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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Orochi Chris

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Chi no Batsu - close, / +

Ten no Tsumi - close, / +

Command Moves

Muyou No Ono - +

Jukei No Oni - +

Setsudan No Koto - +

Special Moves

Tsuki wo Honoo tsumu - + /

Taiyou wo Iru Honoo - + /

Kagami wo Hofuru Honoo - + /

Shishi wo Kamu Honoo - close, + /

Desperation Moves

Ankoku Orochinagi - + / (Hold to charge)

Daichi no Kurau Gouka - + /

Super Desperation Move

Ankoku Orochinagi - + (Hold to charge)

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Sanagi wo Yaburi, chou wa mau- +

Quick Starter Combo Reference


0 Bar



Very Close

cr.B, cr.A, f+A, hcf+K, dp+A = 27%

(jump-in), cl.C, hcf+B, dp+A = 29%

(optional cross-up), cl.C, f+A, hcf+K, dp+A = 31%

1 Bar



cr.B, cr.A, f+A, qcb,hcf+A = 29%

(jump-in), cl.C, f+A, qcb,hcf+A = 32%

2 Bar



Very Close

cr.B, cr.A, f+A, dp+C(3) (SC) qcb,hcf+A = 41%

(jump-in), cl.C, dp+C(3) (SC) qcb,hcf+A = 43%

(jump-in), cl.C, f+A, dp+C(3) (SC) qcb,hcf+A = 45%

Gameplay Overview

Orochi Chris is a fast & mobile character with same buttons as regular Chris, but different specials.
Pros Cons
  • Amazing mobility: Just like the regular Chris, O. Chris is amazingly mobile, which gives him advantage in many matchups. He has one of the fastest hops in the game, and he puts this speed to a good use. When used right, O. Chris can be a menace once he's in the air.
  • Good buttons: Ever since KoF '98 days, Chris's buttons have been notoriously good. They aren't as overpowered in 02UM, but they are still great nonetheless. Good crossup j.D, great j.CD, safe and low slide df+B still make up a big part of O. Chris's toolset, and many of his normals allow him to score many small hits that are fast and hard to react to or punish.
  • More straightforward combos: Regular Chris may have a whole "bag of tricks" with him, but he pays for it with subpar damage and oki on his basic combos. In comperison, O. Chris gets pretty standard BnB combos—but that's really all he needs to be dangerous, when he still has his strong fundamentals. He may not make your head spin, but he can play rushdown game that gets very scary with his movement speed, fast crossup and other tools. To add to this, he has easy and solid Max Mode routes that make him even scarier with bar.
  • Still average damage: Despite having a bit better combos than regular Chris, O. Chris's is still not a high damage character. Don't expect him to kill the opponent in two combos.
  • Average DP: O. Chris's Dragon Punch is not great as anti-air, and it's very unsafe on block. For this reason, it can be hard for him to deal with pressure.
  • Average specials: Overall, O. Chris's specials are all a tad flawed, and at a glance they may all look weak. He doesn't control the screen well with them, his combo routes ending in specials are somewhat limited, and he gets no hard knockdowns from them. His other strengths is what makes them work, so don't expect miracles here.

Orochi Chris is an "evil" version of Chris originating from KoF'97. He retains Chris's fast movement and has all the same normals and command normals, such as his slide, j.CD and big crossup j.D. However, he has completely different specials and supers. Orochi Chris trades some mixups for better BnB combos and more straightforward rushdown playstyle. He also has fairly easy Max Mode combos. Orochi Chris is generally considered about the same tier as Chris, and if you're picking out of the two, he's more fit for those who'd prefer to have a bit less tricks for a bit better damage and knockdowns.



  • cl. A/B/C/D are cancel-able.
  • Close A chains into other light normals.
  • Close C is the combo starter of choice, best damage and faster on block than cl.D. The only caveat is that the recovery is bad and it's best to cancel it into f+B or df+B for safety on block.
  • Close D does not combo into command normals, but it does combo into special attacks. Better on block than cl.C.


