-Happy New Year 2025!

The King of Fighters XIV/Vanessa

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(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK


Barrett Puncher - close / +

Clinch Puncher - close / +

Command Normals

One-Two Puncher - +

Sliding Puncher - +

Special Moves

Machine Gun Puncher - + / (repeatedly) (*)

Dash Puncher - charge briefly, then + / (*)

Parrying Puncher - + / (*)

Puncher Vision (Forward) - + / (*)

Puncher Upper - +
Puncher Straight - +
One-Two Puncher - + /

Puncher Vision (Backward) - + / (*)

Puncher Upper - +
Puncher Straight - +
One-Two Puncher - + /

Puncher Weaving - + / (*)

Puncher Weaving (KEEP) - HOLD /
Dash Puncher - + /
Parrying Puncher - + /
Puncher Vision (Forward) - + /
Puncher Vision (Backward) - + /

Super Special Moves

Crazy Puncher - + / (!)

Champion Puncher - (close) - + / (!)

Climax Super Special Move

Infinity Puncher - +



  • st.A: Standard anti-air jab. Whiffs on crouching opponents.
  • st.B: A frame faster than st.A and has better range. Whiffs on crouching opponents and is special-cancellable on hit, block, or whiff.
  • st.C: Two-hit straight punches combination. Can be used as an anti-air or long range poke that can be cancelled into Max Mode. Special cancellable on hit, block, or whiff, and super-cancellable on hit or block. Whiffs on crouchers.
  • st.D: Two-hit body blow combination. Longer range than st.C, and moves Vanessa forward a bit. Beware the 14F gap between the active frames of the first and second punches. The only far standing normal besides st.CD that doesn’t whiff on crouchers.


  • cl.A: This close ranged elbow is +3F on block, is special cancellable, and can chain into cr.A and cr.B. Links into cl.C on hit.
  • cl.B: This jab to the body is +2F on block, is special cancellable, and can chain into cr.A and cr.B.
  • cl.C: Two quick body blows that can be easily confirmed into special moves.
  • cl.D: Similar to cl.C, but pushes Vanessa away less from the opponent on block.


  • cr.A: This crouching jab is +2F on block and can be chained into all grounded light normals. Special cancellable and super-cancellable.
  • cr.B: Very short horizontal range for a crouching light kick, but is +1F on block. Chainable into grounded A normals, special-cancellable, and super-cancellable.
  • cr.C: This seated uppercut can be easily confirmed into Vanessa’s specials and command normals. Can be used as an anti-air against jumps at a close range with its lingering hitbox but lacks vertical range. Special-cancellable on hit, block, or whiff. Super-cancellable on hit and block.
  • cr.D: Vanessa’s longest ranged normal. Far reaching sweep that is special-cancellable and super-cancellable on hit or block.


  • j.A: This jumping jab has a slight downward angle and can be used in closed ranged air-to-air situations with height advantage. Vanessa’s fastest air normal.
  • j.B: A horizontal air jab. Can be used as a close range air-to-air option. Same speed as j.C, but with slightly better reach. Whiffs on crouching opponents.
  • j.C: Standard jump-in attack and good close range air-to-air. Same speed as j.B, but with better damage.
  • j.D: Longer horizontal range than j.B but lowered down vertically a bit. Can be used as a jump-in from a further range than j.C. Slow start-up.


  • st.CD: Long range horizontal kick. Causes wallsplat on grounded opponents.
  • j.CD: Long range dropkick. Slow even by j.CD standards, but has a very favorable hitbox. Good for pressure.


Barrett Puncher - (cl.4/6C)

  • (description)
  • Can be broken
  • Soft knockdown

Clinch Puncher - (cl.4/6D)

  • (description)
  • Can be broken
  • Hard knockdown
  • Side switch

Command Moves

name of command normal - - (place motion here example f+A)

  • (description here)

name of command normal - (motion here) (if in air)

  • (description here)

name of motion - (motion here)

  • (description here)

Special Moves

Machine Gun Puncher - (41236A/C)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)

EX: (description here)

Dash Puncher - ([4]6A/C)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)

EX: (description here)

Parrying Puncher - (623A/C)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)

EX: (description here)

Puncher Vision (forward) - (236B/D)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)

EX: (description here)

name of follow up move - (motion here)
  • (description here)
name of follow up move - (motion here)
  • (description here)
  • EX: (description here)

Puncher Vision (backward) - (214B/D)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)

EX: (description here)

name of follow up move - (motion here)
  • (description here)
name of follow up move - (motion here)
  • (description here)
  • EX: (description here)

Puncher Weaving - (214A/C)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)

EX: (description here)

name of follow up move - (motion here)
  • (description here)
name of follow up move - (motion here)
  • (description here)
  • EX: (description here)

Super Special Moves

Crazy Puncher - (2141236A/C)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)


