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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Orochi Shermie

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Hatsugane - close, / +

Issetsu Seoi Nage - close, / +

Command Moves

Jinrai - +

Kourai - +

Special Moves

Yatanagi no Muchi - + /

Shajitsu no Odori - + /

Mugetsu no Raiun - + / / /

Raijin no Tsue - in air, + /

Takeru Mikazuchi - + / (Mash to maintain)

Desperation Moves

Ankoku Raikou Ken - + /

Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi - on ground or in air, + /

Super Desperation Moves

Ankoku Raikou Ken - +

Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi - on ground or in air, +

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Unmei no Ya - + / / /

Quick Starter Combo Reference


0 Bar


Very Close

(jump-in), cr.A, st.B(2), qcb+A = 18%
(jump-in), cr.C, f+B, qcb+C = 26%

(optional cross-up), cr.C, f+A, air qcf+B = 30%

1 Bar


(jump-in), cr.C, f+A, air qcfx2+B = 40%

3 Bar


(jump-in), cr.C, f+A, air qcfx2+BD = 55%

Gameplay Overview




  • cl. A/B/C are cancel-able.
  • Close B is cancel-able on both hits (2).
  • Close C is the combo starter of choice because of it's hit-stun, links into both of her command normals.
  • Close D does two hits but neither of them are cancellable and pushes Shermie back afterward.


  • Stand A is cancel-able/whiff cancel-able, No Mugetsu Raiun is a good follow-up attack when you're far away.
  • Stand B is identical to her Close B, cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
  • Stand C has okay range but the recovery isn't too good and it isn't cancel-able either.
  • Stand D is the same as her Close D, whiffs on crouching opponents.


  • cr. A/B/C are cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
  • Crouch A is chain-able.
  • Crouch B has a slow start-up but hits really low, chain it from cr.A if you want to use it.
  • Crouch C can be used as an anti-air attack, links into her command normals.
  • Crouch D sweeps the opponent to the ground, not cancel-able.


  • j.B/C/D all cross-up.
  • The hit-box on jump B is really low, you can almost cross them up by short hopping with it.
  • Jump C delivers a nice chunk of hit-stun on contact, enough to do a follow-up attack afterward, meaty attack.
  • Jump D is an instant overhead (hh.D), it can also be used to cross-up.

Blowback Attack

  • CD comes out slow, cancel-able/whiff cancel-able, makes her hit-box switch sides with the opponent when used near them while they're downed.
  • JCD is her best air to air move because it goes fast and far, cancel-able.


Bakurai - Close, b/f + C

  • Shermie grabs the opponent then suplexes them.
  • Can be broken.
  • Regular Knockdown.

Enrai - Close, b/f + D

  • Shermie grabs the opponent then tosses them away.
  • Can be broken.
  • Reverse Knockdown.
  • If you use this throw to toss the opponent into the corner you can use No Mugetsu Raiun as a follow-up attack, after that you can use Ankoku Raikoken to finish up the combo.

Command Moves

Kourai - f + B

  • Shermie leans forward then proceeds to do a handstand flip kicking the opponent in the face once. Its start-up is a little slow but has it has a variety of uses, it hits mid when combo'd into but it's an overhead when used by itself, combos into No Yatanagi Muchi when done after st/cr.C to command normals, but in terms of DM's Ankoku Raikoken and (Weak/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi work very well as combo enders, HSDM Unmei no Ya (B version) works too.
  • Cancel-able if canceled into.
  • Super Cancel-able on hit when used alone.
  • Overhead Attack
  • Combos from: Stand/Crouch C
  • Combos into: No Yatanagi Muchi, Ankoku Raikoken, (Weak/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi, and HSDM Unmei no Ya (B version).

Jinrai - f + A

  • Shermie hops forward to kick the opponent in the stomach, okay start-up but the recovery is a little long, hits mid when combo'd into but it's an overhead when used by itself, it's a fantastic command normal because it strings right into her Raijin no TSUE and (Weak/Strong/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi (Air Varianr) DM to do a big chunk of damage.
  • Cancel-able if canceled into.
  • Overhead Attack
  • Combos from: Stand/Crouch C
  • Combos into: Raijin no TSUE, (Weak/Strong/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi (Air Variant).