  • Stand A/C is cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
  • Stand B has great range making it a good poke. Slow on startup, but good recovery.
  • Stand C goes far and does two hits. The first hit is cancelable and does no pushback, which enables some good combos from distance. However, be careful throwing it randomly, as it lasts for quite some time, leaving you wide open in case it whiffs.
  • Stand D is an ok anti-air. Comes out pretty fast, but the recovery isn't great. Whiffs on crouching opponents.


  • cr. A/B/C are cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
  • Crouch B is chain-able. Fast and long range.
  • Crouch C can be used as an anti-air attack if timed right, but it can also be used to start combos (only cancelable on 1st hit). Be careful though as it whiffs on low crouchers.
  • Crouch D is a nice fast sweep. Chris bends to the ground during it, so this can help to low profile some air attacks. The recovery is very good too. Frequently used for frametraps after cr.B.


  • j.D is Chris's main jump button. Has a big crossup hitbox, and will cross up even low crouchers. Good as a jump-in, as it reaches quite low. Good as a poke too when used on the tip. OK as air-to-air, but j.A/B/C can be better in that regard.
  • Jump B/C/D are all instant overhead (hh.B/C/D).

Blowback Attack

  • CD comes out fast, cancel-able/whiff cancel-able, it also whiffs on crouching opponents unless they have a high crouching hitbox (e.g. Daimon). Note that his GCCD attack doesn't have this weakness.
  • j.CD is a notoriously good button for Chris. It has a "wheeling" hitbox, meaning it first hits horizontally as air-to-air, but then goes all the way down, reaching extremely low, and covering a lot of space. Despite its somewhat slow startup, it's a very powerful tool due to Chris's fast air movement, and enables his strong pressure and air control.


Chi no Batsu - (b/f+C) close

  • Chris grabs them then runs off of their face doing three hits.
  • Can be broken.
  • Regular Knockdown

Ten no Tsumi - (b/f+D) close

  • Chris grabs the opponent then flips them into the air then plummeting to the ground.
  • Can be broken.
  • Reverse Knockdown
  • Hard Knockdown

Command Moves

Muyou No Ono - (f+A)

  • Chris steps forward then swings his arms forward, hitting the opponent in the stomach. This is a pretty good move for Chris as it is fast, has great reach and moves him forward a bit, however the damage is quite low. Comboes from both light and heavy attacks and always cancelable into specials / supers. Can also be used by itself, the range is huge, so it can enable some long-distance combos. Be aware though that while punishing it on block is hard and sometimes risky, it is nevertheless possible for some characters; a good punish move like Iori's qcb+A or Ryo's hcb+B can punish it in most cases.

Combo Advice: This is O. Chris's "combo filler" move. Enables his combo routes from lows, like cr.B, cr.A, f+A, hcf+K / DM. Can be used after cl.C too, but vs inconsistent characters, if you do cl.C, f+A, hcf+K, the special will whiff and leave you wide open to punish. So generally, unless you're sure it'll hit, it's better to just default to cl.C, hcf+B, as it's consistent and you lose very little damage anyway.

  • Cancelable

Jukei No Oni - (f+B)

  • Chris does a hand stand and performs a 2-hit kick, then returns back. This move serves two main purposes: a fast long distance overhead, and a safe blockstring ender. Comboes from strong normals, but the pushback prevents it from being very useful in combos (it can combo into qcb+C, but it's not very consistent). Cancelable if canceled into, when used alone the second hit is an overhead attack. As an overhead, it's quite good as a surprise attack that is hard to react to.
  • Cancelable (if you cancel into it first), 2nd hit only
  • Overhead Attack, 2nd hit only (when not canceled into)

Setsudan No Koto - (df+B)

  • Chris slides to attack the opponents legs, a pretty vanilla command normal compared to his other one's, this move also does not knockdown nor is it cancel-able so you could it's only here for two reasons, one reason is that it can be used as a good poke but only if you space it right, the other reason is to start Max mode combos while keeping the pressure on, because of the initial pushback when you activate Max mode you'll have to run up afterward or use his Far C then use the slide to close the gap, also hits low so it must be blocked low.
  • Hits low
  • Combos into: Max mode activation

Special Moves

Tsuki wo Honoo Tsumu - (dp+A/C)

