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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Robert Garcia

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Kick of the Dragon - close, / +

Decapitating Drop - close, / +

Command Moves

Dragon-felling Kick - +

Back Knuckle - +

Soaring Dragon Kick - +

Special Moves

Dragon Blast Punch - + /

Ryuga - + /

Flying Dragon Kick - in air, + /

Great Spirit Kick - + /

Kyoku Gen Kick Dance - close, + /

Desperation Moves

Haoh Sho Koh Ken - + /

Ryuko Ranbu - + /

Reverse Dragon Fang - + /

Super Desperation Move

Ryuko Ranbu - +

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Ryuko Ranbu: Absolute - +

Quick Starter Combo Reference


0 Bar

Anywhere, Low

Very Close

(jump-in or cr.B), cr.B/cl.B, dp+A = 12/13%

cl.D(1), f+B, dp+C = 22%
cl.D(1), hcf+D, walk, f+B, dp+C = 22%

1 Bar



cr.B, cr.B/cl.B, qcfx2+K = 23/24%
• Note: Do it as cr.B, qcf, cr.B/cl.B, qcf+K.

(jump-in), cl.D(1), f+B, qcf,hcb+C = 35%

2 Bar

Anywhere, Low

(jump-in or cr.B), cr.B/cl.B, dp+C(1), (SC) qcf,hcb+C = 38%
• Note: Do the SC as dp+C(1), (SC) hcb+C.

3 Bar

Very Close

cl.D(1), f+B, qcf,hcb+AC = 52%

Gameplay Overview




  • cl. A/B/C/D are cancel-able.
  • cl.A whiffs on crouching opponents
  • Close B hits low.
  • Close C/D are great combo starters from mid hitting attacks.
  • Close D does two hits, only the first hit is cancel-able
  • Close D has a huge activation range (and better reach than far C)


  • Stand B is whiff/cancel-able.
  • Stand D is a good mid ranged poke.


  • cr. A/B/D are cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
  • Crouch A/B can chain into other lights.
  • Crouch C is a good anti-air attack, links into most of him command normals, special attacks, DM's with ease.
  • Crouch D sweeps the opponent to the ground, whiff cancel-able before the initial hit.


  • j.A/B/C/D all cross-up.
  • Jump C and D are cancel-able.
  • Jump C can be used as a meaty jump-in.
  • Jump A/B/C are all instant overheads.

Blowback Attack

  • CD has great range and can be a good poke if spaced, cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
  • JCD is easily his best air-to-air move as it stretches far and comes out really fast during a hyper hops.


Kick of the Dragon - (b/f+C)

  • Robert grabs the opponent then does a back flip kicking them in the face.
  • Can be broken.
  • Regular Knockdown.

Decapitating Drop - (b/f+D)

  • Robert grabs them by the collar of their shirt then swings them over shoulder and onto the ground.
  • Can be broken.
  • Reverse Knockdown

Command Moves

Dragon-felling Kick - (f+A)

  • Robert leaps forward to kick the opponent in the face. Good to use for high/low mixup opportunities. On hit this move links into light attacks or dp+A. On block it's +1~2, but slightly negative if canceled into. Late canceling from both low attacks works well.
  • Cancel-able only if you cancel into it first
  • Overhead Attack
  • Combo Advice:Whenever you get into a situation where you did a strong close normal then his f+A always immediately link his Flying Dragon Kick to finish the combo up, the recovery isn't really something you want to sit through.

Back Knuckle - (b+A)

  • Robert turns to hit the opponent in the face with the back of his left hand.
  • Robert's arm itself is completely invincible during this move. The preferred follow up is fbf+K, as it deals more damage than his qcfx2K DM.
  • Whiffs on crouching opponents
  • Cancel-able
  • Combo Advice:If you land his b+A you can use his Ryuuga afterward, Great Spirit Kick is good too, Reverse Dragon Fang DM is the best possible follow-up since it nets you the most damage, stand/crouch normals resets work as well. For big damage, you can cancel it into HSDM when you succeeded anti air with b+A.