Special Moves

Yatanagi no Muchi - qcb+A/C

  • Shermie makes a lightening disc then throws it at the opponent, weak version goes a very short distance while the strong version comes out a lot faster, doesn't have much technical use but it works if you use it after a close normal like her close B, besides that their are a lot of better moves you could use.
  • Combos from: Most Close Normals

Shajitsu no Odori - qcb+B/D

  • Shermie jumps and twirls in the air with lightening covering her feet hitting the opponent five times, weak version starts up almost instantly while the strong version starts a little bit slower, weak version goes half-screen while the strong version goes about 3/4 of the screen, has no use after command normals because it just isn't fast enough, links from her Stand/Far C and it's also super cancel-able into her (Weak/Strong/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi (Air Variant) DM on any hit, this move is also very unsafe if you whiff it so if you want to use it make sure you actually hit them first.
  • Super Cancel-able
  • Combos from: Stand/Far C
  • Combos into: (Weak/Strong/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi (Air Variant) DM

Mugetu no Raiun - HCF+A/B/C/D

  • Shermie leans forward and blows a kiss that causes an electric discharge to appear in the shape of a sphere, the distance in which the move comes varies depending on which button you press to activate the move, the weak punch (A) version comes out right in front of Shermie, the weak kick (B) version comes at about 40% of the screen, the strong punch (C) version comes out 65% of the screen, while the strong kick (D) version comes out 85% of the screen which would be right in front of the opponent if they're at the end of the screen, this makes a good fake out move if you use it after whiffed light normals, this move also does a real nice amount of hit-stun, actually enough hit-stun that if you use it in the corner (or if you use her D throw to put them in the corner) you can do a follow-up attack with her close B then combo into her (Weak/MAX) Ankoku Raikoken DM or use the DM on it's own.
  • Combos from: Wipes Out throw, Whiffed light normals
  • Combos into: (Corner only) Close B, (Weak/MAX) Ankoku Raikoken DM.

Raijin no Tue - qcf+B/D in air

  • Shermie flips forward and makes a lightening current come out near her feet and strike the opponent to the ground, weak version comes out fast while the strong version has a longer start-up because she jumps higher into the air, the weak version of this move is highly suggested after her Jinrai (f+A) command normal if you combo into it, this move can also be used during her back-dash to quickly thwart any anxious opponents that want to run or jump-in, the strong version only really works if you need that extra boost in the air.
  • Combos from: B version combos from Jinrai
  • Overhead Attack
  • Hard Knockdown

Takeru Mikazuchi - dp+A/C repeatedly

  • Shermies sends a strike of lightening down from the clouds to herself and sends a shock of electricity coursing through her, pressing the A/C button repeatedly makes the attack last a bit long, the range is poor by itself but it's a incredibly good move when used up close, when used in front of the opponent it does a enough hit-stun to lock the opponent in place to allow a follow-up attack like (Weak/MAX) Ankoku Raikoken DM / No Yatanagi Muchi /(Weak/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi DM, it can be used as an anti-air but only if you're up close.
  • Combos into: (Weak/MAX) Ankoku Raikoken DM, No Yatanagi Muchi, (Weak/MAX) Shukumei, Gen'ei, Shinshi DM
  • Does a lot of hit-stun

Desperation Moves

Syukumei - Genei - Shinshi - qcfx2+B/D

  • Shermie jumps forward and torpedoes through the opponent with lightening at her feet, the weak version comes out very quickly making it very easy for it to combo from most of her normals and command normals, the strong version has a slower start-up which makes it next to impossible to combo into it, the DM of choice when used after her jinrai command normal, it can also be super canceled after Shajitsu No Odori, and Takeru Mikadzuchi.
  • Combos from: Combo'd jinrai, Shajitsu No Odori, and Takeru Mikadzuchi

Ankoku Raikouken - qcfx2+A/C

  • Shermie forms an electric sphere and shocks the opponent doing five hits, comes out quick making easy to combo into from just about anything, links from the majority of her normals, her Kourai command normal, Takeru Mikadzuchi after you recover, and No Mugetsu Raiun depending on which version you use to hit them, either way you have to be close in order for it to connect.
  • Combos from: Most normals, Kourai, Takeru Mikadzuchi, No Mugetsu Raiun

Super Desperation Moves

Syukumei - Genei - Shinshi - qcfx2+BD

  • Shermie jumps forward and torpedoes through the opponent with lightning at her feet, works exactly like the weak version except it does a lot more damage, comes out very quickly making it very easy for it to combo from most of her normals and command normals, the DM of choice when used after her jinrai command normal, it can also be super canceled after Shajitsu No Odori, and Takeru Mikadzuchi.
  • Combos from: Combo'd jinrai, Shajitsu No Odori, and Takeru Mikadzuchi

Ankoku Raikouken - qcfx2+AC

  • Shermie forms an electric sphere and shocks the opponent doing five hits, comes out quick making easy to combo into from just about anything, SDM version does significantly more damage, links from the majority of her normals, her Kourai command normal, Takeru Mikadzuchi after you recover, and No Mugetsu Raiun depending on which version you use to hit them, either way you have to be close in order for it to connect.
  • Combos from: Most normals, Kourai, Takeru Mikadzuchi, No Mugetsu Raiun

