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=Super Special Moves=
=Super Special Moves=

'''Tekkyuu Dai Bousou:'' - (qcf,hcb + A/C)
* A Ranbu style super. Chang headbutts the ball a few times before performing a rushing attack. Hitting the opponent unleashes a series of attacks with a random ender. The run itself is so slow that it's hard to combo into, and not having a distinct point to advance/climax cancel hurts it's overall combo usage.
* Still it's his main (albeit slow) reversal, and a reliable anti-air. On block it performs a guard crush but Chang is still punishable.
* The different enders are: jumping belly flop, belly thrust, a kick, or slide. The belly thrust lets you raw MAX and tack on a Mash AC if done in the corner. The kick is rare but the only advance cancelable ender. Slide gives the best knockdown.
'''Max:'''A much increased speed and slightly more countable hits makes this an excellent super to combo both into and out of. The kick ender is extremely rare and doesn’t seem to combo into anything, but the belly thrust ender now wallbounces for an OTG follow up anywhere.
Tip: after the command grab -looking portion, you have 4 more hits to Climax cancel.
'''Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu:'' - (qcfx2 + A/C)
* Chang floats into the air with the greatest of ease, damaging enemies on the way up. He then crashes back down to earth in a glorious belly flop. A version strikes once, while C version will cause him to land on the opponent with his belly flop, dealing an additional hit. He also travels slightly farther with  the C version. This attack features a few frames of invincibility (A has full body invul, but only hits standing opponents, while C has only low body invul but a huge hitbox) and very strange counter-hit properties versus aerial opponents. Generally speaking, A version is your go to anti air version, while C is the combo version. If you manage to actually hit an opponent only on the way down, it deals less damage but hits overhead. The attack can also cross up on the way down. HORRIBLY unsafe on block or whiff; Chang falls face down in both scenarios.
* About those weird aerial counter hit scenarios... On air counter-hit, A version damage goes from 180 to 225 for one hit. If the opponent is deep enough on a jump in, you can actually hit twice and deal 367 damage. The C version will also do this damage (and gets it on counter hit regardless of where). However, getting two hits on counter hit vs an aerial opponent with this attack will leave you UNSAFE on hit. Because of this, A version should be the only version used as an anti air, and only when the opponent is high enough above you. Generally speaking though, you have better anti-air options, so you’re better off going for those instead anyway. If the A version trades vs a jump-in, and either of you are cornered, it’s possible to juggle after.
'''Max:'''The ultimate belly flop. Deals much more damage than the others, and doesn’t have that dreaded option for being punished on counter-hit. Has slightly longer invulnerability (I think) and is better in the rare trade situation. If you whiff, Chang slams down onto the ground and causes a full screen low hitting shockwave that deals minor damage and causes a hard knockdown. Otherwise, it’s uses are pretty much the same as the non MAX version. It has smaller hitbox than qcfx2+C though, which is felt in combos. In certain situations, you can technically get three hits with this attack, but don’t expect it too often.

=Climax Super Special Moves=
=Climax Super Special Moves=

Revision as of 03:10, 26 January 2018


(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK


Hagan Geki - / +

Naga Sute - / +

Command Normals

Hiki Nige - +

Special Moves

Takkyuu Daikaiten - / repeatedly *

Tekyuu Daikaiten (Cancel) - during / +

Dai Hakai Nage - + / *

Tekkyuu Funsai Geki - (charge) + / *

Desperation Moves

Tekkyuu Dai Bousou - + /  !

Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu - + /  !

Climax Desperation Move

Tekkyuu Dai Ousatsu - +

Quick Combo Reference

Quick Combo Reference

Notation Key (place notation here)

0 Meter

Low, Anywhere

cr.A, cr.A, hcb,f+A/C = 192 DMG
cl.B/cr.B, hcb,f+A/C = 182 DMG
CD, cr.C, charge b,f+C - 246 DMG

1 Meter

Low, Anywhere

st.D, MAX, cl.D, hcb,f+AC = 340 DMG
cl.B/cr.B, mash A/C, qcfx2+C = 364 DMG
CD, cr.C, charge b,f+C, qcfx2+C = 437 DMG

2 Meters

Low, Anywhere

cr.A, cr.A, mash A/C, qcfx2+AC = 444 DMG
cl.B/cr.B, mash A/C, qcfx2+AC = 449 DMG
CD, cr.C, charge b,f+C, qcfx2+AC = 508 DMG

Gameplay Overview

Health: 1200

Chang Koehan is a slow but powerful brute character who emphasizes the “short but powerful” combo style. What he lacks in speed (he has the slowest walk and run speed in the game), he makes up for with a good set of normals (particularly his jumping normals), a simple but powerful movelist, decent mix-up, and the best win animation in the game

Because Chang cannot rattle off rapid-fire attacks to easily overwhelm passive or inexperienced players, Chang relies heavily on solid KOF fundamentals. If you don't practice using Chang's normals to control space at neutral, you will be easy pickings for players and/or characters who can attack more rapidly, whether at close range or from afar with projectiles. Chang's limited combo routes mean he has fairly low execution requirements, but he is perhaps better suited for more experienced players due to the patience and intelligence his neutral game requires.