Soaring Dragon Kick - (b/f+B)

  • Robert swings left leg forward to hit the opponent in the face. Unlike his other two command normals this one actually cancels from strong normals and keep Robert on the ground for more proficient combo enders, everything from special attacks to DM's work after this move. The hit-box also stretches a good distances and in some instances can be used to safely poke your way into a combo.
  • If you were to anti-air the opponent with this move you can juggle by canceling into qcf+P or dp+P.
  • Cancel-able
  • Combo Advice:When combo'd from a strong C/D you can link either his strong or Max ranbu DM, off of a regular hit you can use Ryuuga, Kyoku Gen Kick Dance then go from there.

Special Moves

Dragon Blast Punch - (qcf+A/C)

  • Robert moves his arm back then propels a fire ball at the opponent, very simple zoning tool. While it doesn't seem like much it compliments Robert's play-style fairly well. It's not gonna help much in a fireball war against characters like Athena, Kensou, or even K' but it still gives him that extra extra edge when he's on the other side of the screen. Both versions has the same amount of start-up (19F) but the speeds in which they travel are different, A version travels slowly while the strong version goes much faster and neither version knocks down.
  • Slow to come out but quick to recover. At its worst it's neutral on block but used in blockstrings will leave you at plenty advantage. C version comes out at head level and can be low profiled under.
  • Counteracts other projectiles
  • A and C versions of projectiles have different height. A goes slightly lower which can hit regular size crouched characters, while C goes over them.

Ryuuga - (dp+A/C)

  • Robert does a dragon punch uppercut. It can be used as an anti-air, to super cancel, or to finish a combo with style. The weak version (A) almost comes out immediately (4F) and does only one hit which can be super cancelled. The strong version only comes out one frame slower, but the attack makes the opponent go much higher into the air and does two hits hits instead of one.
  • The heavy punch version has invincibility and combos into supers. The light punch (A) version is faster, and hits twice on counter-hit for some good damage (but not when used as an anti air).
  • Super Cancel-able

Super Cancel Advice: If you ever have the meter to super cancel the most reliable options you have are any version of Ryuuko Ranbu or his Reverse Dragon Fang DM.

Flying Dragon Kick - (in air, qcb+B/D)

  • Robert does a dive kick, not great as his other attacks but still useful. It can be used to beat a few attacks but this move is quite prone to get destroyed by a lot of characters jump CD's, fireballs, as well as a few other air attacks as well. This move can be easily punished as well if you mistime it because of it's rather long start-up and poor recovery on block. It's best used when spaced or if you combo into his jump C/D as they'll eat the attack if they try to punish you, and even cross-up shenanigans. The weak variant has a more vertical arc to it than the strong, learn the differences cause it will help you out.
  • While difficult to space right, this move can not only be made safe, it can even give you advantage on block, as after a blocked cl.D, f+A, qcb+B combo in the corner.
  • Juggles on Counter Hit

Combo Advice: If you ever land a counter hit low to the ground, Reverse Dragon Fang DM can connect as well as his Ryuuga.

Great Spirit Kick - (f, b, f+B/D)

  • Robert sticks his leg and does a barrage of kicks, if the opponent attacks to jump-in or attack you in anyway (besides projectiles) they'll be sucked in and get hit 13 times. Very convenient move when used correctly, this move eats through just about anything, dp's/DM's/SDM's/etc. The start-up isn't really fast enough to make it combo friendly but it still works very well against opponents who like to jump a lot and stay in your face.
  • Soft Knockdown

Combo Advice: If you even land his Kyokugen Kick Dance this is almost always the preferred combo ender.

