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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Iori Yagami

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Revision as of 13:43, 27 October 2020 by Borscht Justice (talk | contribs) (→‎Special Moves: made a more detailed description of qcb+P)
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Move list


Reverse Skinner - / +

Dbl-rev. Skinner - / +

Command Moves

Dream Blast - + ,

Thunder Axe Shadow Reaper - +

Lily Breaker - in air, +

Special Moves

Fireball - + /

Dark Thrust (Ground fireball) - + /

Deadly Flower - + / (Can be used up to 3 times in a row)

Dark Crescent Slice - + /

Scum Gale - close, , + /

Desperation Moves

Maiden Masher - , + /

Wolf Bloom - During Maiden masher, x 4 +

Flame Comber - + /

Super Desperation Move

Maiden Masher - , +


Flame Disentangle - , +



  • cl. A/B/C are cancelable.
  • cl. A hits around waistline, chainable so can be used as combo filler.
  • cl. B is a low attack with a close activation range. Has best frame advantage (+2 on block/+4 on hit) among his cancelable light normals, so good for strings/confirm chains. You can link cl.C after it on hit.
  • cl. C is very fast with a 3f startup. Good for a quick close punish, and for stopping opponents jumping above your head. Only the first part before his arm is stretched is cancelable.
  • cl. D doesn't cancel into anything but it's good for a quick anti-air to stop opponents from jumping out of the corner.


  • St.C is cancelable, the rest isn't.
  • Stand A is +4 on block which is a good for poking at a close range to bait and block Guard Cancel Attacks. The distance on the stand A is rather short, though. Doesn't hit very high so unlike most st.As, this one isn't very good to stop hops.
  • Stand B is a good close range poke that is aimed at the opponents lower midsection. It is fast, had great recovery, and can be used to frame trap opponents with his qcb+A rekka.
  • Stand C has good range and is cancelable. It's good for punishes just outside of close normals' range. The recovery isn't great but can be canceled into specials for safety.
  • Stand D is good for preemptively stopping hop attacks but it's whiff recovery is bad.


  • cr. A/B/C are cancelable.
  • cr. A has great range and can be canceled into qcb+A. Chainable.
  • cr. B will be used a lot for his high low/pressure, rush down and for starting combos. When running at your opponent, use this to stop your dash and to throw out a quick low attack, next to hyper hopping j.C.
  • cr. C can be used to anti-air opponents but it might trade sometimes if timed incorrectly.
  • cr. D is fast but has very bad recovery and isn't cancel-able on hit or on block, so whiffing it or having it blocked can leave you wide open. Use with caution.


  • j. A has a rather sharp downward angle which can be good to use next to his j.C because it start quicker.
  • j. B is a very long poke that stays out for a long time. Good for air-to-air attacks, and stopping incoming hop pressure. Be careful though because it whiffs on low crouchers.
  • j. C is a bit slow, but very deep jump-in which will always hit crouching opponents, no matter if they are using a normal attack that can be used as anti-air against certain jumping attacks. It is also fairly hard to anti-air against as well on wake up. Use it to fully utilize his annoying high/low mixup game on a fallen opponent, or to pressure at close range next to his cr.B. It's a little weak as an air-to-air normal, so use j.B for that purpose.
  • j. D can be used as an air-to-air attack during certain ranges, and as a good jump-in, but it may miss on crouching opponents if performed too early.

Blowback Attack

  • st.CD is standard, cancelable on hit/block/whiff, but also can be canceled into command normals. You can try to use it as a preemptive anti-hop attack, but it isn't guaranteed.
  • j.CD comes out pretty quick, and has a horizontal angle. Good for air-to-airs and works as a jump-in too, but will whiffs on low crouchers. Good priority (better than his other jump attacks).