Has a skyhigh 1200 health, towering over the competition (normal health being 1000, and the closest value being 1100 on six other characters).

Great assortment of normals (notably: j.CD, j.A, cr.D, st.A, cr.A).

Can make most of his attacks safe by using his Tekkyuu Daikaiten (rapidly press A/C).

Strong hop pressure; Very low hop arcs for repeated pressure into high/low mixups or command grab.

Relatively simple combos; without max mode cancels your combos are 2-3 hits; with max mode, it’s 3-4.

Damage output is alright for 1-2 bars; gets really good in the corner.


VERY slow. His walk and run speed are the worst in the game.

Has many very slow and situational normals, such as s.C, cr.C, cl.D (anything heavy really).

His only wake-up options are command grab or supers.

Large size leaves him open to getting mixed up rather easily.

Brief terminology note: This guide will refer frequently to a technique called ball cancelling with Chang. What this means is to perform Chang's Tekkyuu Daikaiten Cancel (mash A/C, then press A+B), cancelling the move as quickly as you possibly can (so the ball only hits once). This is described in more detail in the Special Moves section.



  • st.A: Chang's jab reaches very high off the ground, making it vulnerable to whiff punishes from crouching attacks, but great for stopping jumps at all heights, or cutting the opponent off for ground poking with A/B normals. His primary anti-air, low-risk, but low-reward. Slightly plus on block. Not special or super-cancellable.
  • st.B: Shorter range than st.A, but will not miss crouching opponents. Neutral on block, whiff-cancellable, chains to command normals, and is special/super-cancellable. A good counterpoke and pressure tool if Chang has the opportunity.
  • st. C: A high-risk, high-reward anti-air. Starts a juggle state on air hit, but must be MAX-cancelled or MAX-bypassed to combo afterwards. Cannot hit opponents standing on the ground (not even Chang or Antonov). Leaves Chang wide open on whiff. Not special or super-cancellable. Whiff-cancellable to ball cancel only, which can be an okay "kara-cancel" tool to snipe at people with ball cancel.
  • st. D: An okay whiff punish tool due its range, but a bit on the slow side. Comboable with 1 bar to Tekkyuu Daikaiten (mash ball) if you bypass the motion as (stD, mash B+C). Minus on block.


  • cl. A: Minus on block, but won't whiff on crouching opponents (not even Chin or Choi). Chains to command normals. Special and super-cancellable.
  • cl. B: Hits low. Chains to command normals. Special and super-cancellable.
  • cl. C: Much slower than a traditional close C, but hits overhead and inflicts a hard knockdown. Unsafe on block, but can be whiff-cancelled to ball cancel for a feint that's safe on block.
  • cl. D: Fun to look at, but not very useful, because it's neither MAX-cancellable nor low-invulnerable. Not that great of an anti-air, either. Avoid using this move.


  • cr. A: Another quick elbow. Chang's fastest normal at 5 frames, and his only chainable/confirmable combo starter. Also a key move in his frametraps and hop pressure. It shuts down the opponents hop pressure as well. Great move.
  • cr. B: Chang's fastest low. Special-cancellable, but doesn't chain to/from other A/B normals.
  • cr. C: Chang's more rewarding C ground normal. Has very short horizontal range, but starts a juggle combo on air hit, and wallbounces on counter hit. Can be MAX-cancelled, special-cancelled, or super-cancelled(?) to collect a combo afterwards. Its only limitation is its slow startup speed, making it easy to safe-jump with low jump attacks.
  • cr. D: Chang whips around with his wrecking ball dragging along the ground. A slow sweep with amazing reach. Useful not just for the knockdown, but because it is special-cancellable to ball cancel for a safe blockstring. Can chain to df+A as well for an unsafe double low string. Also whiff-cancelable into an armored anti-air (b~f+P).


