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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Whip

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Normal Moves


  • st. A is a good ranged low slash towards the opponent
  • st. B is a forward thrust kick
  • st. C is a 2 hit diagonal slash that is not cancel-able
  • st. D is a round kick that is aimed at the opponent's head
  • st. B and st. D are special cancel-able and whiff cancel-able


  • cl. A is a jab that is special cancel-able and can chain into itself and cl. B
  • cl. B is a kick that hits the opponent's shins. Hits low and is special cancel-able.
  • cl. C has Whip turning around to hit the opponent with the handle of her whip. Special and super cancel-able
  • cl. D is a inverted roundhouse kick that aimes at the opponent's head. Special cancel-able


  • cr. A: Whip crouches to slash the whip in front of her. Hits OTG after a hcb+C or a heavy kick throw.
  • cr. B uses the knife in Whip's boot to deliver a crouching kick aimed at the opponent's foot. It can't chain into itself but can be chained from cl. A or close B. Has good range and is special and super cancel-able.
  • cr. C: Whip from a starting crouching position stands up while twirling her dagger. Hits twice, and is special and super cancel-able as well as whiff cancel-able.
  • cr. D is a quick & very low profiled sweep. Not cancel-able


  • j. A has Whip using her handle of her Whip to hit the opponent at a steep downward angle aiming at 5 o'clock. Can cross up standing and crouching opponents and can be used as an quick instant overhead.
  • neutral j. A: Whip uses half of the distance of her whip in front of her in a half circle. Good to use for incoming hops or jumps.
  • j. B: good for air-to-ground approaches and can be used as a instant overhead against taller crouching opponents
  • j. C: Whip uses her whip to slash at a downward angle below the opponent. Easy to cross-up with and as a fairly large distance which is good for air-to-ground approaches
  • neutral j. C similar in concept to neutral j. A but Whip uses the whole distance of the whip to cover in-front of her and below her. Good to use for air-to-air or cover distance in the air at a midrange distance away from the opponent.
  • j. D: Whip throws out two horizontal jumping side kicks at the opponent. Hits twice if timed correctly. Good to use while hopping towards or away from the opponent.
  • neutral jump D: This flip kick is good for stopping or checking opponents jumping in


  • st. CD: Whip thrusts the handle of her Whip towards the opponent. Quick, great range, stays out for a decent amount of time and has good recovery.
  • jump CD: Whip forms her whip as a spear that aims at a downward diagonal angle toward the opponent. Has a good range, distance and starts up fairly quick. Good for air-to-ground approaches by hopping.


Alpha - close, (b/f + C)

  • Grabs the opponent then flips on top of them. Whip lands right in-front of the opponent and recovers instantly while the opponent lays on the ground for a considerable amount of time.
  • Hard knockdown
  • Can be broken

Zed - close, b/f + D

  • Whip grabs and throws the opponent over her shoulder. Whip recovers from the throw quickly which can be used to follow up with a cr. A or a Desert Eagle (rdp+P) or cross-up jump attack, empty jump throw, or any other okizeme setup or option.
  • Hard knockdown
  • Can be broken

Command Moves

Whip Shot - f + A (up to 5 times)

  • This command normal has Whip horizontally throwing lashes in front of her. The range of the lashes are at a half screen distance.
  • You can hold forward while pressing A (light punch) to continue the lashes up to 5 hits.
  • Whip is vulnerable during this move if it's whiffed, and can be guard cancel rolled if blocked.
  • The last hit can be canceled into a special move (for example into hcf+A or dp+A/B/C/D) or super (but doesn't connect)
  • Can be cancelled easily from Whip's close D (heavy kick).

Special Moves

Boomerang Shot - (hcf + A/C)

  • Whip ducks down then aims two quick slashes at a diagonal angle in-front and above her. If the opponent is hit, the whip will grab them & throw them behind Whip at a full screen distance.
  • Hits twice; the first hit's range is closely outside of her standing LK (B) while the second hit is around a half-screen distance away from Whip. The first hit can hit crouching opponents within its range, while the second hit can whiff on crouching opponents and a few short standing characters.
  • Very unsafe on block and if whiffed.
  • The light punch version (A) has faster start-up but has less damage while the heavy punch version (C) starts up a little slower but has more damage. Both punch version can combo easily from Whip's cancel-able light and heavy normal attacks.
  • First hit is super cancel-able

Assassin Strike "CODE BB" - (dp + A or B or C or D)

  • Whip uses her whip to teleport herself to a different position on the screen.
  • The A version travels 1/4 screen distance. The B version travels half-screen distance. The C version travels 3/4ths distance and the D version has Whip appearing at a full screen distance away from her intial position. If Whip is in the middle of the screen, the distances shorten depending on what button is pressed. If Whip is in the middle of the screen while the opponent is in the corner, all buttons will make Whip land directly above the opponent.
  • When Whip rises towards top of the screen, Whip can hit opponents jumping towards her. When she is landing she can hit opponents that are under her.
  • Unsafe on block and if whiffed
  • Hits overhead
  • Hard knockdown

Hook Shot - (qcb + A/C in air)

  • Whip jumps & swings across the screen towards the opponent with a kick. If hit, Whip lands in front of the opponent. If blocked, Whip lands behind the opponent.
  • Has a very obvious animation & can be knocked out of the air by a character's reversal special move or a jump back heavy attack. It will trade against grounded normal attacks.
  • Hits crouching opponents except for Bao, Choi (whiffs if he's standing), Chin, Iori, Benimaru, Mature, Vice, Andy, Joe, Yuri, Athena, Kensou, Vanessa, Leona, Yashiro, Chris, K', Kula, Foxy, Angel, Kim, Jhun, Yamazaki, Billy, Hinako, & Mai. Some characters can use a sweep or a sliding attack to evade the slide.
  • Safe on block
  • Soft knockdown

Strength Shot A "Superior" - (hcb + A)

  • Whip cracks her whip twice towards the opponent; if hit, she catches the opponent, then jumps in air to divekick them.
  • Hits twice: first hit is a mid attack, second hit is an overhead that has a half screen distance range & can hit jumping opponents only at that range.
  • Very slow start-up, while gives Whip push back if blocked which makes it very hard to punish.
  • Hard knockdown

Strength Shot B "Strength" - (hcb + B)

  • Whip slashes her whip horizontally twice towards the opponent at a half screen distance. If hit, the opponent is quickly dragged in and stunned momentarily. Whip can follow up with her hcf+P or her qcb~hcf+P super. The animation has slow start-up and is very obvious, and both of the hits are mid. If blocked the opponent stays at their initial position and distance away from Whip. The first hit deals very little damage, while the second hit deals no damage.

Strength Shot C "Victory" - (hcb + C)

  • Whip slashes her whip horizontally twice towards the opponent at a half screen distance. If hit, the opponent is tripped by the whip, dragged toward Whip, then stomped repeatedly on the back of the head. The first hit is a mid attack, the second hit is a low. Pushes the opponent back on block. Vulnerable to projectiles & incoming jump attacks. Deals 200 damage.

Strength Shot D "Candy" - During String Shot posture, press D
  • This stance feints the Strength Shot animation. It doesn't have instantaneous recovery but it's good to use incase you change your mind about using one of the Strength Shots or if you want to keep your opponent guessing.

Desert Eagle - rdp + A/C

Desperation Moves

Sonic Slaughter "Code KW" - qcb, hcf + A/C

Forbidden Calls "Code ™" - qcf x 2 + A/C

Super Desperation Moves

Sonic Slaughter "Code KW" - qcb, hcf + A + C


Super Blackhawk - qcb, hcf + B + D

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