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The King of Fighters 2002 UM/Kyo Kusanagi/Combos

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The King of Fighters 2002 UM



General Notes

  • As written, you can add a non-cross-up jump-in to every combo unless specified otherwise.
  • Two possible shortcuts for dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P are hcb,f+C(1) (SC) qcf+P and qcb,f,d,df+C(1) (SC) f+P 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P are 632146C(1) (SC) 236P and 214623C(1) (SC) 6P
  • qcb,hcf+P 2141236P is normally too slow to combo from any grounded move's hitstun but you can make it faster by charging it briefly by holding A or C. You need to charge and release around just after the super flash or when Kyo finishes saying "Kura". Anytime you'll need that version it'll be noted as qcb,hcf+P 2141236P(Charge).
  • You can slightly charge qcfx2+A 236236A to reach its level 2 and do 6% more damage than written at the risk of dropping the combo for charging too long. It'll be noted when you can't charge it in a specific combo.
  • His corner max combos do require to be in the corner for the very end but he easily carries over a screen of distance so round start position is more than enough to get the combo.
  • Unless specified otherwise, you can replace cl.C by cr.B,cr.A 2B,2A for a low starter for max combos but it makes the BC run, if there is one, tighter. You can also use f+B instead of cl.C, df+D 6B instead of cl.C, 3D for an overhead starter.
  • cl.C, dp+C whiffs on crouching (Vice, Mature, Bao). Against those, you can replace cl.C by cl.A/cr.A or go straight into dp+C 623C whiffs on crouching (Vice, Mature, Bao). Against those, you can replace cl.C by 5A/2A or go straight into 623C after a BC run.
  • Don't use the qcb,hcf+AC 2141236AC(2) juggle combos on Angel, Nameless, May Lee and Maxima, simply land the full SDM.

0 Stock


  • cr.Bx1~3, st.B

 ★ cr.B, cr.A / st.A, df+D / dp+C 2B, 2A / 5A, 3D / 623C

    dp+C is a knockdown while df+D 623C is a knockdown while 3D is more damage and provides max conversion while being safe on hit/block. Default to df+D 3D.

 ★ cl.C, qcf+C > hcb+P > f+P > dp+P 236C > 63214P > 6P > 623P

Most reliable. If you have any doubt about spacing, just use this.

 ★ cl.C, qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A / st.D / j.d+C 236D>K, 63214B, 236A / 5D / j.2C

    More damage than the previous but you need to be almost point blank. qcf+A gives more carry, st.D more damage, j.d+C 236A gives more carry, 5D more damage, j.2C -either super jump or hyper hop- hard knockdown.


 ★ cl.C, qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A > hcb+P > hcb+K 236D>K, 63214B, 236A > 63214P > 63214K

  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A/qcf+B>K, dp+C 236D>K, 63214B, 236A/236B>K, 623C
  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, qcf+A, qcf+A, dp+C 236D>K, 236A, 236A, 623C
  • cl.C, qcf+A > qcf+P 236A > 236P > P/K
The last three all do less damage and/or have less range than the first. No reason to use them over the one above unless you aren't sure cl.C is gonna land, in which case the last route is safer.

1 Stock


  • cr.Bx1~2, st.A/cr.A, qcfx2+A 2Bx1~2, 5A/2A, 236236A
    You can shortcut it as cr.Bx1~2, qcf, st.A/cr.A, qcf+A 2Bx1~2, 236, 5A/2A, 236A. Can't charge qcfx2+A 236236A here.
  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, (hcb+B,) qcb,hcf+P 236D>K, (63214B,) 2141236P
    To use hcb+B, you need to delay the second kick of qcf+D and qcb,hcf+P(Charge) 63214B, you need to delay the second kick of 236D and 2141236P(Charge) for it to link. 40%.