  • j. A: A good defensive air-to-air, fast and active with great reach. If the opponent is too close to use j.C or j.CD without being interrupted, this is the air-to-air you use. Works better when Chang is higher in the air than his opponent. A decent jump-in to start a combo as well.
  • j. B: Also a good anti-air and jump-in. Can hit crouching opponents from a hop earlier than j.A can, which is good if you need to stuff someone's C/D anti-air.
  • j. C: One of Chang's core zoning tools. Not very fast, but is faster than j.CD with only slightly less range, and is an overhead. Very useful from a backwards low jump against an opponent you are convinced will stay on the ground.
  • j. D: Slow, but reaches farther downward than any of Chang's other jump normals. Use this move in the rare cases when you are low jumping at an opponent close by. His only crossup move, but very difficult to combo after.


  • st. CD: After a short wind-up, Chang thrusts forward, belly first. Chang's gigantic gut is a pretty good tool to throw out in the neutral, where it serves as a preemptive anti-air and a vehicle for whiff canceling into specials. On hit, you can follow up with either Tekkyuu Funsai Geki C, Tekkyuu Dai Bousou, or run towards them for oki. This attack leads to huge damage in the corner, but beware that some characters can punish it if blocked and not canceled into specials
  • j. CD: Chang swings his wrecking ball beneath himself. Another core zoning tool for Chang. Though j.CD is Chang's slowest jumping attack, its enormous range gives him the ability to poke safely (if uninterrupted) at his opponent from far away. Smart use of this move, combined with pressure gaps and careful movement, is the core of Chang's gameplay. The blockstun from this move lets Chang’s slower normals come into play. In the corner on counter hit, this leads to Chang’s highest damage output.


Hagan Geki - (b/f+C) close

  • Chang grabs his opponent and headbutts them. Causes hard knockdown and leaves them nearby you (about same range as his command grab). A good normal throw for follow up pressure, although you’ll probably be using his command grab more often for this sort of thing.

Nage Sute - (b/f+D) close

  • Chang grabs his opponent and hurls them behind him. Causes a soft knockdown and leaves them about ⅞ of a screen away from you. Great for getting some space if you want it, or for side switches.

Command Moves

Hiki Nige - df + A

  • Chang slides across the ground, wrecking ball first. Unsafe on block, regardless of spacing. This attack is very gimmicky, but don’t be afraid to use it. Chang advances good distance with this attack and can avoid most fireballs. You can always max mode cancel to make this move safe. Can not be special or super cancelled, however. In MAX mode, you can OTG off this attack with his EX Tekkyuu Daikaiten if they don’t recover.

Special Moves

Tekkyuu Daikaiten - (mash A/C repeatedly)

  • Chang’s most important special move. Performed by pressing A/C four times in rapid succession, Chang will spin his wrecking ball around in front of him in a wide arc five times. Each swing deals damage chips, and can disintegrate projectiles. It’s a good idea to cancel everything you can into this move for damage and pressure. Normally, this attack is horribly unsafe since the first hits pushes out the opponent, but it can be cancelled early by pressing AB (holding the buttons is recommend just to be sure). Slight forward/backward movement is possible while doing this move. Super cancellable.
Tekkyuu Daikaiten (Cancel) - during Tekkyuu Daikaiten, A+B
  • As described above, pressing or holding AB will make Chang stop spinning his ball around. Use this to make the move safe from whiff punishing or guard cancels. In mid screen strings, you can spin the ball twice and remain relatively safe but in the corner you can pressure/chip with all the hits by utilizing forward movement (and create frame gaps by moving away) Just beware of reversals or guard cancel rolls.

EX: The EX version deals more damage, sucks in, and hits downed opponents that doesn't recovery roll. The problem with it is that it can't be cancelled with AB, thus it's a guaranteed guard cancel roll punish if blocked. Very situational use.

Dai Hakai Nage - (hcb,f + A/C)

  • Chang’s command grab, and one of the best in the game. Very good damage (180) and applies a hard knockdown. An important part of Chang’s pressure game. Risky to whiff, but extremely rewarding if you land it. Can combo from his A and B attacks (notably, cl.B/cr.B) as well as cl.D.

EX: The best non super command grab in the game. It deals an unrivaled 240 damage, has ridiculous range, and has all the benefits of the regular version. There’s only one unfortunate weakness; the attack takes way too long to complete; it drains a ton of max meter.

Tekkyuu Funsai Geki - charge briefly b, then f + A/C

Chang winds up before hurling his wrecking ball forward. A situational tool in the neutral game; while it can punish people trying to throw fireballs at you, it has a relatively noticeable startup and can be rolled through. A version is faster and safer, while C version is mainly used to throw off the opponents timing or for combos. Has upper body autoguard properties during the startup. Very unsafe at close range; use it for mid-far ranges or as a situational anti air. Can combo into his supers if they’re close enough.