Reverse Skinner - (f/b + C) close

  • Iori grabs the opponent's mid-screen (looks like the liver) then slashes away causing them to fly backward almost at a half-screen distance away. Even though this throw doesn't cause a hard knockdown, the advantage is the amount of space it gives the player to being either zoning and creating more space between them, or analyze what movements the opponent may make after they tech the knockdown. If the opponent does not tech the throw, Iori has enough time to run up and meaty attack them with a j.C or a crouching B or to bait a reversal on their wake up.
  • Can be broken
  • Regular knockdown

Double-reverse Skinner - (f/b + D) close

  • Iori slides behind the opponent then grabs their kidneys and slashes them away causing them to fly behind them almost a half-screen away. Almost the same conditions as the normal Reverse Skinner but the distance the opponent lands if the knockdown is not teched is a small amount farther.
  • Can be broken
  • Reverse knockdown
  • Regular knockdown

Command Moves

Dream Blast - (f + A, A)

  • Iori performs a scratching slash down, then a backhanded punch to the opponents face. The first hit isn't cancel-able in this game; but only into Maiden Masher DM (qcf~hcb+P). But, it is cancel-able on hit only if Iori is in max mode. Visually, the first hit looks exactly like his standing C (heavy punch), and it features the same amount of vulnerability if it's whiffed out in the open. It's loss of the ability to cancel on hit and on block greatly diminishes the space after his blockstrings a bit (example: cl.C, f+A, qcf+P) but maybe that takes away the possibility of the opponent Guard Rolling (GCAB) it to punish Iori.
The second hit (the backhand punch) which can be released on the first hit's whiff, which may catch some opponents off-guard because of it the extra distance it grants Iori, and that its hitbox is at shoulder height. It may be used pre-emptively to stop incoming hops and quick dashes but try not to rely on it too much for that purpose because it has no invincibility and it doesn't release that quickly. It is cancel-able on hit/block, but you have to understand the proper distance that it will connect with, because it may outright whiff if you aren't close enough.
  • First hit free cancel-able into the second hit
  • First hit not cancel-able on hit outside of max mode
  • Second hit cancel-able on hit

Combo Advice: You can cancel the first hit into Maiden Masher (qcf~hcb+P) but the timing is a bit strict. In max mode, you cancel it into his qcb+P rekkas, and many of his other special moves easily. For properly connecting his second hit, place a close B or a close/crouching A then inputting f+A,A. If you place any other normals or strings before it, the second hit may whiff.

Thunder Axe Shadow Reaper - (f + B)

  • This is Iori's standing overhead. It's rather slow, but it can still catch someone off-guard once in a while that's committing to blocking low. It isn't cancel-able into anything on block by itself, and it is rather unsafe too if your opponent decides to strike back with something fast and of proper length to reach you before the recovery ends. On block, you can cancel this overhead into any of his special moves if canceled from any of his other cancel-able normals (example close C, f+B, qcf+A). Use this overhead attack sparingly as you can but if you forget to do so, it's okay.
  • Overhead attack
  • Only cancel-able on block if canceled from a cancel-able normal

Lily Breaker - in air, (b + B)

  • This is one of the most useful moves Iori has always had in his arsenal. Its main use is to cross-up opponents while they're standing or crouching (with some exceptions to some characters), while either on their wake-up or even in close quarters. This can create some rather nasty and annoying mix-ups if performed correctly and if done unpredictability. It is very easy to start combos with this attack because it features a small amount of extra hit stun, and it is quite safe on block as well. Another use is to increase the distance and speed of his back-dash if performed as 'back, back + B'. This can create a lot of space between Iori and the opponent, which you can use to help apply your long range zoning with his qcf+P, or to escape, runaway or even bait reversals out of your opponent. Even offensively during pressure in the corner, you can use the animation to fake out your opponent and make them block, thinking you were going to hit them with a hop j.C or j.D. If you neglect to use this move in battle, you are minimizing Iori's mix-up potential and great way to create space between you and the opponent.
  • Cross-up attack only
  • Cancel-able on hit and on block

Combo Advice:It's rather easy to combo from this kick, either from his stand C, his close B, close A, or his crouching B. It's best to use this normals after because they are easy to combo into and have damaging outcomes, and just incase your cross-up is blocked. You can fall back with his relatively safe stand C, or a low attack with close B/crouching B which may catch them by surprise.

