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Samurai Shodown IV/Rimururu

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[ Info Needed ]
Pros Cons

Move List


Special Moves and WFTs



  • Throw > 5C
Against Nakoruru, it's preferrable to microwalk to ensure it doesn't drop. Rimururu's most consistent throw combo.
  • Throw > 66B > 14-hit CD
Difficult timing to pull off but elevates Rimururu's viability a lot if you can consistently do it. Throw not required to start the combo, either.
  • Back throw > [66P]xN
Back throw, unarmed infinite. Very weak damage and requires Rimururu be unarmed, so overall pointless. The timing also changes between pressing A, B, and C.
  • (Corner) Backhit n.5C > 66C > 8S OTG
  • Back throw > Backhit j.C or j.D > 14-hit CD
Only works on Gaira and Zankuro, aka big body characters.
  • [14-hit CD (13)]xN
Self-contained 14-hit CD infinite. More optimal to just do one loop then end the combo due to the low damage of the combo, requiring several loops in order to kill.


  • n.5B or 14-hit CD (11) xx 623S > 8S OTG
Your go-to BnB as Slash Rimururu.
  • 236A > (while being attacked) Rage Explosion > 236A > Issen
Requires you be right next to the opponent. Unlikely you'll do this in a real match, but it's proof of concept for an unblockable Rage Explosion setup into Issen.
  • (During Rage Explosion) j.C > n.5B > Rage SCS (9) > Rage SCS (9) > Rage SCS (6) > r.623S > 8S OTG


  • Throw > CD (whiff cancel 2nd hit) xx WFT
Easiest to whiff the second hit with the CD BBC combo.
  • CD BBC xx 623C > 8S OTG
  • CD BBC > WFT > 8S OTG
It is possible to connect a heavy pursuit after the WFT, however due to the excessive screen shaking that plays after the WFT connects, it's difficult to properly time.
  • n.5B or 14-hit CD (11) xx r.623C > 8S OTG
623A and B also work, and without rage, but 623A runs the risk of whiffing accidentally.
  • (Corner) CD (whiff cancel 2nd hit) xx 236B > CD (whiff cancel 2nd hit) xx 236B > 66C
  • (Corner) j.C > 66B > CD (whiff cancel 2nd hit) xx 236B > 14-hit CD (13) > CD BBC xx WFT > 8S OTG
  • (Corner) [Backhit 623C]xN
Basara only infinite. One of the easiest infinites in the game if you can set it up, since even if Basara lands, you still have some time left to follow-up before the infinite drops.
Samurai Shodown IV