  • Chris moves his arms with flames in hand in a circular fashion to knock the opponent into the air. Comes out fast and has decent range. The light version has Chris do one loop then do a short jump at the end doing one hit, the heavy version has Chris do two loops then jumps a much higher into the air doing four hits. The light version is a DP, it's fully invincible on 1st hit (i.e. can't trade), making it your best reversal; but that said, it's not that great as anti-air, because it start out slow and goes at an awkward angle. It's also punishable on block like most DPs and the recovery isn't great. The heavy version has no invincibility at all, so it shouldn't ever be used as reversal, but it comes handy in combos for when hcb+K won't reach, and it can also be supercanceled for extra damage. Also very unsafe on block.

Combo Advice: Light version isn't much of a combo tool, but can be used as a knockdown combo ender when nothing else will reach. It's also the go-to ender after hcf+K. Heavy version will combo from most things (even though the first hit may whiff). While hcf+K > dp+A deals more, you can supercancel dp+C for extra damage, and it gives you plenty time to input a super.

  • Super Cancel-able (C version only, 2nd and 3rd hits)

Taiyou wo Iru Honoo - (qcf+A/C)

  • Chris throws out a purple flaming wave hitting the opponent a few times, this move is one of his better moves because not only does it couter-act projectiles, on hit it temporary locks the opponent in hit-stun for enough time for you to run up and do a follow-up attack to start another combo, both versions require specific spacing because it comes out and a fixed range as soon as he throws it out, if you use it to close you'll whiff it and if you use it too far the opponent can hyper hop over the wave and punish you accordingly, the weak version is pretty fast and can help build meter on guard or hit, the strong vesion comes out slower but works better as a okizeme tool, you can use just about anything as a follow-up attack, Kagami wo Honoo Hofuru (qcb+P), Shishi wo Kamu Honoo (hcf+K), Tsuki wo Honoo Tsumu (dp+P), and even most command normals and DM's like Ankoku Orochinagi (qcb hcf+P) but that requires you to buffer during the hit-stun.
  • Nullifies Projeciles
  • Combos into: Anything you can run up and use

Kagami wo Honoo Hofuru - (qcb+A/C)

  • Chris leaps forward and does a flip with flames coming out of his hands attacking the opponent's upper body. The weak version starts out faster, the heavy version is a tad slower but goes a little further. This move may seem like a good combo ender, but alas it will combo only on standing opponents (except Chang), so be sure to confirm the opponent is standing if you ever use it. It also works as an anti-air of sorts, but it's not exactly good on block, so only throw it if you think the opponent won't punish it; a good opponent may punish it very badly. Despite the look of it, the move is NOT an overhead, and it also whiffs on tiny crouch height opponents, so keep that in mind.

Combo Advice: Like mentioned above, the move will only combo on a standing opponent. However, it goes quite far, and may substitute for hcf+K / dp+C when they don't reach, and/or qcb hcf+P if you want to save meter. If you ever land cl.C > f+B (2 hits) on a standing opponent, you can finish the combo with qcb+C as it's the only thing that'll reach.

Shishi wo Kamu Honoo - (hcf+B/D) close

  • Chris does a series of attacks hitting the opponent five times knocking the opponent into the air on the last hit. It's a proximity unblockable attack which means it only activates when close. Both versions of the move are identical; the move has some window of invincibility before the hits, but it runs out quick and you can still get beaten out of it, so it's not really a reversal unless you get lucky with it. The last hit can be canceled into specials or supercanceled, but only dp+A will combo (making the supercancel quite useless). Optionally, you can omit the cancel and juggle after the last kick launches, but again only few things will combo after it, either j.D or some grounded normals like cl.D (again, no DM will connect).
This is Chris's most damaging combo tool. Gives good damage and does almost same damage as comboing into his DM. Can also be used to open up turtling opponents, just don't get hit out of it on the startup.

Combo Advice: This is your #1 option for combos, and what you should go for whenever you get a chance. You will see most players default to dp+A ender with it, and this is probably the best option, unless you're feeling adventurous and want to try resets with j.D or cl.D. The only real downside of this move is that it may whiff on some characters if you're not close enough before it (mainly due to pushback), so the most consistent way to combo into it is either (optional jump-in,) cl.C > hcf+B (gives you f+B on block), or cr.B, cr.A > f+A > hcf+K.