Special Moves

Fireball - (dp + A/C)

  • This is Iori's purple dragon punch reversal move. The light punch version travels at a much lower height than the heavy punch version but doesn't have any start-up invincibility. The heavy punch version performs 3 hits upon direct impact, but is highly punishable on block and on whiff, while the light punch version does only a single hit, and has less recovery. But it is still very punishable if blocked or whiffed at a close distance. The best situations to use the light punch version is either anti-air jumps or super jumps (hyper hops are not recommended), or to be used as a very quick, and safe punish option while an opponent is in recovery. The heavy punch version should be used very sparingly because of its very bad recovery on block and whiff, but it can be used as a very risky wake-up reversal option, to anti-air super jumps, to evade and plow thru certain attacks because of its start-up invincibility, and to chip the opponent out if they are close to no health. A very useful move only when used correctly in the right situation and right time.

Combo Advice: The light and heavy punch versions can connect and combo well after Iori's close light heavy normals, but keep in mind that the opponent can tech the knockdown. During max mode, the heavy punch dp will be used in cancel in and out of his hcb+K move during a few of his combo strings.

  • Regular knockdown
  • Super cancellable

Dark Thrust - (qcf + A/C)

  • Iori's ground projectile at both punch version travels at a good speed and its hitbox is quite high. Opponents must hop or hyper hop over them to avoid being anti-air with his dp+P. The light punch version travels at a lower pace than the heavy punch version but they deal the amount of health to the opponent. When Iori releases the projectile he is vulnerable to any jump-in attacks that may come his way while he is in recovery, so be careful. Dark Thrust is one of his best long range zoning moves if used correctly and with the right amount of spacing. On block, it can push the opponents back towards the corner at a good distance if done midscreen, while the corner, it can push Iori back a bit away from the opponent to create some space to avoid possible retaliation. Use this move carefully to zone, create space, and to make your opponent want to hop or jump towards you.

Combo Advice: This projectile (the heavy punch version) can only combo after Iori's close/crouching C, f+A,A , crouching A, and close B.

  • Ground fireball

Deadly Flower - (qcb + A/C)

  • A key move for Iori. This is a "rekka" special, i.e. you perform each of the 3 hits with a separate qcb+P input; 2nd and 3rd hit can be delayed a bit to trick your opponent. The 2nd hit launches, the 3rd hit is an overhead that also ground slams, causing hard knockdown. (Note that the last hit deals more damage than the first 2 combined.)
Both versions deal the same damage. The light version is very fast and comboes from both light and heavy attacks (which is Iori's main BnB); it's pretty tough to punish on block too. The heavy version only comboes from heavy attacks, but goes very far, allowing it to connect from long range attacks like st.C; it is less safe on block than the light version though (especially the 3rd hit), because of the slower recovery and because it puts Iori closer to the opponent. The 1st hit of qcb+C has a short window of upper body invincibility on startup that may allow it to slide under some projectiles.
What makes this move very versatile is its speed, range, relative safety, and the hard knockdown it deals. It works very well as a combo tool and as a fast & long range punisher, and can also be used as a poke. The first hit of the light rekka is pretty hard to punish on tip (e.g. after j.C cl.C) for a lot of the characters, so you can throw it on block, see if it hit, and either stop or continue with the rest of the rekka. The hard knockdown finisher of the rekka is a convenient setup for Iori's okizeme, for example meaty / ambiguous roll / crossup / scum gale / etc. It's possible but not recommended to anti-air with the rekka, it's not well fit for this purpose and juggling with it is very tricky.
It must be noted that while the rekka is not easy to punish (especially for new players), every hit of it is punishable to an extent; qcb+A is the safest one out of them, but it can still get punished by a few characters (that said, there's always a threat of the 2nd hit after the 1st one). And it goes without saying that while qcb+A is relatively "safe", it's still -11 on block, so you don't get much offense from getting it blocked. So all in all, vs a good player, ideally you either confirm into the rekka, or stop on 1 hit of qcb+A. It's also worth noting that The 2nd and the 3rd hit do not form a true blockstring.

Combo Advice:: The rekka can be comboed into from pretty much every normal Iori has and in any situation. Only the light version comboes from light attacks. If you're in close range, it's safer to use the light version; if you're not sure it will reach, use the heavy version. It's best to confirm into the move from cr.B cl.B/cr.A or j.C cl.C. Light rekka will combo from: cr.A, cl.B, cl.A, cl.C and cr.C (close). Heavy rekka will combo from: cl.C, cr.C and st.C.