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Unmei no Ya - hcbx2+A/B/C/D

  • Shemire blows a kiss exactly like No Mugetsu Raiun except if it hits the opponent they are stunned, then she summons a bolt of electricity to strike the ground and if it hits the opponent it does 50% damage. The start-up is identical to No Mugetsu Raiun and the projectile appears at different spacings depending on the button used but it's now unblockable. This HSDM is a very bad gamble because on top of being slow andd not combo'ing of anything, hence being farily hard to land, it can hit O.Shermie or even miss altogether.
  • Unblockable


  • You can do a dp+P then a run into any of the combos unless specified otherwise.
  • You can't do 2 cr.A against crouching(Bao, Kyo, Kyo-1, Kyo-2, Kusanagi, Shingo, Nameless, Benimaru, Yuri, Leona, Ralf, Clark, Foxy, King, Mature, Vice, Robert, Athena). Stick to one.
  • st.B's 2nd hit will whiff on some crouchers, make sure to cancel it on the first hit against crouching(K’, Joe, Benimaru, Iori, Mature, Vice, Leona, Athena, Kensou, Mai, Yuri, Chris, Kula, Foxy, Angel). It'll miss on crouching Jhun only on the tip, after 2 cr.A's.
qcb+P's 2nd hit whiffs on the same crouchers except crouching(Mai, Chris, Jhun).

0 Stock


  • cr.B, qcb+A
Mainly a low profile conversion. qcb+A can whiff on crouchers as described above. 15%.
  • cr.Ax1~2, st.B(2), qcb+A
Decent meterless option though st.B and qcb+A's inconsistency is a pain. Good hitconfirm but cr.A is fairly slow and short so omitting one or both is preferred at some spacings. qcb+A is safe on block outside of dead corner but there's a gap before it for the opponent to reversal so stopping at st.B is preferred. 18~22%.

 ★ cr.C, f+B, qcb+C

Preferred bnb off a front jump-in. Decent damage although qcb+C's issue with crouchers can force the combo to stop early on hit. cr.C is faster and does more damage than cl.C. 26%.

 ★ cr.C, f+A, air qcf+B

Best bnb, great point-blank conversion. A jump-in should be a cross-up unless in the corner. Otherwise more consistent than the other options as air qcf+B only whiffs on crouching Bao if not in the corner. You can't do this combo off a dp+P unless in the corner. 30%.

1 Stock


  • cr.Ax1~2, st.B(2), qcfx2+A
Good 1 bar conversion. cr.A is fairly slow and short so omitting one or both is preferred at some spacings. If you only use one st.B hit you can do it as cr.A, qcf, st.B(1), qcf+A. 27~31%.
  • cr.C, f+B, qcfx2+A
Better conversion for consistency and damage. If you add a front jump-in, the super whiffs on crouching Bao but it's otherwise consistent. cr.C is faster and does more damage than cl.C. 33%.

 ★ cr.C, f+A, air qcfx2+B

Best 1 bar conversion to default to. Stopping at f+A is fairly safe on block. Otherwise more consistent than the other options as you can add a front jump-in without any risk of whiffing. 40%.

2 Stocks


  • cr.C, f+B, BC run, cr.C, f+B, qcfx2+A
The damage isn't great and not running deep enough can make the super whiff. If you want to use the meter the next one is preferred. 38%.
  • cr.C, f+B, BC run, cr.C, f+A, air qcfx2+B
Not much added damage, not worth the extra bar unless you want to kill. 44%.


  • cr.C, qcb+B(4~5), (SC) air qcfx2+B
Only point-blank, in dead corner and on standing characters, except crouching Chang. Don't use this. 44~45%.

3 Stocks


  • cr.Ax1~2, st.B(2), qcfx2+AC
Underwhelming damage compared to the 1 bar version. cr.A is fairly slow and short so omitting one or both is preferred at some spacings. If you only use one st.B hit you can do it as cr.A, qcf, st.B(1), qcf+AC. 40~44%.
  • cr.C, f+A, air qcfx2+BD
Okay conversion to use if you need the damage. Stopping at f+A is very safe on block. Otherwise more consistent than the other options as you can add a front jump-in without any risk of whiffing. 55%.
  • cr.C, f+B, BC run, cr.C, f+B, qcfx2+AC
The damage isn't great and not running deep enough can make the super not fully connect. If you want to use the meter the next one is preferred. 51%.
  • cr.C, f+B, BC run, cr.C, f+A, air qcfx2+BD
Not much added damage compared to the 1 bar version, not worth the extra meter unless you want to kill. 57%.

Changes from OG 2k2

  • Jinrai (f+A) is her new command normal
  • Kourai (f+B) only does one hit now
  • Takeru Mikazuchi (dp+P) is another new move
  • Shajitsu no Odori (qcb+K) is super cancel-able in the air now


Orochi Shermie combos by Dark Chaotix
각성 쉘미 플레이 모음(Orochi Shermie Best Rounds) - 4Cent
Orochi Shermie Master Class

External Links

Check Orochi Shermie's frame data

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