-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Nightmare Geese

Command Moves
Special Moves
Shippuuken - in air, +
(Up to 2 times in a row)
Double Shippuuken - in air, +
(Up to 2 times in a row)
Raimei Gouha Nage - close to downed opponent, +
Desperation Move
Super Desperation Moves
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Gameplay Overview
Tora Ayame - (close) b/f + C
Shinkuunage - (close) b/f + D
Command Moves
Raikou Mawashi - f + B
Hienshitsu Kyaku - f + A
Special Moves
Reppuuken - qcf + A
Double Reppuuken - qcf + C
Shippuuken - qcb + A in air (up to 2 times)
Double Shippuuken - qcb + C in the air (up to 2 times)
Jaeiken - hcb + A/C
Joudan Atemi Nage - hcb + B
Chuudan Atemi Nage - hcb + D
Gedan Atemi Uchi - hcf + B
Gou Raimei HAZAK Swimming - (on knocked down opponent): df + C
In Ura Kumo - hcb, f + A/C
Desperation Moves
Raging Storm - db, hcb + A/C
Super Desperation Moves
Asura Shippuuken - qcf x 2 + A + C
Raging Storm - hcb, f + B + D, down + D, D, qcb, f + B + D
Hidden Super Desperation Move
Raging Dead End - f, hcf + B + D
Kokuu Reppuuzan - (after Raging Dead End) hcf + B or hcb + B/D
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