  • Hard knockdown
  • Can be used up to 3 times in a row
  • Last hit is an overhead

Dark Crescent Slice - (hcb + B/D)

  • Iori runs up to the opponent, slams their head on the ground, then blasts them with purple fire. Light version travels half screen while the heavy version travels full screen; both versions deal the same damage. This move deals 5% more damage than Iori's rekkas, but only comboes from cl.C and is really unsafe on block, so its mainly used in combos to get more damage on punish/after confirm. Not a good move to use in the neutral or throw on block randomly though. Iori runs a bit faster during this move than he does normally, so it can be used to cover distance faster after a knockdown. Has invincibility to some cr.Bs, although probably this won't find much use.

Combo Advice: You can combo into his grab from Iori's cl.C and cr.C (from close only). Causes hard knockdown which you can use to improvise a few wake-up options, much like with the rekka. Also useful for max mode combo strings.

  • Hard knockdown
  • Running hit-grab
  • Can be blocked

Scum Gale - close, (hcb, f + A/C)

  • Iori grabs the opponent by their collar (or neck) then swings them around leaving them momentarily dazed and vulnerable for a few frames. This is another very useful special move that strengthens his close range offensive options. Even though this command grab isn't a 1-frame grab, and has no invincibility, it can still throw off a guarding opponent who respects the Iori player's offense too much, which can lead to good damage. The amount of time the opponent is dazed isn't very long at all, so be sure to skip to your lou and attack the opponent ASAP before they recover.

Combo Advice: While it isn't possible to combo directly into his command grab, what you do after it connects is really important. Iori can react the dazed opponent with a stand C which can go into his qcb+C rekkas, or his qcf~hcb+P super. Also, if you are quick enough, you run up with a close C to combo into his qcb+K, or f+A into qcf~hcb+P. The timing is tricky but it's worth learning.

  • Deals no damage
  • Slow command grab

Desperation Moves

Maiden Masher - (qcf~hcb + A/C)

  • Iori rushes towards the opponent then performs a flurry of claws and scratches ending off in a blast of purple flames. A typical ranbu super that hasn't changed much compared to other KOF titles. It has moderate start-up (which isn't invincible) which can punish a fair amount of special moves that have poor recovery. Against mid-air projectiles (like Athena's Psycho Ball) he can't duck underneath them during his rush anymore, but he can use this super as a reaction anti-air against regular jumps and hyper hops. On block, the recovery is horrible, so try your best to make sure this DM connects or else you will be punished hard. There is a hard knockdown after the purple flame blast at the end, but the opponent is thrown at almost a half-screen away, so be sure to act quickly if you want to continue the pressure on their wake up.

Combo Advice: You can cancel this DM from many of his normals (except his close D) but the timings is a bit stricter in this game. You can also super cancel it from his dp+C.

Wolf Bloom - During Maiden masher, (qcf x 4 + AC)
  • If you have an extra bar to spare, and you're in the mood in inflict 10% more damage to your opponent, feel free to follow up the Maiden Masher with this extension. It also gives the opponent an un-techable, hard knockdown which gives you enough time to run in and apply okizeme pressure. Keep in mind that the animation for the DM is quite long, so it may help or harm you when the clock is approaching it's final seconds. Be sure to crank out the 4 qcf's during the last hits of the Maiden Masher then hit A+C when Iori blasts them away. Practice the timing in practice mode a few times to ensure that you don't input the motions too early or too late.
  • Hard knockdown

Flame Comber - (qcf x 2 + B/D)

  • Iori leaps and spins towards the opponent to slam-dunk them into the ground, then spinning them around helicopter style to throw them across the screen. This DM, which is new to Iori's arsenal in 2002UM, can be somewhat gimmicky to someone that isn't familiar with it's hit properties. It's basically a full-screen overhead attack that is horribly unsafe on block. It looks like it can be a throw or a mid/high attack, but it isn't. You can even hit him out of it to score a counter hit or roll when you see him leap. Even though it does more damage than the Maiden Masher, it's very risky to use, and you can't even combo it from anything. So, if you feel that your opponent doesn't understand that this DM is simply a slow overhead, or that they have never seen it before, it's very likely they will get hit by it.

Combo Advice: The only full combo opportunities with this DM can only be found in Max Mode. You can cancel it from his qcb+P rekkas or his hcb+K command throw.

