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The King of Fighters XV/Kula Diamond/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A > 5B 65 Standard low light confirm.
j.X > f.B - Cancellable f.B allows for good damage from incredibly spaced jump-ins.
j.X > 2B > 2A - Stop at 2A after a jump in for consistency.
2B > 2A > 2A > 5B 85 Extended light normal chain. Only works point blank.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
cl.C(1) > 6A 82 Standard heavy starter, works from a jump-in. cl.C with no 6A can be slightly more optimal in longer combos, particularly Quick Max combos, due to scaling.
cl.D > 6A 127 Most damaging combo starter. Never works from a jump-in, so reserve for punishes.
cl.A, cl.C (1) > 6A 103 Light confirm, must be point blank.
f.C/2C/f.D 70/80 Single hit confirms.
236C, f.C 156 You can link a far C after a 236C hit. Remember that a lot of Kula's specials, notably her 214K specials, whiff on max distance far C.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
CD 75

(Note: 'Other Starters' won't be referenced in the 'Combos' section.)


General Notes

  • Any combo ending in a 214A sets up for a meaty 22C, easy to do using button hold.

Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 161 0 Rush combo ending in a special move
cl.A > A > A > C 240 1 Rush combo ending in a super
cl.A > A > A > D 367 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super
cl.A > A > A > A 446 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super

Beginner Combos

Combo Damage Meter Cost Location Notes
2B > 2B > 5B > 3D 153 0 Anywhere Combo into slide. Very easy, but not optimal in any way.
j.D > cl.C > 214D, 623C 273 0 Anywhere Basic heavy hitter combo from close up or a jump in.
2B > 2B > 5B > 623C > 236236C / 236236AC 296/416 1/2 Anywhere Basic way to spend 1 or 2 bar from a light.
j.D > cl.C > 214D, 623C > 236236C / 236236AC 386/498 1/2 Anywhere Basic way to spend 1 or 2 bar from a heavy.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 623C 156 175 25% Anywhere Basic light string. Kula can't combo into much off lights without meter.
2B > 2A > 214A 83 125 5% Anywhere Much worse but is a hard knockdown and a 22C setup, which is something. Still better to use the above combo.
Heavy Starter > 214B ~ 6D, 623C 228 255 45% Anywhere BNB combo. 214A ender gives hard knockdown for less damage (183).
Heavy Starter > 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 284 415 55% Corner Requires a delay to get both hits of the 6B followup. Meter build and stun are very good here.
CD, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 262 440 55% Corner Same as your heavy confirm.
CD > 236C, 623C 236 240 40% Corner CD > 236C is a potentially useful blockstring, and can lead to extra damage if it hits.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623C 264 255 40% Anywhere EX kicks off of a light confirm, very efficient.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214D, 623C 301 255 40% Anywhere 236AC crumple combo. Very similar to your light confirm combo, doing just a few more points of damage.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 307 415 50% Corner Lots of delays, but worth it for the near meter neutral combo.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214D > (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 359 415 55% Corner
CD, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 317 440 50% Corner After a CD in the corner, just do your combo that starts with 214BD.
CD > 236C, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 372 480 60% Corner 214BD combos even work after CD > 236C.

1 Bar

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623AC 296 155 1 15% Anywhere Generally not worth it due to the lackluster meter gain, but can steal a round.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623AC 371 255 1 40% Anywhere
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214B ~ 6B, 214C, 623C 338 375 1 45% Corner Scaling math causes 214B to do more damage than 214D in this combo, though the combo still works fine with 214D if you're too lazy to change up your combo structure.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 414 515 1 55% Corner
236CD, 214D, 623C 229 180 1 80% Anywhere Shatter Strike combo. Possible to do if the Shatter Strike hits airborne, but can be awkward. When in doubt, opt for a running 623C instead. If Kula is point blank with the opponent, 214D may not work properly. Just use a 623C in those cases as well.
236CD, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 305 340 1 90% Corner Your corner combos with 214D work consistently from a Shatter in the corner.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623C > 236236P 336 215 1.5 30% Anywhere Not the most efficient combo but is an easy way to decide to dump meter. Connecting the full damage of 236236K is possible, which would result in 347, but the timing is much more precise on the 6D delay and results in a side switch which you may not always want, so the P super is recommended.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214D, 623C > 236236K 406 215 1.5 35% Anywhere Sets up the perfect height to get both hits of 236236K without any delay necessary.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623A > 236236P 381 355 1.5 45% Corner
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214B ~ 6B, 214C, 623C 445 375 1.5 45% Corner
236CD, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623C 318 180 1.5 80% Anywhere By using an extra half bar, your midscreen Shatter Strike combos are far more consistent. From now on, you will just do your combo starting with 214BD.
236CD, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 376 340 1 90% Corner Same applies in the corner.

2 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 623C > 236236BD 396 135 2 25% Non-Corner In the corner, you must use 236236AC instead.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623C > 236236K 454 215 2 35% Anywhere Remember to land the 6D as late as possible for this combo to line up.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 623A > 236236P 423 355 2 45% Corner If we need to use two 214BDs in a combo, arranging the 214C inbetween them will result in slightly more damage due to scaling. This is generally more difficult however, as the 6B needs to be high enough for the whole combo to work, but too early and the 6B won't hit properly. You can use the older 1 bar variant where 214C is used near the end for an easier combo.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623A > 236236P 488 355 2 45% Corner
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D (1) > 6A > 236AC, 214D, 623C > 236236K 366/399 295 2 10% Anywhere 1000/1250 Quick Max combo. Kula won't use 2 bar Quick Max often since her far normals are special cancellable anyway. Curiously this is the only Quick Max combo that gains damage by using the 6A.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, (delay) 623A > 236236P 391/427 195 2 10% Anywhere 1500 QM combo. Trickier than it looks, you'll have to delay the 623A enough so the super can connect, but delay too long and you'll run out of Max guage.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 356/402 495 2 50% Corner 1000/1250 QM combo. Although the damage is lower than the midscreen variant, the meter gain and stun is much better, which could make this combo more valuable.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C 383/427 495 2 50% Corner 1500 QM combo.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D, 623C > 236236BD 429 215 2.5 30% Anywhere Remember to hit the 6D as late as possible.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214D, 623C > 236236BD 511 215 2.5 35% Anywhere
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 623C > 236236BD 462 375 2.5 45% Corner
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 214BD ~ (delay) 6D, 214D ~ (delay) 6B, 623A > 236236P 530 355 2.5 45% Corner