  • Cancelable on the last hit
  • Supercancelable on the last hit
  • Proximity Unblockable

Desperation Moves

Ankoku Orochinagi - (qcb hcf+ A/C) hold to delay

  • Chris generates a flame then dashes with his right hand forward causing a vast wave of flames to come out and hit the opponent a few times, the start-up to recovery ratio is controlled by how you long you decide to delay the move, the start-up has upper body invincibility up until he lets the flame go, as soon as he does that you can then be hit by anything that hits above his waist, however if the opponent decides to sweep you'll take the hit, this is always the DM and combo ender of choice because it does great damage, the problem is to get the most out of it you may have to rely on super canceling to get it to work properly, the weak version can be linked after his Proximity Unblockable (hcf+K), (qcf+P) when you buffer it during the hit-stun, and if you super cancel it it links after his dp+P as well, the strong vesion doesn'thave as many options because of it's slight slower start-up.
  • Upper Body Invincibility
  • Nullifies projectiles
  • Combos from: Muyou No Ono (f+A), Shishi wo Kamu Honoo (hcf+K), Tsuki wo Honoo Tsumu (dp+C), Taiyou wo Iru Honoo (qcf+P) hit-stun

Daichi No Kurau Gouka - (qcfx2+A/C)

  • Chris holds his arms behind his back for a few seconds then he throws a flame flaming sphere where it floats toward the opponent hitting them a few times, the flaming spheres hitbox comes out a body length away as soon as Chris releases it, the start-up is too long for it to be used in combos effectively but it does have other uses, one of the more risky choices are that you can use it after knocking the opponent down onto the ground, works as a okizeme tool but the problem is whether or not you feel like spending the meter or not, it's assured that it will keep constant pressure on the opponent as soon as they wake-up which can then give you enough time to run up and apply even more pressure to break their guard or use his Setsudan No Koto (df+B) command normal to start a Max mode combo before they get a chance to block low, it also nullifies projectiles but another on should cancel it out if their fast enough.
  • Okizeme tool
  • Combos into: Setsudan No Koto (df+B) to Max Mode

Super Desperation Move

Ankoku Orochinagi - (qcb hcf+AC) hold to delay

  • Chris generates a flame then dashes with his right hand forward causing a vast wave of flames to come out and hit the opponent a few times, the start-up to recovery ratio is still controlled by how you long you decide to delay the move, the start-up has upper body invincibility up until he lets the flame go, as soon as he does that you can then be hit by anything that hits above his waist, however if the opponent decides to sweep you'll take the hit, this is always the DM and combo ender of choice because it does great damage, the flame also goes much farther than before (about 40% of the screen), the problem is to get the most out of it you may have to rely on super canceling to get it to work properly, the weak version can be linked after his Proximity Unblockable (hcf+K), (qcf+P) when you buffer it during the hit-stun, and if you super cancel it it links afte his dp+P as well, it has around the same amount of start-up frames as the strong Ankoku Orochinagi so you want to stick to super cancel ops and Max mode.
  • Upper Body Invincibility
  • Nullifies projectiles
  • Combos from: Shishi wo Kamu Honoo (hcf+K), Tsuki wo Honoo Tsumu (dp+C), Taiyou wo Iru Honoo (qcf+P) hit-stun

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Sanagi Yaburi wo, wa mau chou - (qcfx2+BD)

  • Chris transforms into Orochi then raises his hand causing a gigantic full-screen shockwave to hit the opponent 18 hits and do about 65% raw damage, while this is a great HSDM their isn't really any practical way to set it up because the start-up is too long, it might prove useful for punishing very laggy moves like other HSDM that have a long start-up time, Chris is also completely invincible as soon as he turns into Orochi but anytime before you can be hit and then he'll revert back to normal wasting a lot of meter, does a great amount of damage on guard but it's never suggested to aim for that, you're better off saving the meter for Max mode and super canceling imo.
  • Full-screen Attack


