-Happy New Year 2025!

The King of Fighters XIV/Andy Bogard

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(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK


Kakaekomi Nage (Forward) - / +

Kakaekomi Nage (Backward) - / +

Command Normals

Hirateuchi - +

Genei Shiranui - (air) +

Special Moves

Zan-ei Ken - + / (*)

Kuuha Dan - + / (*)

Brake -
(while in air) Genei Shiranui - +

Shouryuu Dan - + / (*)

Hishou Ken - + / (*)

Desperation Moves

Chou Reppa Dan - + / (!)

Zetsu * Hishou Ken - + / (!)

Climax Desperation Move

ChoShinSoku * Zan-ei Ken - + (ground or air)

Quick Combo Reference

Quick Combo Reference

Notation Key (place notation here)

0 Meter

Low, Anywhere
Low, Anywhere

(Combo 1) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 2) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 3) = (damage number here) = 231 dmg

1 Meter

Low, Anywhere

(Combo 1) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 2) = (damage number here) dmg
(Combo 3) = (damage number here) dmg

2 Meters Anywhere (Combo 1) = (damage number here) dmg

Gameplay Overview



  • st. A: A quick standing palm thrust. Good for stopping incoming hops. Whiffs on short crouching opponents. Barely minus on block, super cancel-able on hit.
  • st. B: Andy performs a quick thrust kick. Good to use as a close ranged poke. Barely plus on block, cancel-able on hit.
  • st. C: Andy performs a swinging chop. Minus on block, super cancel-able on hit.
  • st. D: Andy performs a roundhouse kick aimed at the opponents face. Can be used as a ground anti-air against hops at a mid-range distance. Minus on block, super cancel-able on hit.


  • cl. A: Andy quick chops the opponent's neck. Slightly Minus on block, cancel-able on hit. Can chain into his other standing and crouching light normals.
  • cl. B: Andy knees the opponent's chin. Even on block, cancel-able on hit.
  • cl. C: A close hook punch that hits twice. Even on block, cancel-able on first or second hit.
  • cl. D: Andy performs a close splits kick. Slightly minus on block, cancel-able on hit.


  • cr. A: Andy performs a crouching back hand punch. Even on block, cancel-able on hit. Chain-able into his other standing/crouching light normals.
  • cr. B: This quick crouching light kick is good to start combos or to poke with at a close range. Even on block, cancel-able on hit. Chain-able into his other standing/crouching light normals. Hits low.
  • cr. C: Andy performs a horizontal palm thrust. Even on block, cancel-able on hit or whiff.
  • cr. D: Andy crouches down to kick the opponent's upper leg area that sweeps the opponent. Minus on block, cancel-able on hit, causes soft knockdown when connected. Hits low.


  • j. A: Andy performs a jumping palm thrust. Whiffs on crouching opponents. Cannot cross-up. Will chain into any close or crouching normal (even cr. HK, but it's tight)
  • j. B: Andy performs a swinging forward kick. Best used as an air-to-air attack, or to anti-air if neutral jumped. Whiffs on crouching opponents. Cannot cross-up. Will also chain into any close or crouching normal (even cr. HK, but it's tight)
  • j. C: A jumping slap. Short range. Hits some crouching opponents. Cannot cross-up. Will chain into any close or crouching normal except for cl. D.
  • j. D: This kick has good horizontal range and points downward slightly. Good to use as a jump-in attack. Hits crouching opponents. Can cross-up. Will chain into any close or crouching normal.


  • st. CD: Andy performs a full swinging roundhouse kick. Minus on block, cancel-able on hit or whiff, causes wall splat when connected, using whiffed LP elbow on block to maintain pressure seems good if the blowback connected either point blank or right at the tip (anywhere in between will cause you to hit them)
  • j. CD: Andy performs a swinging heel kick. Hits mid. Hits crouching opponents, on block will chain into any close or crouching normal except for cl. HK. When connected they are put in a non juggle state ending in a soft knock down. When connected as a counter hit they are put in a juggle state.


Kakaekomi Nage (Forward) - (b/f+C) close

  • Andy grabs the opponent, then throws them toward the corner of the screen.
  • Can be broken
  • Soft knockdown

Kakaekomi Nage (Backward) - (b/f+D) close

  • Same as the Kakaekomi Nage (Forward), but the opponent is thrown the opposite direction
  • Can be broken
  • Soft knockdown

Command Moves

Hirate Uchi - - (f+A)

  • Andy throws out a strong palm thrust. Mainly used during combos after his cl. C or any of his close standing and crouching normals. Even on block, cancel-able on hit

Genei Shiranui - (down + D) (in air)

  • This move drops Andy to the ground off of a full or super jump, or off hcf+K on hit or whiff.

