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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kula Diamond

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  • cl.A/B/C/D are all cancellable
  • cl.A/B are chain-able into themselves and each other
  • cl.C has two hit points both of which are cancellable
  • cl.D has two hit points both of which are cancellable
  • very good set of close normals to keep pressure on opponents


  • s.A/B/C are special cancellable
  • s.A/B/C are all whiff cancellable
  • s.D has two hits, neither of which are cancellable
  • s.A/B/C are all very decent horizontal pokes allowing Kula to control the space in front of her well


  • cr.A/B are cancellable
  • cr.B is chains into itself
  • cr.C works as a preemptive anti air with a large upward diagonal hitbox
  • cr.B has great range as a low poke
  • cr.D her sweep is very slow and extremely unsafe on block
  • overall Kula has a weak set of crouching normals compared to her stand/close ones


  • j.A/C look identical, j.C has slightly more startup. Both have cool (hah) downward angles and function as jump ins
  • j.D has another nice downward angle and good crossup potential
  • j.B has a far reaching horizontal property that makes it a good air to air tool
  • j.CD mostly functions mostly as an air to air option as its hitbox priority leaves crouching and some standing opponents hard to hit


  • soft knockdown
  • Kula's CD hits from about 1.5 characters distance away and though it hits mid her leg goes straight up making it a poor pressure tool
  • the vertical hitbox makes it a decent anti air option
  • whiff cancellable


Ice Coffin - close b/f + C

  • soft knockdown

Behind Slash - close b/f + D

  • soft knockdown
  • with help Kula tosses the opponent all the way to the other corner

Command Moves

One Inch Punch - (f + A)

  • Kula seems to grab the opponent and bite them!
  • hard knockdown
  • can combo into it (loses the knockdown property) and then cancel from it
  • very unsafe on block if done raw

Slider Shoot - (df + B)

  • Kula slides on a bed of self made ice tripping the opponent up
  • soft knockdown
  • can combo into it
  • pretty safe on block if spaced correctly
  • great option if you want a hit confirmed knock down to start your okizeme

Critical Ice - (df + C)

  • Kula creates a far reaching ball of ice spikes
  • hard knockdown
  • can combo into it, but it will not actually connect a combo with it
  • another great pressure tool for Kula
  • you can use it by whiff cancel normals into it to hide its long startup

Special Moves

Diamond Breath - qcf + A/C

Crow Bites - dp + A/C

Counter Shell - qcb + A/C

Lay Spin - qcb + B/D

┗ Stand - f + B

┗ Sit - f + D

Desperation Moves

Diamond Edge - qcf x 2 + A/C

La Cachola - qcf x 2 + B/D

Super Desperation Moves

Freeze Execution - hcb x 2 + AC


Freeze Compression = qcf x 2 + BD


Changes from OG2k2


  • j.X, cr.B×1~2, Far B, dp+C
  • j.X, cl.C (1), qcf+A, hh.D
  • cl.D (2), qcb+B~f+D, dp+C
  • j.X, st.C (1), qcfx2+P
  • j.X (cross-up), st.C (1), f+A, qcfx2+P
  • (corner) cl.C/D (2), f+A, qcf+A, qcfx2+P
  • j.X, st.C (2), (BC run) st.C (1), f+A, dp+A, (DC) qcb+B~f+D, (DC) qcb+P
  • j.X, cr.B×1~2, Far B, dp+C, (SC) qcfx2+P
  • j.X, st.C (2), (BC run) cr.B×1~2, Far B, dp+C, (SC) qcfx2+P
  • j.X, st.C (2), (BC run) st.C (1), f+A, dp+A, (DC) qcf+A, qcb+B~f+B, qcb+B~f+B, dp+C, (DC) qcb+P
  • j.X, st.C (1), f+A, (BC) st.C (1), f+A, dp+C, (DC) qcb+B, (SC) qcfx2+K
  • j.X, st.C (2), f+A, hcbx2+AC
  • j.X, st.C (1), f+A, (BC) st.C (2), f+A, hcbx2+AC
  • j.X, cr.B×1~2, (BC) Far B, dp+C, (SC) hcbx2+AC
  • j.X, st.C (2), (BC) st.C (1), f+A, dp+C, (SC) hcbx2+AC
  • j.X, st.C (1), qcfx2+BD
  • j.X (cross-up), st.C (1), f+A, qcfx2+BD
  • (corner) j.X, st.C (1), qcf+A, qcfx2+BD
  • j.X, st.C (2), (BC) st.C (1), f+A, qcfx2+BD
  • (corner) j.X, st.C (2), (BC) st.C (1), f+A, dp+C, (DC) qcf+A, qcfx2+BD
  • cl.C/D (2), f+A, qcb+B~f+D~dp+C/hcbx2+AC
  • cl.C (1), f+A, qcfx2+P / df+C (2), qcfx2+BD
  • Far C, qcb+B~f+D~dp+C / hcbx2+AC
  • cl.C (2), (BC) cl.C (2), hcbx2+AC
  • f+A/df+C(3)/qcb+P, dp+C/qcb+P/qcfx2+P
  • (corner) cl.C/D (2), f+A, qcf+A, [qcb+B~f+B]×2, dp+C/qcb+P
  • st.C (1), f+A, (BC run) cl.C(1), df+C(2), [dp+C (1),(SC) qcfx2+P/hcbx2+AC] qcfx2+BD
  • (corner) cr.B×1~2, (BC), Far B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+A, qcfx2+BD

