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The King of Fighters XV/Vice/Combos

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The King of Fighters XV


Combo Notation Guide

Notation Meaning
X Starter Use the corresponding starter(s) from the 'Starters' section of this page.
> Cancel the previous move into the following move.
If preceded by a move in brackets, must cancel the start of the preceding move (AKA a 'Kara Cancel').
, Link the previous move into the following move.
(X) A move in brackets must whiff (not hit).
Can also mean the move must be Kara Canceled.
~ Cancel the previous special into the following special.
cl. Close to opponent.
f. Far from opponent.
j. Jumping move.
AA Anti-air. Hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
[X] Hold input briefly.
P & K P and K each denote "Any Punch (A or C)" and "Any Kick (B or D)" respectively.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move in a combo (Both final damage & stun values will be shown).
X * N
{X} * N
Repeat 'X' input 'N' amount of times.
Multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".


Keep in mind: The combos in the "Combos" section have been tested using the first starter in each category (the combos in Bold).
The other starters in each table should also work in each case, but may not.

Light Starters

Combo Damage Notes
2B > 2A (> 2A) 38 (60) Standard low light confirm. The second 2A can fall out at range.
cl.B > 2A > 2A 75 Optimal low confirm off her low cl.B.
41236D 0 If you land heavy Deicide, you usually can cancel into Vice's main heavy combo tools.

Heavy Starters

Combo Damage Notes
j.C/D > cl.D > 6A 191 Standard jump-in starter.
cl.A, cl.C > 6A 136 Can link into cl.C off of cl.A for heavy confirms off lights.

Other Starters

Combo Damage Notes
j.C/D > cl.D~D 200 Using Vice's target combo can net you more damage in certain situations.
41236B/BD 0 Light or EX Deicide can lead to small combos depending on the version used.


Rush Auto Combo

Combo Damage Meter cost notes
cl.A > A > A > B 186 0 Rush combo ending in Gorefest.
cl.A > A > A > C 257 1 Rush combo ending in a super. Swaps sides.
cl.A > A > A > D 376 2 Rush combo ending in a Max super. Swaps sides.
cl.A > A > A > A 452 3 Rush combo ending in a Climax super.


Combo Damage Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 214A~236A/C 151/166/102 135/150/70 Anywhere Standard Light BnB that works at any range.
Light Starter > 632146A/C 176/191 75/90 Anywhere Only works at point-blank range. Lowers stun, but gives great damage and oki. Make sure to cancel early so you do not whiff Gorefest. The D Deicide route is functionally identical to the B Deicide route.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 214A~236A/C 344/289 330/290 Anywhere Max-Damage Meterless BnB.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 63214B 339/284 270/230 Anywhere Another route that forgoes damage and stun for great oki. Nearly any time Vice lands heavy or EX Mayhem, she can choose between this route and the one above.
(j.X) cl.D~D > 63214D, 214A~236A/C 318(370) 190(260) Anywhere Using Vice's Target combo lets her squeeze some extra damage at the cost of your confirm.
41236B > 632146A/C 130 0 Anywhere Hitting light or EX Decide will give Vice a free Gorefest. Everything helps.

0.5 Bar

Combo Damage/Stun Stun Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 214AC, 214A~236A/C 213/228/172 135/150/60 Anywhere Simple EX extension to her damage BnB.
Light Starter > 214AC, 63214B 208/223/166 75/90/0 Anywhere Oki variant for the above BnB.
Light Starter > 632146AC, 214A~236A/C 245/260/210 135/150/60 Anywhere Max damage off lights. EX grab does not fall out on range, but make sure to cancel early.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 63214BD, 41236B, 632146A/C 453/398 270/230 Anywhere Very solid damage off Vice's heavy confirms.
632146AC/41236AC~236B/D > 214A~236A/C 225/256 60 Anywhere Vice's EX command grabs will net her small combos on connect.
41236B, 632146AC, 214A~236A/C 210 60 Anywhere The damage is not amazing on light Deicide extentions, but it's nice to have.
(AA2C, 5D, j.CD, or 5A) 41236BD > 214C, 214A~236A 185/195/140 210/210/170 Anywhere Extra damage that Vice can squeeze out of anti-air situations. Some will fall out depending on the height of the opponent. j.CD and 5D do the same damage, while 2C and 5D do the same stun. Make sure to cancel the EX Deicide into Mayhem earlier than expected.
(AA2C, 5D, j.CD, or 5A) 41236BD > 214C, 63214B 182/192/137 150/160/110 Anywhere Even on EX Deicide, Vice can opt for less damage and stun to get better Oki.

1 Bar

Combo Damage/Stun Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 214A~236A/C > 236236A/C 286/301/255 135/150/60 1 Anywhere Vice's most basic super confirm. Doesn't do great damage, but let's Vice dump as much meter as she needs to kill.
Light Starter > 214AC > 63214BD, 41236B, 632146A/C 322/337/296 75/90/0 1 Anywhere Vice's BnB off lights for 1 bar.
Heavy Starter > 214C > 63214B > 6321463214B/D 504/449 270/230 1 Anywhere Vice gets great damage into super off of her heavy starters. Make sure you cancel the super early, or you will whiff it and probably get punished.
(j.X) cl.D~D > 63214D, 214AC, 63214BD, 41236B, 632146A/C 489(527) 130(200) 1 Anywhere Vice gets even better damage off her target combo at the cost of her confirm.
632146AC/41236AAC~236B/D, 2D > 41236BD, 632146A/C 264/292 70 1 Anywhere Though the damage is not very good on this conversion, it does give Vice the corner from near anywhere on the screen so it is good to know.
41236B, 632146AC, 2D > 41236BD, 632146A/C 246 70 1 Anywhere Low damage, high corner carry route for B Deicide.
(AA2C, 5D, j.CD, 5A) 41236BD, 214C, 63214BD, 41236B, 632146A/C 264/274/219 150/160/110 1 Anywhere The damage falls off quick from anywhere juggles, but it's good to know how to dump meter on them to end rounds.

1.5 Bars

Combo Damage/Stun Stun Meter cost Meter Gain Location Notes
Light Starter > 214AC > 63214B > 6321463214B/D 373/388/353 75/90/0 1.5 Anywhere Super extension to the 0.5 bar route.
Heavy Starter > 214C, 214AC, 63214B > 6321463214B/D 552/497 270/230 1.5 Anywhere Adds 1 EX Mayhem to her 1 bar route.
(j.X) cl.D~D > 63214D, 214AC, 63214B > 6321463214B/D 540(578) 130(200) 1.5 Anywhere Excellent damage for 1.5 bars.
632146AC/41236AC~236B, 214A~236A/C > 236236A/C 351/373 60 1.5 Anywhere EX extensions off of EX command grabs.
41236B, 632146AC, 214A~236A/C > 236236A/C 327 60 1.5 Anywhere Super dump off of a B Deicide connect.
(AA2C, 5D, j.CD, 5A), 41236BD > 214C> 63214B/D > 6321463214B/D 303/313/258 150/160/110 1.5 Anywhere Super dump off of a EX Deicide combo.