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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Heidern/Combos

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The King of Fighters 2002 UM



General Notes

    For the corner loop, you can use always replace the first d~u+A by a d~u+C 2~8A by a 2~8C for a harder cancel and a bit more damage.
    You can also use cl.C, f+B(2), BC run, cr.A instead of cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2) cl.C(2), 6B(2), BC run, 2A for a starter but the first slasher then has to be d~u+A 2~8A and it's just a much harder run for 2% more.

0 Stock


  •  ★ cr.Ax1~2, d~u+A 2Ax1~2, 2~8A
Your basic meterless conversion, you need to be point blank against most crouchers. You can use d~u+C for more damage but it has much less range and also just doesn't work on standing Mai on top of being inconsistent on a lot of crouchers. Default to d~u+A on hit, and on block stop at cr.A or add a 3rd one before stopping. 17%.
  • cl.C, f+B cl.C, 6B
    No knockdown and less damage than the previous but it has some worth in being easier and that it looks kinda punishable but is actually safe on hit and block against everything but Yashiro's qcfx2+A/AC so you can bait and punish a reversal. That said, cl.C's lackluster range, reach, speed and overall utility outside of meter conversions heavily limits this combo's usage. f+B isn't a true blockstring after cl.C so the opponent could mash a reversal in between, but cl.C alone is safe so you can block that reversal if you read it and stop. 16%
  • cl.C, f+B, d~u+A cl.C, 6B, 2~8A
    Only point blank. Pretty hard but good string. You need to practice to find how early you can let go f+B and start charging down. This is a good option since even if you miss, you are very safe as said above. That said, cl.C's lackluster range, reach, speed and overall utility outside of meter conversions heavily limits this combo's usage and it's pretty inconsistent on Bao and these characters except the st.Kyo-tier. 25%

1 Stock


  •  ★ cl.C, f+B(1), qcb,hcf+K cl.C, 6B(1), 2141236K
Best 1 bar conversion. Always use this unless you need the life gain from the corner route. 36%


  • cl.C, f+B(1), qcfx2+P cl.C, 6B(1), 236236P
Less damage than the previous version but you get 14% health back so worth considering if you are in the corner. Won't work on crouchers except for Chang, Daimon, Maxima, Seth, Whip, Xiangfei, Choi, regular Takuma, Chin. 30%

2 Stocks


  • cl.C, f+B(1), d~u+C (SC) qcb hcf+K cl.C, 6B(1), 2~8C (SC) 2141236K
    Best damage for 2 bar midscreen but it's hard. You not only need to find the right timing to charge down but also then buffer the super so d~qcb,ub+C (SC) qcf+K 2~2147C (SC) 236K. 48%

 ★ cr.Ax1~2, d~u+A (SC) qcb hcf+K 2Ax1~2, 2~8A (SC) 2141236K

    Less damaging but much more reliable and consistent alternative to the previous combo, default to this. Shortcut the super cancel as d~qcb,ub+A (SC) qcf+K 2~2147A (SC) 236K. 40%

 ★ cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), f+B(2), qcb,hcf+B cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 6B, 2141236B

If you don't know what to go for with 1 bar after a cl.C midscreen, this is the answer. On the lower end for damage so the 1 bar is preferred but if you need it, it's pretty easy and very consistent which as a Heidern player you'll come to appreciate. 40%.
  • cl.C, f+B(1), BC run, cl.C(2), f+B(2), qcb,hcf+B cl.C, 6B(1), BC run, cl.C(2), 6B(2), 2141236B
    Optimized version of the previous route. Despite a better confirm it's fairly inconsistent and the damage gain is very small, the previous one is preferred. 42%
  • cl.C, f+B(2), BC walk, far C, qcb,hcf+B cl.C, 6B(1), BC walk, far C, 2141236B
A bit more though still pretty average damage. It gets a pass for not requiring a max run, making it on the easier end. Walk a tiny bit before pressing far C. far C will whiff on all crouchers except for Chang, Daimon, Maxima, Ramon, Seth, Whip, Xiangfei. 44%