Champion Puncher - (236236A/C)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)


Climax Super Special Moves

Infinity Puncher - (6321463214AC)

  • (description here)
  • (description here)
  • (description here)


  • (any special information about the character combos if needed)


Rush Auto Combo

Meterless: description here

1 Meter: description here

EX: description here

0 meter

  • cl.D, 6A, 41236C (mash C) = 166 dmg, 250 stun

(Ver. 3.10, anywhere)

  • j.D, cl.C, 6A, 41236C (mash C) = 228 dmg, 320 stun

(Ver. 3.10, anywhere)

  • cr.B, cl.A, 6A, 41236C (mash C) = 141 dmg, 230 stun

(Ver. 3.10, anywhere, light low confirm)

  • cr.B, cr.A, cr.A, 6A, [4]6A, cr.D = 224 dmg, 300 stun

(Ver. 3.10, anywhere, SKD, light low confirm with special-cancellable ender)

  • j.C, cl.C, 6A, [4]6A, cr.C = 286 dmg, 360 stun

(Ver. 3.10, corner, special-cancellable juggle ender leads to mixups)

  • j.C, cl.C, 6A, [4]6A, cr.D = 293 dmg, 360 stun

(Ver. 3.10, anywhere, SKD, special-cancellable ender)

1 meter

  • cl.D, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, [4]6AC, [4]6A, cr.C = 309 dmg, 450 stun

(Ver. 3.10, any position, half stage, special-cancellable ender)

  • cl.D, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 236BD>6C, [4]6A, cr.D = 311 dmg, 450 stun

(Ver 3.10, any position, less than half stage, SKD, special-cancellable ender)

  • cl.D, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 236BD>6C, 214AC, cl.C, 6A, 623A = 320 dmg, 340 stun

(Ver. 3.10, 3rd position, corner, HKD)

  • cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 236BD>6C, 214BD, cl.A, cl.C, 6A, 623A = 320 dmg, 540 stun

(Ver. 3.10, 3rd position, corner, HKD)

  • j.C, cr.C, 6A, [BC] cr.C, 6A, 41236AC, 236BD>6C, [4]6C, [4]6A, cr.D = 402 dmg, 580 stun

(Ver. 3.10, any position, SKD, special-cancellable ender)

2 meters

  • cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 2141236AC = 440 dmg, 320 stun

(Ver. 3.10, any position, anywhere)

  • cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 236BD>6C, 236BD, cl.A, cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 623AC, [4]6AC, 236B>6A, 214A>6C, [4]6A, 623C, cr.A = 458 dmg, 1000 stun

(Ver. 3.10, 3rd position, less than half stage, full stun)

  • cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 236BD>6A, [4]6A, 2141236AC = 467 dmg, 380 stun

(Ver. 3.10, any position, anywhere)

3 meters

  • cl.D, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, [4]6AC, 236B>6A, 214>6C, 623C, 236236AC = 526 dmg, 620 stun

(Ver. 3.10, any position, half stage)

  • cl.D, 6A, [BC] cr.C, [4]6AC, 236BD>6C, 236BD, cl.A, cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 623AC, [4]6A, 2141236AC = 591 dmg, 640 stun

(Ver. 3.10, 2nd position, less than half stage)

4 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

5 meters

  • (place combo here) = (place damage amount here)

(place combo description here)

  • cr.B, cr.A, cr.A, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 236BD>6C, 236BD, cl.A, cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 623AC, [4]6AC, 236B>6A, 214A>6C, [4]6A, 623C, *stun*, CD, 214C, cl.A, cl.C, 6A, [BC] cl.C, 6A, 41236AC, 623AC, [4]6AC, 236B>6A, 214A>6C, [4]6A, 623C, 236236C, 2141236AC = 917 dmg

(Ver. 3.10, 3rd position, less than half stage, light low confirm, will TOD Leona, Kula, and Nakoruru)


Frame Data

Vanessa KOFXIV Frama Data Link


Vanessa Slow Motion Hitboxes



External Links

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The King of Fighters XIV

NotationFrame DataMovementDefensive SystemsOffensive SystemsThe Power Gauge


AliceAndy BogardAngelAntonovAthena AsamiyaBandeiras HattoriBenimaruBilly KaneBlue MaryChang KoehanChin GentsaiChoi BoungeClarkGang-IlGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeidernHeinIori YagamiJoe HigashiK'Kim KaphwanKing of DinosaursKingKukriKula DiamondKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLove HeartLuongMai ShiranuiMatureMaximaMeitenkunMianMui MuiNajdNakoruruNelsonOswaldRalf JonesRamonRobert GarciaRock HowardRyo SakazakiShun'eiSie KensouSylvie Paula PaulaTerry BogardTung Fu RueVanessaVerseViceWhipXanaduYamazakiYuri SakazakiZarina