  • Overhead attack
  • Hard knockdown

Super Desperation Move

Maiden Masher - (qcf~hcb + AC)

  • This SDM version of the Maiden Masher has a bit slower start-up but outputs at least 20% more damage. It is a bit harder to combo into than the normal DM version but it's much easier in Max Mode. Even the opponent can't tech after the knockdown, Iori rises at the same time the opponent does making it impossible to apply oki pressure. It's probably best to use this super (if you have enough stocks) to punish the opponent extremely hard from whiff a special move or DM that has really bad recovery at the end of a match, or doing a Max Mode combo string.


Flame Disentangle - (qcb~hcf + AC)

  • This HSDM is basically a much powerful spin-off of the Flame Comber (qcfx2+K) DM. Iori leaps towards the opponent quickly at hop height to slam them to the ground, to lift, spin and toss them across the screen. There isn't a super flash when Iori takes off before he leaps which can surprise some players when it connects. But it can be easily expected if the player notices the meter requirements needed for HSDMs. Unlike the Flame Comber, which is an overhead, the hit detection is a throw. To avoid it, you can roll, or even simply jump in any direction. You can hit him during his leap but it's rather risky because of the speed he travels towards the opponent.

Combo Advice: Unfortunately you can't really combo this HDSM into anything. It's mainly a moving command throw that has very slow start-up.

  • Hard knockdown
  • Moving Command Throw


0 Stock

  • cr.B, cl.B/cr.A/cl.A, qcb+Ax3 = 19% dmg
  • Main ground hitconfirm combo. Cr.A has more range but it's -1 on block, while cl.B is +2, so cl.B is a bit better for pressure if you're in range for it. Qcb+A (1st hit) is hard to punish for a lot of the characters, so it can sort of work as a 3rd hit to confirm from (although ideally you want to stop before it if your chain gets blocked).
  • cr.B, cl.B/cr.A/cl.A, f+A = 10% dmg
  • Not much damage, but it's safe on block vs certain characters who can punish the first hit of qcb+A (Ryo, Kula, etc.).
  • (jump-in attack), cl.C, qcb+A/Cx3 = 20% dmg
  • Main combo from a jump-in. See notes about qcb+A above.
  • st.C, qcb+Cx3 = 22% dmg
  • Good combo for punishes, also the easier followup from Scum Gale.
  • (jump-in attack), cl.C, hcb+K = 25% dmg
  • Better damage than qcb+Px3, but hcb+K is very unsafe on block, so only throw it if you're 100% sure it won't get blocked. Can be done after Scum Gale, but you need to run in to get a cl.C, and the timing for it is pretty tight, so if you aren't confident with it, just do st.C, qcb+Cx3.
  • cl.B, f+A,A, qcb+Cx3 = 30% dmg
  • Most damaging meterless combo for Iori, however there's a catch: you need to be point blank for it to work. Even a slight step back may result in qcb+C not reaching. You can't add a jump-in attack before cl.B either, but you can do this combo after a crossup (which is a good setup to land it).
  • (cr.A/cl.A), hcb,f+P, (st.C, qcb+Cx3)/(run in, cl.C, hcb+K) = 22%/25% dmg
  • As mentioned above, 2 basic followups after Scum Gale. To combo the grab from cr.A, you can buffer cr.A like: f, d+A, b, f+P.
  • (standing in the corner) (cr.A/cl.A) hcb,f+P, cr.A/cl.A, hcb,f+P, (st.C, qcb+Cx3)/(run in, cl.C, hcb+K)
  • A tricky combo to land from the corner to get a little more damage.
  • (cr.A/cl.A), hcb,f+P, [run-in cr.A/cl.A, hcb,f+P] (repeat)
  • Iori's infinite that is really tricky to perform and hard not to drop. A drop will leave the opponent standing, and this can give them opportunity for a punish. Not exactly a beginner combo.

1 Stock

  • cr.B, cr.A/cl.B, f+A, qcf~hcb+P
  • Approx 32% dmg. 11 hits.
  • Standard damage but good confirm. This combo may be done using special input suppression: when you press B, you keep holding it, then input A, qcf+A (and release B), qcb+P.
  • cl.C, f+A, qcf~hcb+P
  • Approx 34% dmg. 10 hits.