2 Stocks


  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, hcb+B (SC) qcb,hcf+P 236D>K, 63214B (SC) 2141236P
    If you don't want to bother with max mode, this is it. You can hardly add a jump-in if not a cross-up, not ideal. 40%.
  • cl.C, dp+C(1) (SC) qcfx2+P / qcb,hcf+P 623C(1) (SC) 236236P / 2141236P(Charge)
    Please don't use this. Can't charge qcfx2+A 236236A here. 38%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), qcf+BC, [(C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C]x2 (SC) qcfx2+A 3D(1), 236BC, [(C)236A, (C)236C]x2 (SC) 236236A

    If you use df+D 3D(2), super whiffs on Robert and these inconsistent characters minus the st.Kyo_Foxy-tier unless they are backturned and you can't charge the super on others. With a front jump-in, use cr.B, cr.A, df+D 2B, 2A, 3D(1) for more consistency, keep df+D(2) for after a cross-up. 43%; 50% with df+D 3D(2) for after a cross-up. 43%; 50% with 3D(2).

 ★ cl.C, df+D, qcf+BC, [(C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C]x2 (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D, 236BC, [(C)236A, (C)236C]x2 (SC) 2141236P(Charge)

    A bit harder but a more consistent basic route. You can add the hcb+P follow-up on the last qcf+C 63214P follow-up on the last 236C but it's little extra damage for less range, avoid it. 51%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A (SC) 2141236P

    The basic option when you can do a decent max run. 49%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C (SC) qcfx2+A / qcb,hcf+P(Charge) 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A, (C)236C (SC) 236236A / 2141236P(Charge)

    Better option with a harder max run. You can still add the hcb+P follow-up on the last qcf+C if you use qcb,hcf+P 63214P follow-up on the last 236C if you use 2141236P but not worth it. 52%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, [qcf+A / (C)qcf+A(whiff), dp+C(1)] (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, [236A / (C)236A(whiff), 623C(1)] (SC) 2141236P
Works as long as you didn't start literally in the opposite corner. 56%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, (C)qcf+A(whiff), delay dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, (C)236A(whiff), delay 623C(1), (C)63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P
    Works at the same spacing as the previous one but has a fairly tight delay. Remove the last qcf+A or dp+C(1) 236A or 623C(1) for complete fullscreen but a bit less damage. 58%.


  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, (hcb+B,) hcb+D (SC) qcb,hcf+P 236D>K, (63214B,) 63214D (SC) 2141236P
    Delay the second kick of qcf+D to add hcb+B and still link hcb+D 236D to add 63214B and still link 63214D. 51%.

 ★ cl.C, qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P

Basic super cancel when starting close enough to the corner. 53%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), qcf+BC, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), 236BC, (C)236A, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P
Easy max bypass route that you can start further away from the corner. 51%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P

The basic option when you can do a decent max run. 53%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+A(whiff) > fast qcf+P, (C)delay qcf+C(whiff) > fast hcb+P, (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1), (C)236A(whiff) > fast 236P, (C)delay 236C(whiff) > fast 63214P, (SC) 2141236P
    The rekka cancels need to be timed appropriately to avoid qcfx2+P 236236P. Not worth much if you can do the previous one or the next ones, 55%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, (hcb+B,) hcb+D (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, (63214B,) 63214D (SC) 2141236P
    Delay the second kick of qcf+D to add hcb+B and still link hcb+D 236D to add 63214B and still link 63214D. 58%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A > qcf+A, (C)hcb+B, delay dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A > 236A, (C)63214B, delay 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P


3 Stocks


  • cr.B, st.A/cr.A, hcbx2+AC 2B, 5A/2A, 6321463214AC
    You can shortcut it as cr.B, hcb, st.A/cr.A, hcb+AC 2B, 63214, 5A/2A, 63214AC. No reason to use this over a max combo. 41%.
  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, qcb,hcf+AC 236D>K, 2141236AC
Very basic option to just spend meter for some damage. 45%
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C/cr.C, hcbx2+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C/2C, 6321463214AC

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A (SC) 2141236AC

The basic option when you can do a decent max run. 60%. If you slightly charge the super to get a flamebody hit then let go immediately you get 68%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C (SC) 2141236AC(slight charge)