Special Moves

Zan-ei Ken - (db~f+A/C)

  • Andy dashes forward quickly to deliver a power elbow strike.
  • Minus on block, super cancel-able on hit, causes soft knockdown, good for closing distance if you can space it to whiff
  • Light punch version (A) travels at a half screen distance
  • Heavy punch version (C) travels at a 3/4ths screen distance & is more unsafe on block than the light punch version.
  • You can enter the command for this attack a bunch of different ways. db, b, f+P works as does hcf+P (or db, qcf+P).

EX: Minus on block, causes wall splat on hit.

Kuuha Dan - (hcf+B/D)

  • Andy launches quickly from the ground to perform a corkscrew kick that curves down towards the opponent.
  • Very unsafe on block (even when using down+D or B+D Brake), super cancel-able on hit into his Climax, causes soft knockdown from first hit
  • The heavy kick version travels a longer distance than the light kick version

EX: More damaging than the normal version. Travels faster than the normal version. Unsafe on block (even when using down+D or B+D Brake), causes soft knockdown from first hit

Kuuha Dan (Brake) - (B+D)
  • Press LK+HK (B+D) after first hit of hcf+K. It stops Andy during the animation of Kuuha Dan & if the hcf+K connected, the opponent is put in a juggle state that allows for one close or crouching normal (except for cr. D), or a dp+C that is super cancel-able on the third hit into his Climax.

Hishou Ken - (qcb+A/C)

  • Andy throws a round, illuminated energy ball towards the opponent.
  • The light punch version is minus on block when close, super cancel-able on startup, has medium speed and when thrown full screen, Andy can move around when the fireball is 3/4 to the other side. If it hits an airborne opponent, it puts them in a juggle state ending in a soft knockdown.
  • The heavy punch version is similar to the light punch version but travels at a faster speed.

EX: Barely minus on block when close, travels at a slow speed & when thrown full screen, Andy can move around when the fireball is a 1/4th screen distance to the other side. If it hits an airborne opponent it puts them in a juggle state ending in a soft knockdown.

Shouryuu Dan - (dp+A/C)

  • Andy performs a sharp angled, jumping swinging chop. Good to use as an anti-air or to finish combos. Unsafe if blocked & whiffed.
  • Both light punch, heavy punch & EX versions have upper body invincibility on startup.
  • The light punch version is super cancel-able on first hit and causes soft knockdown.
  • The heavy punch version inflicts more damage than the light punch version and is super cancel-able on first hit or into his air Climax on the third hit. Causes a soft knockdown.

EX: More damage, hits 5 times, has lower body invincibility.

Super Special Moves

Chou Reppa Dan - (qcb~hcf+K)

  • Andy performs a much faster and damaging version of Reppa Dan, surrounded by blue flames.
  • Best used as a combo finisher.
  • Unsafe on block, climax cancel-able on or after the first hit.
  • Causes a hard knockdown.

Max: Faster startup and has more damage than the normal version. Very unsafe on block, climax cancel-able on or after the first hit and causes hard knockdown.

Zetsu-Hishou Ken - (qcf~hcb+P)

  • Andy unleashes a short ranged, but powerful super projectile.
  • Best used as a combo finisher.
  • Very unsafe on block. Can be advanced cancelled into Max Chou Reppa Dan or climax cancelled on or after the first hit.
  • Causes hard knockdown

Max: Same range as the normal version but more damaging. Very unsafe on block. Climax cancel-able on or after the first hit.

Climax Super Special Moves

Chou-Shin-Soku-Zan-ei Ken - (qcb~hcf+A+C) (can be performed in the air)

  • Andy performs a much faster and powerful version of his Zan-ei Ken. The opponent is carried to the corner of the stage.
  • Best used as a combo finisher, or to punish the opponents slow whiffed moves.
  • Unsafe on block, causes hard knockdown


  • (any special information about the character combos if needed)


Rush Auto Combo

Meterless: description here

1 Meter: description here

EX: description here

0 meter

  • cr. Bx3, db~f+A = (136 DMG)
  • cr. Bx2, f+A, hcf+D (1 hit), B+D (Brake), dp+C = (235 DMG)
  • cl. C (2), f+A, hcf+D B+D (Brake), dp+C = (245 DMG)
  • (j.C/D, cl. C (1 hit), f+A, hcf+D (1 hit), B+D (Brake), dp+C = (280 DMG)
  • st. CD, qcb+A = (130/160 DMG)

Corner Only

  • cr.Bx2, f+A, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp+C = (285 DMG)
  • cl. C (2), f+A, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp C = (295 DMG)
  • st.CD, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp+C = (253/290 DMG)