Kyoku Gen Kick Dance - (hcf+B/D) close

  • Robert does a quick variation of kicks doing 4 hits then knocking the opponent into the air. Works really well at catching the opponent off guard and can be comb'd from a good variation of his normals, after the last kick re-launches them you can follow-up to finish the combo up.
  • Proximity Unblock-able
  • Soft Knockdown
  • Combo Advice: Reverse Dragon Kick DM, Ryuuga, and Great Spirit Kick work very well after this move.

Desperation Moves

Haoh Sho Koh Ken - (f, hcf+A/C)

  • Roberts charges up to hurl a big energy sphere at his opponent, not really good special to be honest. This DM is very limited as it has a pretty long start-up and if you try combo into it you'll end missing them altogether or it will come out slow enough that they'll be able to guard/hh/roll past it.

Combo Advice: Use the A (light punch) version of it from his close D (1)...super canceling is a waste of time.

Ryuuko Ranbu - (qcf~hcb+A/C)

  • Robert does a quick dash and if it connects he does a series of attacks that ends with an uppercut. The weak version has a much longer start-up and isn't liable to connect after much of anything if used. The strong variant works after either of his standing strong normals and can combo from his f+B command normal.

Combo Advice: Strong version combos from cl.C, cl.D, and cl.C~f+B

Reverse Dragon Fang - (qcfx2+B/D)

  • Robert gets short full body invincibility before hitbox comes out. Making it an amazing reversal and anti air choice.
  • Robert does a quick backhand then does a quick Ryuuga uppercut, this DM is good but it sucks distance wise. To get the most out of it it's suggested to be used in the corner then combo'd. This DM can also be used to catch opponents that are juggled out of the air, an example is if you counter hit the opponent in the air this can connect but you have to use it as fast as possible as the timing is strict.
  • Comes out fast and can combo into from almost anything, but the damage is so small (less than fbf+K and just 4% more than dp+C) that it might not be worth it.

Combo Advice:j.CD (CH), b+A, (close) hcf+K, dp+C (SC), and late air qcb+K (CH)

Super Desperation Move

Ryuuko Ranbu - qcf hcb+AC

  • Robert does a quick dash and if it connects he does a series of attacks that ends with an uppercut. A great SDM with many many convenient uses, whether it be from a command normal or from a super cancel this SDM is likely to link. The start-up is a tiny bit slower than the strong version but it doesn't cripple Robert's combo options at all. Works after either of his standing strong normals and his combo'd f+B command normal.

Combo Advice: Strong version combos from cl.C, cl.D, and cl.C~f+B

Hidden Super Desperation Move

Ryuko Ranbu: Absolute - qcf hcb+BD

  • Roberts charges up then does a quick dash to do a series of attacks that ends with an Tiger uppercut. A great HSDM but it doesn't really have any combo options. The start-up is a little long but it's guaranteed to work if it connects as it's unblockable and does a good amount of damage when linked.
  • Un-blockable


You can always add a jump-in unless mentioned otherwise. In which case, remove a cr.B if the combo starts with one.
Always use hcf+D for the proximity unblockable to get the safe on block cl.D when it can't come out instead of the very unsafe f+B.
If you're near point-blank, f+A whiffs midscreen on standing Bao, crouching Choi and in the corner on Bao, Choi, Shermie, standing(Kula, Vanessa , Hinako) and crouching Jhun.

0 Stock


 ★ cr.B, cr.B/cl.B dp+A/C

Simple meterless bnb. Remove a cr.B to add a jump-in. Despite worse range and damage, it's best to default to dp+A for consistency if the opponent is crouching. More on that in specifics. 16/19%.

  • cl.D(1), f+B, dp+C
Point-blank conversion, best for punishes. Don't use cr.C. dp+C's 2nd hit whiffs on standing Bao and every character crouching except Kensou, Seth, Ramon, Maxima, Whip, Lin, Kim, Chang, Choi, Chin, Takuma, Heidern, Yamazaki, Mary, Billy, Hinako and Xiangfei. Cancel f+B into qcf+A on block. 22%.

