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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Controls

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Attack Notations

A = Light Punch

B = Light Kick

C = Strong Punch

D = Strong Kick

CD = Blowback Attack

P = With either Light Punch or Strong Punch

K = With either Light Kick or Strong Kick

X = Any button

AB = Roll, neutral or forward AB will make the character roll forward, pressing it in the backward direction will make the character roll backward

ACR or ACRoll = Attack Cancel Roll, press AB when hitting the opponent with a grounded normal

GCR or GCRoll = Guard Cancel Roll, press AB when guarding an attack

GCD or GCCD = Guard Cancel Blowback, press CD when guarding an attack


                  up (u)
 (ub)  up left - 7 8 9 - up right (uf)
    (b)   left - 4 5 6 - right (f)

(db) down left - 1 2 3 - down right (df)
                 down (d)

Movement Abbreviations

d,d - 2,2 - press down twice

d,u - 2,8 - press down then up

db,f - 1,6 - press down back then forward

f,b,f - 6,4,6 - press forward back forward

b~f or d~u - [4]6 or [2]8 - Charge, hold in one direction then shift to the designated direction

d,df~u - 2,[3]8 - Running Charge

qcf - 236 - d,df,f - Quarter circle forward

qcb - 214 - d,db,b - Quarter circle backward

hcf - 41236 - b,db,d,df,f - Half circle forward

hcb - 63214 - f,df,d,db,d - Half circle backward

dp - 623 - f,d,df - Dragon Punch motion

rdp - 421 - b,d,db - Reverse Dragon Punch motion

tk - 2369 - d,df,f,uf - Tiger Knee Motion

rtk - 2147 - d,db,b,ub - Reverse Tiger Knee Motion

hcb f - 632146 - f,df,d,db,b,f - Half circle back forward motion

qcb hcf - 2141236 - Quarter circle back half circle forward

Other Abbreviations

j. - Jump/jumping - Press up-back/up/up-forward

nj. - Neutral jump - Press up

sj. - Super-jump - Tap down-back/down/down-forward, then quickly press up-back/up/up-forward

sh. - Short hop - Tap up-back/up/up-forward

hh. - Hyper hop - Tap down-back/down/down-forward, then quickly tap up-back/up-forward

cl. - Close

cr. - Crouching

st. - Standing

bb. - Backdash

(C) - Free cancel (maxmode)

(SC) - Super cancel

(CH) - Counter Hit

(W) - Critical Wire : Said move causes a wallbounce on hit

(CW) - Counter Wire : Said move causes a wallbounce only on counter hit

OTG - On The Ground : Said move hits a downed opponent

dp+C(2) - do the next move after dp+C does 2 hits. Same logic for another move

cr.Bx1~4 - You can do 1 to 4 cr.B's here

> - follow-up, like qcf+A > qcf+P for Kyo's rekka follow-up

/ - or

[A] - Mash A 4 times

- Like A • C, you have to press A then C in quick succession, usually a plink/piano from A to C is best


The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match

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