3 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 623C > 236236B/D > 236236AC 523 135 3 20% Non-Corner This is a very precise combo. 236236AC must be inputted slightly late at what seems to be the end of the cancel window for 236236B/D in order for all the hits to connect. It also must be inputted as 214214AC since Kula switches sides. Overall Kula is better off using Max mode confirms here for consistency. If you're in the corner, swap the supers.
Heavy Starter > 214B > 6D, 623A > 236236A/C > 236236BD 579 195 3 35% Anywhere Timing looks difficult but cancelling into 236236BD as soon as possible sets up the perfect timing for all the hits of 236236BD to connect. Causes a side switch midscreen. Optimal in the corner as well.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D (1) > 6A > 236AC, 214D, 623C > 214236CD 526/559 295 3 10% Anywhere 1000 QM combo. You can input 623C as 62146C and the Climax as 236CD. This does comparable damage to Kula's regular 3 bar combos, though the meter gain is worse.
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 623C > 236236K > 214236CD 572/623 215 3 10% Anywhere 1250/1500 QM combo. This swaps sides; if you don't want the side swap you can do 623A > 236236P instead. Kula doesn't have stronger combos with 1500 Max guage because her 214K specials cause too much scaling.
(QM) j.C or j.D > cl.C (1) > 236AC > 6A, BC > 623C > 236236P > 214236CD 687 235 3.5 10% Anywhere 1250/1500 QM combo. One inch QM combo from anywhere. cl.C (1) into 236AC can be finicky in the heat of a match, though ending the combo early with 623AC doesnt end up unsafe. If you get both hits on cl.C you will be too far to 6A in time and should convert to a combo using 214K specials to cover yourself and get corner carry instead.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 214C, (delay) 623A > 236236P > 214236CD 622 265 3.5 15% Corner By inputting the 6D as early as possible, Kula has enough time to juggle a 6A and do a Quick Max mid juggle. Landing 623C > 236236K is possible for 5 more damage, but requires stricter timing and isn't recommended. Delaying the Climax may be necessary depending on the height you connect the 236236P.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, run, 6A > BC, 214C, (delay) 623A > 236236P > 214236CD 679 265 3.5 15% Corner If you don't want to deal with the micro dash, you can use 214BD instead of 236AC.

4 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
(QM) Light/Heavy Starter > BC, cl.D > 623C > 236236BD > 2141236CD 669/728 215 4 10% Anywhere 1250/1500 QM combo. Her best use of 4 bars midscreen.
(QM) j.C > cl.C, BC > cl.C > 623C > 236236BD > 2141236CD 774 270 4 0%/10% (Anchor) Anywhere 1250/1500 QM combo. Easy, simple damage off of hop j.C pressure midscreen. Keeps inputs to a minimum to reduce scaling. Can substitute cl.D instead of cl.C after QM for 8 extra damage but timing may be finicky for people not comfortable with the run up timing.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 623C > 236236K > 214236CD 681 285 4 15% Corner If you save the 214C for after the Quick Max activate, you'll end up doing the same amount of damage as a regular Quick Max combo.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 214C, (delay) 623A > 236236P > 214236CD 729 265 4 15% Corner Does 1 more point of damage compared to the Quick Max combo.
Light Starter > 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 214C, (delay) 623C > 236236BD > (delay) 214236CD 702 285 4.5 10% Corner Not very meter efficient. Note that cancelling a juggled 236236BD to Climax in the corner is finnicky. You'll need a slight delay on the Climax. The lower to the ground you hit the 623C, the easier it is.
Heavy Starter > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214C, 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 623C > 236236K > 214236CD 788 285 4.5 20% Corner Easiest to do after some kind of high low mixup after corner carry.
cl.C > 236AC, 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, > 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 214C > 623C > 236236P > 214236CD 788 220 4.5 20% Corner Alternate version of the above combo, without having to get both hits on 236236K, omits 6A from the normal heavy starter to reduce scaling on the 236236P.

5 Bars

Combo Damage Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light/Heavy Starter > 623C > 236236BD > 2141236CD 725/785 135 5 20% Anywhere
Light Starter > 214BD ~ (delay) 6B, 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 214C, (delay) 623C > 236236BD > (delay) 214236CD 751 285 5 15% Corner
Heavy Starter (Non cl.C (1) > 6A) > 236AC, 214BD ~ 6D, 6A > BC, 214C, (delay) 623C > 236236BD > (delay) 214236CD 813 285 5 15% Corner This combo is long enough for cl.C > 6A to reduce the damage, cl.D > 6A starter increases damage to 853.
far C/D > 623C > 236236BD > 2141236CD 818 253 5 0% Anywhere Single hit confirm, shortens the combo to reduce scaling penalties on climax. Can be substituted with cl.C or cl.D for the same or slightly more damage respectively as a combo off of deep j.C/D hits during hop pressure. Damage increases to 848 including the jump heavy.

External Links

Kula Combos by Meno
Kula Combos by Meno


The King of Fighters XV

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