1.0(1+.5,-.5) gauge - 327 damage - 150 stun

→214D 236236D recommended *see 214D routes - also connects vs airborne opponents, all 3 hits of 214D must connect (low to the ground)
→corner 214B [2]8B 236236B recommended *see corner 214B routes

  • Quick Max

damage+stun values calculated with 2B f.A starter

  • (Any ground normal) BC
236236K, 236A 2426K recommended 2nd position
2.0 gauge - 421 damage - 265 stun
2426K 2426CD recommended 2nd position
3.0 gauge - 621 damage - 245 stun
2426BD 2426CD recommended 2nd/3rd position
4.0 gauge - 729 damage - 245 stun
→6B 214D
236236D, 236A j.2426K recommended 3rd position
2.0 gauge - 462 damage - 385 stun
2426K 2426CD recommended 3rd position
3.0 gauge - 625 damage - 305 stun
2426BD 2426CD 3rd position - this specific combo actually does less damage when adding the 6B
4.0 gauge - 724 damage - 305 stun
→corner 214B [2]8B 236236K, 236A, [2]8B
j.2426K recommended 3rd position
2.0 gauge - 86 damage - 385 stun
2426CD recommended 3rd position
2.0 gauge - 86 damage - 385 stun

  • Misc


→[2]8D~2D recommended - Standard anti-air Hienzan meter dump
3.0 gauge - 612 damage - 210 stun



corner j.214B - back dash > j.214B is safe on block and leads to high damage in the corner

236236B recommended - see corner routes above


j.236BD - useful when done at peak jump height for faking cross ups

→[2]8D~2D recommended


The King of Fighters XV

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