1 meter

  • cr. Bx3, db~f A, qcf~hcb+P = (277/170 DMG)
  • cl. C (2), f+A, db~f+C, qcf~hcb P = (309 DMG)
  • cr. Bx2, f+A, [BC], cl. C (2 hits), f+A, hcf+D (1 hit), B+D (Brake), dp+AC = (309 DMG)
  • cr. B, cl. B, f+A, qcb+A [SC] qcb~hcf+K = (318 DMG)
  • cl. C (2 hits), f+A, [BC], cl. C (2 hits), f+A, hcf+D (1 hit), B+D (Brake), dp+AC = (319 DMG)
  • cl. C (2 hits), f+A, qcb+A [SC] qcb~hcf+K = (328 DMG)
  • (j.C/D), cl. D, [BC], cl. C (2 hits), f+A, hcf+D (1 hit), B+D (Brake), dp+AC = (336 DMG)
  • (j.C/D), cl. D, qcb+A [SC] qcb~hcf+K = (373 DMG)

Corner Only

  • cr. B, cl. B, f+A, [BC], cl. C (1 hits), f+A, db~f+AC, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp+AC = (409 DMG)
  • cl. C (2 hits), f+A, [BC], cl. C (1 hit), f+A, db~f+AC, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp+AC = (419 DMG)
  • cl. C (2 hits), f+A, [BC], cl. D xx db~f+AC, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp+AC, cl.C = (450 DMG)

(You can link a normal in the corner after EX DP. Use close C for damage or go for cr.B or cr.A for a quick air reset.)

  • (j.C/D) cl. D, [BC], cl. C (1 hit), f+A, db~f+AC, hcf+D (3 hits), down+D, dp+AC = (474 DMG)

2 meters

  • cl.C (2 hits), f+A [BC] Cl. D, db~f+AC, db~f+A (whiff), db,f+A, qcf~hcb+P = (494 DMG) {1250 Max Mode}

(Basic max confirm into super. Fireball super does the most damage here. Feel free to use either Cl.D, Cl.C f+A or s.B->D after quick max if you feel more comfortable, it doesn’t change damage too much. 2nd character position)

  • st. CD, db~f+C, db~f+C, qcf~hcb+AC = (374 DMG)

(Super cancel off of a st. CD wallsplat, but you have to cancel the st. CD into heavy elbow, which isn’t safe.)

Corner only

  • cl.C (2 hits), f+A [BC] s.B->D, db~f+AC, hcf+D (3 hits) d+D, dp+C [SC] qcf~hcb+P = (560 DMG) {1250 Max Mode}

(Good damage corner quick max combo. 2nd character position.)

  • st. CD, hcf+B (3 hits) d+D, db~f+A [SC] qcf~hcb+AC = (415 DMG)

(Corner st. CD combo)

3 meters

  • cl. C (1 hit) f+A [BC] cl.D, db~f+AC, db~f+A (whiff), db~f+A [SC] qcb~hcf+AC = (590 DMG)

(Quick max combo into climax, good damage.)

  • st. CD, qcb~hcf+AC = (457 DMG)

(st.CD wallsplat combos into climax, nice and easy, no cancels necessary on the st. CD. Can confirm into it.)

Corner only

  • cl.C (2 hits), f+A [BC] cl.D, db~f+AC, hcf+D (3 hits) d+D, dp+C [SC] qcb~hcf+AC = (632 DMG) {1250 Max Mode}

(Quick max combo into climax in the corner for added damage. Use the button hold trick to get the heavy DP to come out as early as possible, and cancel the kuuhadan (hcf+D) immediately after three hits or the dp will whiff and you’ll probably die. 2nd character position.)

  • st. CD, hcf+B (3 hits) down+D, dp+C [SC] qcb~hcf+AC = (523 DMG)

(st. CD corner combo into climax.)

4 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

5 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)



Andy Slow Motion Hitboxes


NeoMasamune Coliflowerz

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AliceAndy BogardAngelAntonovAthena AsamiyaBandeiras HattoriBenimaruBilly KaneBlue MaryChang KoehanChin GentsaiChoi BoungeClarkGang-IlGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeidernHeinIori YagamiJoe HigashiK'Kim KaphwanKing of DinosaursKingKukriKula DiamondKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMatureMaximaMeitenkunMianMui MuiNajdNakoruruNelsonOswaldRalf JonesRamonRobert GarciaRock HowardRyo SakazakiShun'eiSie KensouSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardTung Fu RueVanessaVerseViceWhipXanaduYamazakiYuri SakazakiZarina