You can add a cross-up or deep jump-in to every combo that starts with Starter or Max.
You can use cr.C(1) or far C(1) instead of cl.C

0 Stock

Starter = cl.C / (cr.B, cr.A/cl.B)

  • Starter, f+A,
┗ dp+C
Soft knockdown. Decent carry, good damage. Can fail to combo on crouching Bao.
┗ qcb+C
Whiffs on crouching characters. Soft knockdown. Less damage but better carry than the previous.
┗ hcf+K, dp+A or sj.A/B/C/D
You can't use this with cr.C(1)/cl.C from the front on Bao, Shermie and these inconsistent characters, stick to cr.B, cr.A and far C(1) on them. Soft knockdown. Best damage and carry, use this when you can.
  • (front jump-in), cr.A, f+A, hcf+K, dp+A or sj.A/B/C/D
cl.C, f+A, hcf+K is even more inconsistent after a front jump-in so it's best to stick to cr.A instead. Though the issue of f+A being punishable on block still makes the next route better.

 ★ cl.C, hcf+B, dp+A or sj.A/B/C/D

Use this for best consistency for damage and safety as you'll get the decent f+B on block. You can choose to end with a superjump normal attack as an air reset.

1 Stock

 ★ Starter, f+A, qcb hcf+A

Deals 29% from low and 33% from mid.

2 Stocks

Max = Starter, df+B/f+A, BC walk, far C(1). Damage values given for df+B.

If you add a front jump-in that isn't deep enough, you'll have to BC run to land far C(1).

  • Starter, f+A, dp+C (3), (SC) qcb hcf+A
Deals 41% from low and 45% from mid.
  • Max, df+B, (C) dp+C (3), (SC) qcb hcf+A
Deals 45% from low and 48% from mid.

 ★ Max, f+A, hcf+K (5), (C) dp+C (3), (SC) qcb hcf+A

Your max 2-bar bnb, nice and easy, use it as much as you can. Deals 48% from mid and 52% from low.
  • df+B, BC, f+A/df+B, dp+C (3), (SC) qcb hcb+A
df+B must hit pretty close. Inflicts around 38% with both df+B.
  • df+B, BC run, cr.A, f+A, hcf+K (5), (C) dp+C (3), (SC) qcb hcf+A
Optimized version of the previous combo that you can start from further away for a better slide conversion. 42%. If you're too far skip hcf+K and go straight to the dp after f+A.
  • f+B(2), BC run, cr.A, f+A, dp+C (3), (SC) qcb hcb+A
Nice overhead conversion. Deals around 32% damage.

3 Stocks

  • Max, df+B, (C) dp+C (2), (SC) qcb hcf+AC
Deals 55% from low and 58% from mid.
  • Max, f+A, hcf+K (5), dp+C (2), (SC) qcb hcf+AC
Your max 3-bar bnb, nice and easy, use it as much as you can. Deals 59% from mid and 63% from low.
  • df+B, BC, f+A/df+B, dp+C (2), (SC) qcb hcb+AC
df+B must be hit very close. Inflicts around 49% with both df+B.
  • df+B, BC run, cr.A, f+A, hcf+K (5), (C) dp+C (2), (SC) qcb hcf+AC
Optimized version of the previous combo that you can start from further away for a good slide conversion. 53%. If you're too far skip hcf+K and go straight to the dp after f+A.
  • f+B(2), BC run, cr.A, f+A, dp+C (2), (SC) qcb hcb+AC
Nice overhead conversion. Deals around 43% damage.

Changes from OG2k2

  • O. Chris has new idle animation

Tsuki wo Honoo Tsumu changes (dp+P)

  • Weak has a longer duration
  • Strong version can be super canceled on the second hit now
  • Daichi No Kurau Gouka, qcfx2+P, is a new DM
  • Sanagi Yaburi wo, wa mau chou (HSDM) does more hits now, it also has a changed command qcfx2+BD


Orochi Chris Combo Tutorial by Grey_FGC
각성 크리스 플레이 모음(Orochi Chris Best Rounds) - Xiaohai(소년)

Match videos Orochi Chris vs Mai, Yuri, and Kyo-1

External Links

Check Orochi Chris's frame data

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