Frame Specifics

Frame Data

Close Normals

cl.A - 4 (5)

cl.B - 4 (5)

cl.C - 5+2 (6+2)

cl.D - 7+3 (9+3)

Far Normals

st.A - 5 (6)

st.B - 5 (6)

st.C - 7 (9)

st.D - 11+5 (14+5)

CD - 13 (15)

Crouch Normals

cr.A - 4 (5)

cr.B - 5 (6)

cr.C - 10 (12)

cr.D - 13 (15)

Jump Normals

j.A - 6 (7)

j.B - 6 (7)

j.C - 9 (11)

j.D - 10 (12)

j.CD - 12 (12)

Short Hop Normals

sh.A - 6 (7)

sh.B - 6 (7)

sh.C - 10 (12)

sh.D - 10 (12)

Neutral Jump Normals

nj.A - 7 (9)

nj.B - 7 (9)

nj.C - 10 (13)

nj.D - 11 (14)

Super Jump Normals

sj.CD - 10 (12)

Command Normals

One Inch - 9 (11)

[close] - 5 (6)

Slider Shoot - 5 (6)

Critical Ice - 7+3+1 (9+3+1)


Ice Coffin - 3*1~4

Behind Slash - 10

Special Attacks

Diamond Breath (weak) - 5 (7)

Diamond Breath [strong] - 9 (13)

Counter Shell [weak] - 8 (10)

Counter Shell [strong] - 11 (14)

[Counter Ice Bullet] - 7 (9)

Crow Bites [weak] - 11 (14)

Crow Bites [strong] - 11+5 (14+5)

Lay Spin [weak] - 5 (6)

Lay Spin [strong] - 5+2 (6+2)



[Ice Bullet] - 3 (5)

"Sit" - 3 (4)


La Cachola - 10

Diamond Edge [1] - 9 (7)

[2~3] - 9+4 (7+4)

[4] - 9 (7)

[Total] - 31 (29)


Freeze Execution

[Breakdown] - 7*6~10(9+7*5~9)

[Total] - 42~70(44~72)


Freeze Compression - 52 (52)

Frame Advantage

Close Normals

cl. A - 6F (-2F)

cl. B - 7F (-5F)

cl. C - 4F (-9F)→[2] Guard

cl. D - 7F (-6F)→[2] Guard

Far Normals

st. A - 6F (-7F)

st. B - 4F (-5F)

st. C - 14F (-21F)

st. D - 9F (-1F)→[2] Guard

CD - 12F (-23F)

Crouch Normals

cr. A - 7F (-5F)

cr. B - 5F (-2F)

cr. C - 5F (-17F)

cr. D - 8F (-15F)

Command Normals

One Inch (f+A) - 18F (-25F)

One Inch (f+A) Canceled - 13F(-26F)

Slider Shoot (df+B) - 10F (-12F~-3F)

Critical Ice (df+C) [1] - 18F

[total] - 29F (-14F)

Special Attacks

Diamond Breath (weak) - 19F (+4F)→Guard

Diamond Breath (strong) - 36F (+10F)→Guard

Crow Bites (weak) [1] - 6F (-33F)

[2] - 18F (-21F)

Crow Bites (strong) [1] - 3F

[2] - 13F

Counter Shell - 8F (-11F)

Lay Spin (weak) - 14F (-6F~-2F)

Lay Spin (strong) [1] - 15F

[2] - 31F (-2F)

"Stand" - (-5F~-2F)

"Sit" - (-17F~-6F)


Diamond Edge - 12F


Freeze Execution [1] - 15F

[Distance] - (-21F)

[Close, Corner Start-up] - (-19F)


Freeze Compression - 16F (-13F)

Kula KOF 2002 Mook


Kula Master Class

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