  • cl.C, f+B(1), d~u+C (SC) qcfx2+P cl.C, 6B(1), 2~8C (SC) 236236P
    Best damage for 2 bar midscreen but it's hard. You not only need to find the right timing to charge down but also then buffer the super so d~qcf,uf+C (SC) qcf+P 2~2369C (SC) 236P.42%
  • cr.Ax1~2, d~u+A (SC) qcfx2+P 2Ax1~2, 2~8A (SC) 236236P
    Less damaging but much more reliable and consistent alternative to the previous combo. Shortcut the super cancel as d~qcf,uf+C (SC) qcf+P 2~2369C (SC) 236P. 33%
  • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), f+B(1), qcfx2+P cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 6B(1), 236236P
The easy alternative if the loop below isn't your forte. Not much damage, kind of a waste of meter, but 14% health gained so worth a mention. Won't work on crouchers except for Chang, Daimon, Maxima, Whip, Xiangfei, Chin. 33%
  •  ★ cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, b~f+A, [d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A]x2, (d~u+A (SC)) qcfx2+P cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, 4~6A, [2~8C, (C)4~6A, 4~6A]x2, (2~8A (SC)) 236236P
    • Excellent damage for a fairly hard combo, the practice will be worth it. This route doesn't work on Yuri, Kasumi, Angel and Yamazaki, changing the second d~u+C to d~u+A 2~8C to 2~8A is enough for Yamazaki.
    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, b~f+A, d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A, d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, delay qcb,hcf+K cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, 4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, 4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, delay 2141236K
    You have to delay the super so the opponent falls on it, this does more than not doing the super cancel on the previous one but the health gain favors that one. This route doesn't work on Yuri, Kasumi, Angel and Yamazaki, changing the second d~u+C to d~u+A is enough for Yamazaki. 69%
    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, (C) b~f+A, d~u+C, (C) b~f+A, d~u+C, (C) b~f+A, b~f+A, (d~u+A, (SC)) qcfx2+P cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, (C)4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, 4~6A, (2~8A (SC)) 236236P
      The route you have to use against Kasumi and Angel. For Kasumi, you only have to slightly delay one of the d~u+C but you need to delay both for Angel and it's an annoyingly specific timing. I recommend removing the last b~f+A to make it more consistent on Angel. Without the last b~f+A, if you then delay the last d~u+A or skip it, it'll work on Yuri too. The full route does 68%, without the last b~f+A it does 64% The route you have to use against Kasumi and Angel. For Kasumi, you only have to slightly delay one of the 2~8C but you need to delay both for Angel and it's an annoyingly specific timing. I recommend removing the last 4~6A to make it more consistent on Angel. Without the last 4~6A, if you then delay the last 4~6A or skip it, it'll work on Yuri too. The full route does 68%, without the last 4~6A it does 64%

    3 Stocks


    • cl.C, f+B(1), qcb,hcf+BD cl.C, 6B(1), 2141236BD
      Easy way to just spend the meter on some damage. 49%>
    •  ★ cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), f+B(2), qcb,hcf+BD cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 6B(2), 214236BD
      If you don't know what to go for midscreen, this is the answer. On the lower end for damage so the 1 bar is preferred but if you need it, it's pretty easy and very consistent which as a Heidern player you'll come to appreciate. 53%.
    • cl.C, f+B(1), BC run, cl.C(2), f+B(2), qcb,hcf+BD cl.C, 6B(1), BC run, cl.C(2), 6B(2), 2141236BD
      Optimized version of the previous route. Despite a better confirm it's fairly inconsistent and the damage gain is very small, the previous one is preferred. 55%


    • cl.C, f+B(1), qcfx2+AC cl.C, 6B(1), 236236AC
      Just good enough to spend the meter and get 14% health back. Won't work on crouchers except for Chang, Daimon, Maxima, Whip, Xiangfei, Chin. 47%
    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), f+B(1), qcfx2+AC cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 6B(1), 236236AC
      The easy alternative if the loop below isn't your forte. Not much damage, kind of a waste of meter, but 14% health gained so worth a mention. Won't work on crouchers except for Chang, Daimon, Maxima, Whip, Xiangfei, Chin. 49%
    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, b~f+A, [d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A]x3, qcfx2+P cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, 4~6A, [2~8C, (C)4~6+A, 4~6+A]x3, 236236P
      Don't do this, use the next one. 80%
    •  ★ cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, b~f+A, [d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A]x2, (d~u+A (SC)) qcfx2+AC cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, 4~6A, [2~8C, (C)4~6+A, 4~6+A]x2, (2~8A (SC)) 236236AC
      Excellent damage for a fairly hard combo, the practice will be worth it. This route doesn't work on Yuri, Kasumi, Angel, and Yamazaki, changing the second d~u+C to d~u+A 2~8C to 2~8A is enough to fix it for Yamazaki. Does 84% without the super cancel and 88% with it.
    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, b~f+A, d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A, d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, delay qcfx2+BD or qcb,hcf+BD cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, 4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, 4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, delay 236236BD
      You have to delay the super so the opponent falls on it, this does more than not doing the super cancel on the previous one but the health gain favors that one. This route doesn't work on Yuri, Kasumi, Angel, and Yamazaki, changing the second d~u+C to d~u+A is enough to fix it for Yamazaki. 81%
    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, (C)b~f+A, d~u+C, (C) b~f+A, d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A, (d~u+A, (SC)) qcfx2+A cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, (C)4~6A, 2~8C, (C)4~6A, 4~6A, (2~8A (SC)), 236236A
      The route you have to use against Kasumi and Angel. For Kasumi, you only have to slightly delay one of the d~u+C 2~8C but you need to delay both for Angel and it's an annoyingly specific timing. I recommend removing the last b~f+A to make it more consistent on Angel. Without the last b~f+A 4~6A, if you then delay the last d~u+A 2~8A or skip it, it'll work on Yuri too. The full route does 86%, without the last b~f+A 4~6A it does 81%

    4 Stocks


      cl.C, f+B(1), d~u+C (SC) qcb,hcf+BD cl.C, 6B(1), 2~8C (SC) 2141236BD
      Looks cool but definitely not worth the meter for how hard it is and the better options. 60%

    5 Stocks


    • cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), d~u+A, b~f+A, [d~u+C, (C)b~f+A, b~f+A]x3, qcfx2+AC cl.C(2), BC run, cl.C(2), 2~8A, 4~6A, [2~8C, (C)4~6A, 4~6A]x3, 236236AC
      All in, worth it if you have the meter to spend. 97%
    The King of Fighters 2002 UM



    The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match

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