2 Stocks

  • cr.B, cr.A, f+A, qcf~hcb+P, qcfx4+AC
  • 40% damage. 18 hits.
  • 2 bar version of the similar 1 bar combo. Not as much damage as max mode, but this one has a good confirm and is consistent.
  • cl.C, dp+C (2) (SC) qcf~hcb+P
  • 42% damage. 11 hits.
  • Easy to input (as f, qcf+C, qcb+P), but a lot of caveats here. Cl.C dp+C will whiff on a lot of crouchers, and no real way to confirm for this combo (can't add a jump-in, or dp+C will whiff). Ideally, you want more consistent combos though.

Max Mode Combos

2 Stocks

  • cr.B, [BC], f+A, qcb+Cx2, (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcfx2+K
  • Approx 38% damage. 8 hits. The BC activation after cr.B is a bypass of cl.B when cancelled from cr.B.
  • f+B [BC] far C, qcb+Cx2, (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcfx2+K
  • Approx 42% damage. 7 hits.
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] far C, qcb+Cx2, (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcfx2+K
  • Approx 54% damage. 8 hits. Delay the Far C after Max Mode activation slightly for it to connect properly.
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] cl.C, qcb+C, (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2), (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcf~hcb+P
  • Approx 55% damage. 18 hits. The cl.C after Max Mode activation must be inputted quickly with a slight walk or dash toward the opponent.
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] cl.C, [dp+C (2), (C) qcb+C]x2, (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcf~hcb+P
  • Approx 58% damage. 19 hits. dp+C(2) whiffs on low crouchers and a few mid crouchers
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] cl.C, qcb+C, (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2), (C) qcb+Cx2, (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcfx2+K
  • Approx 59% damage.
  • One of the best routes that work from any position on the screen.

3 Stocks

  • f+B [BC] far C, qcb+Cx2 (SC) qcf~hcb+AC
  • Approx 46% damage. 5 hits.
  • cr.B, [BC], f+A, qcb+Cx2 (SC) qcf~hcb+AC
  • Approx 51% damage. 6 hits.
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] far C, qcb+Cx2 (SC) qcf~hcb+AC
  • Approx 60% damage. 6 hits.
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] cl.C, qcb+C, (C) hcb+K, (C) dp+C (2), (C) hcb+K (1), (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcb~hcf+AC
  • Approx 68% damage. 10 hits.
  • j.C, cl.C [BC] cl.C, [dp+C (2), (C) qcb+C]x2, (C) dp+C (2) (SC) qcf~hcb+AC
  • Approx 71% damage. dp+C(2) whiffs on low crouchers and a few mid crouchers

Discussion Threads

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Frame Specifics

Frame Advantage

Close Normals

cl A - 5F (+ 1F)

cl B - 6F (+2F)

cl C - 3F (-3F)

cl D - 6F (-1F)

Far Normals

far A - 7F (+4F)

far B - 7F (-1F)

far C - 8F (-5F)

far D - 9F (-10F)

st. CD - 12F (-7F)

Crouching Normals

cr A - 6F (-1F)

cr B - 6F (+ 0F)

cr C - 8F (-3F)

cr D - 6F (-19F)

Command moves

f + A[1st hit] - 9F (-5F)

f + A[2nd hit] - ?F (-4F)

f+B - 28F(-11F)

cancel f+B - 24F(-13F)

Special Moves

QCF+A - 12F (-9F)→when blocked close

QCF+C - 11F(-10F)→when blocked close

DP+A[startup] - 6F

DP+A[ground without guard] - (-17F)

DP+A[far guard] - (-17F)

DP+C[startup] - 6F

DP+C[ground without guard] - (-36F)

HCF+B - 18F (-26F)

HCB D - 18F (-30F)

QCB+A x 3[1st hit] - 9F(-11F)

QCB+A x 3[2nd hit] - 8F(-13F)

QCB+A x 3[3rd hit] - ?F(-13F)

QCB+C x 3[1st hit] - 12F(-13F)

QCB+C x 3[2nd hit] - 12F(-14F)

QCB+C x 3[3rd hit] - ?F(-22F)

attack-> HCB,F P - (-26F)


QCF~HCB+A - 7F(-25F)

QCF~HCB+C - 7F(-27F)

QCFx2+B - 20F(-19F)

QCFx2+D - 24F(-26F)


QCF~HCB A+C - 13F(-27F)




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