 ★ cl.D(1), hcf+D, run, [(f+B, dp+C) or f,b,f+K]

Bnb best as a punish or after a deep jump-in. If you don't mind only getting one hit of dp+C you don't have to run but can just walk before doing f+B. You can omit cl.D or use cr.C instead of cl.D(1) for a faster and more damaging starter but less range than cl.D and worse on block. With both dp+C hits, 28/31%.

 ★ f+A, dp+A

Good overhead conversion. f+A needs to hit somewhat close but its good range and being safe on block makes this very practical. This works on crouching(Bao, Jhun) only in the corner. 15%.


  • cl.D(1), hcf+D, delay f+B, f,b,f+K
More damaging hcf+D conversion when in the corner. 35%.

1 Stock


 ★ cr.Bx1~2, cr.B/cl.B, qcfx2+K

Decent 1 bar conversion with a lengthy confirm and decent oki. Stick to 2 cr.B's on crouching(Bao, Jhun). Do it as cr.Bx1~2, qcf, cr.B/cl.B, qcf+K. 20~27%

 ★ cl.D(1), f+B, qcf,hcb+C

Jump-in friendly 1 bar bnb. Use a deep jump-in on crouching(Chris, Mature, Vice, Jhun) and don't use one at all on crouching Bao. Cancel f+B into qcf+A on block. 35%.
  • cl.D(1), hcf+D, qcfx2+K
Best as a punish or after a deep jump-in. Less damaging than the previous but safer on block. You can run into f+B before qcfx2+K for 4% more damage, without run in the corner. You can omit cl.D or use cr.C for a faster and more damaging starter but less range and worse on block. 30%.


  • f+A, cr.B/cl.B, qcfx2+K
cr.B/cl.B is a 1f link after f+A, not reliable unless meaty. 27/28%.

2 Stocks


 ★ cr.B, cr.B/cl.B, dp+C(1), (SC) qcf,hcb+C

Reliable 2 bar conversion. Shortcut the SC as dp+C(1), (SC) hcb+C or f,qcf+C(1), (SC) qcb+C. 37/38%.
  • cl.D(1), f+B, dp+C(1), (SC) qcf,hcb+C
Point-blank conversion, best for punishes. Using cr.C here makes the combo less consistent, avoid it. Shortcut the SC as dp+C(1), (SC) hcb+C or f,qcf+C(1), (SC) qcb+C. 41%.
  • cl.D(1), f+B, BC run, cl.D(1), dp+C(1), (SC) qcf,hcb+C
Basic max conversion. Use cr.C instead of cl.D(1) for a faster and more damaging starter but less range. 40%.


  • f+A, cr.B/cl.B, dp+C(1), (SC) qcf,hcb+C
cr.B/cl.B is a 1f link after f+A, not reliable unless meaty. Shortcut the SC as dp+C(1), (SC) hcb+C or f,qcf+C(1), (SC) qcb+C. 41/42%.
  • cl.D(1), hcf+D, run, f+B, dp+C(1), (SC) qcfx2+K
Decent damage but somewhat tight to time if not in dead corner. If you omit cl.D(1) you can do this anywhere on screen. 40%.

3 Stocks


  • cl.D(1), f+B, qcf,hcb+AC
Basic 3 bar conversion. Decent damage but you can't add a jump-in. 52%.
  • cl.D(1), f+B, BC run, cl.D(1), dp+C(1), (SC) qcf,hcb+AC
Basic max conversion. Use cr.C instead of cl.D(1) for a faster and more damaging starter but less range. 57%.


  • cl.D(1), hcf+D, delay b/f+B, BC, b+A, qcf,hcb+BD
Fancy HSDM conversion, about the only way to combo into it. 67%.


로버트 플레이 모음(Robert Best Rounds) - Big Star(거성죠)
台灣-阿澤 (Robert Best Rounds)
Robert Master Class

External Links

Check Robert Garcia's frame data

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