EX: Chang spins the ball multiple times before "throwing the line", then pulls in the opponent for a follow-up combo. Too slow and too punishable to be used in anything other than certain corner combos. It does have lots of autoguard, and the windup spins can technically anti-air an opponent, but sadly the final part have almost no chance of connecting after. Probably the least useful move in the game.

Super Special Moves

'Tekkyuu Dai Bousou: - (qcf,hcb + A/C)

  • A Ranbu style super. Chang headbutts the ball a few times before performing a rushing attack. Hitting the opponent unleashes a series of attacks with a random ender. The run itself is so slow that it's hard to combo into, and not having a distinct point to advance/climax cancel hurts it's overall combo usage.
  • Still it's his main (albeit slow) reversal, and a reliable anti-air. On block it performs a guard crush but Chang is still punishable.
  • The different enders are: jumping belly flop, belly thrust, a kick, or slide. The belly thrust lets you raw MAX and tack on a Mash AC if done in the corner. The kick is rare but the only advance cancelable ender. Slide gives the best knockdown.

Max:A much increased speed and slightly more countable hits makes this an excellent super to combo both into and out of. The kick ender is extremely rare and doesn’t seem to combo into anything, but the belly thrust ender now wallbounces for an OTG follow up anywhere. Tip: after the command grab -looking portion, you have 4 more hits to Climax cancel.

'Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu: - (qcfx2 + A/C)

  • Chang floats into the air with the greatest of ease, damaging enemies on the way up. He then crashes back down to earth in a glorious belly flop. A version strikes once, while C version will cause him to land on the opponent with his belly flop, dealing an additional hit. He also travels slightly farther with the C version. This attack features a few frames of invincibility (A has full body invul, but only hits standing opponents, while C has only low body invul but a huge hitbox) and very strange counter-hit properties versus aerial opponents. Generally speaking, A version is your go to anti air version, while C is the combo version. If you manage to actually hit an opponent only on the way down, it deals less damage but hits overhead. The attack can also cross up on the way down. HORRIBLY unsafe on block or whiff; Chang falls face down in both scenarios.
  • About those weird aerial counter hit scenarios... On air counter-hit, A version damage goes from 180 to 225 for one hit. If the opponent is deep enough on a jump in, you can actually hit twice and deal 367 damage. The C version will also do this damage (and gets it on counter hit regardless of where). However, getting two hits on counter hit vs an aerial opponent with this attack will leave you UNSAFE on hit. Because of this, A version should be the only version used as an anti air, and only when the opponent is high enough above you. Generally speaking though, you have better anti-air options, so you’re better off going for those instead anyway. If the A version trades vs a jump-in, and either of you are cornered, it’s possible to juggle after.

Max:The ultimate belly flop. Deals much more damage than the others, and doesn’t have that dreaded option for being punished on counter-hit. Has slightly longer invulnerability (I think) and is better in the rare trade situation. If you whiff, Chang slams down onto the ground and causes a full screen low hitting shockwave that deals minor damage and causes a hard knockdown. Otherwise, it’s uses are pretty much the same as the non MAX version. It has smaller hitbox than qcfx2+C though, which is felt in combos. In certain situations, you can technically get three hits with this attack, but don’t expect it too often.

Climax Super Special Moves


0 meter

  • cr.B, df+A (68 DMG)
  • Rush Combo>AB (146 DMG)
  • cr.B, hcb,f+A/C (182 DMG)
  • st.CD, b~f+C (185 DMG)
  • j.A, cl.A, mash A/C>AB (149 DMG)
  • j.D, cr.D (146 DMG)
  • jump forward j.CD (counter hit), mash A/C>AB (197 DMG)

Corner only

  • j.CD (counter hit), cr.C (high), b~f+A, mash A/C>AB (362 DMG)

1 meter

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

2 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

3 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

4 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

5 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)


Frame Data

Chang KOFXIV Frama Data Link


Chang Slow Motion Hitboxes

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AliceAndy BogardAngelAntonovAthena AsamiyaBandeiras HattoriBenimaruBilly KaneBlue MaryChang KoehanChin GentsaiChoi BoungeClarkGang-IlGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeidernHeinIori YagamiJoe HigashiK'Kim KaphwanKing of DinosaursKingKukriKula DiamondKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMatureMaximaMeitenkunMianMui MuiNajdNakoruruNelsonOswaldRalf JonesRamonRobert GarciaRock HowardRyo SakazakiShun'eiSie KensouSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardTung Fu RueVanessaVerseViceWhipXanaduYamazakiYuri SakazakiZarina