You need to briefly charge the super for the body flame to hit the opponent and put them in juggle before you let it go, it won't combo otherwise. Great combo for how easy it is. 67%. You can get 3 flamebody(fb) hits in the corner for 72%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A, (C)236C (SC) 2141236AC(slight charge)
Only backturned opponent except Chang in corner. 71% with j.C cross-up. In corner 75%. Doesn't work on the st.Kyo_Name-tier, standing(Leona, Foxy) and crouching Kensou. Stick to the previous one.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, [qcf+A / (C)qcf+A(whiff), dp+C(1)] (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, [236A / (C)236A(whiff), 623C(1)] (SC) 2141236AC
Works as long as you didn't start literally in the opposite corner. 3fb 80%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, (C)qcf+A(whiff), delay dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, (C)236A(whiff), delay 623C(1), (C)63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236AC
Works at the same spacing as the previous one but has a fairly tight delay. If you reach corner for 3fb, 82%.


 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), qcf+BC, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), 236BC, (C)236A, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236AC

    Easy max bypass route that you can start further away from the corner. If you do qcf+A then dp+C 236A then 623C low enough to get 3 flamebody(fb) hits, 75%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(1), qcf+A, dp+C 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B (SC) 2141236AC(1), 236A, 623C
Don't hold the super and link the rest immediately behind it. 65%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A > qcf+A, (C)hcb+B (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(1), qcf+A, dp+C 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A > 236A, (C)63214B (SC) 2141236AC(1), 236A, 623C
Don't hold the super and link the rest immediately behind it. 68%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+A(whiff) > fast qcf+P, (C)delay qcf+C(whiff) > fast hcb+P, (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1), (C)236A(whiff) > fast 236P, (C)delay 236C(whiff) > fast 63214P, (SC) 2141236AC
    The rekka cancels need to be timed appropriately to avoid qcfx2+P. Not worth much if you can do the next ones, if you do qcf+A then dp+C 236236P. Not worth much if you can do the next ones, if you do 236A then 623C low enough to get 3 flamebody(fb), 79%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+A(whiff) > fast qcf+P, (C)delay qcf+C(whiff) > fast hcb+P, (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(2), qcf+A, dp+C 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1), (C)236A(whiff) > fast 236P, (C)delay 236C(whiff) > fast 63214P, (SC) 2141236AC(2), 236A, 623C
You need to land Ex Orochinagi as low as you can and get 3 flamebody hits before the super can do 2 hits and juggle. 91%

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236AC

    The basic option when you can do a decent max run. If you do qcf+A then dp+C 236A then 623C low enough to get 3 flamebody(fb), 76%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, hcb+D (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, 63214D (SC) 2141236AC
2 flamebody(fb) hits at most for 80%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+D>K, hcb+B, qcf+A, (dp+C(1)) (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236D>K, 63214B, 236A, (623C(1)) (SC) 2141236AC

    Optimized version. 3 fb, without dp+C 623C(1) 78%, with it 82%.

 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A > qcf+A, (C)hcb+B, 236A (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A > 236A, (C)63214B, 236A (SC) 2141236AC

Optimized version. 3 fb, 81%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A > qcf+A, (C)hcb+B, delay dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(2), qcf+A, dp+C 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A > 236A, (C)63214B, delay 623C(1) (SC) 2141236AC(2), 236A, 623C
At a height where you can only get 2 fb, you can also delay super to only do 2 hits, which juggles so you can follow-up for a 94%. This is hard.

4 Stocks


  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, hcb+B (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 236D>K, 63214B (SC) 2141236AC


  • cl.C, qcf+D>K, (hcb+B,) hcb+D (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 236D>K, (63214B,) 63214D (SC) 2141236AC
2 fb, 73%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C (C)qcf+D>K, raw BC, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B, [qcf+A, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B]x2 (SC) qcb,hcf+AC 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A, (C)236C (C)236D>K, raw BC, 623C(1), (C)63214B, [236A, 623C(1), (C)63214B]x2 (SC) 2141236AC
    Delay the 2nd kick of qcf+D 236D to get more time to raw activate max. 87%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C (C)qcf+D>K, raw BC, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B, [qcf+A, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B]x2 (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(1), qcf+A, dp+C 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A, (C)236C (C)236D>K, raw BC, 623C(1), (C)63214B, [236A, 623C(1), (C)63214B]x2 (SC) 2141236AC(1), 236A, 623C
If you release super right away, it only does one hit that juggles and you can link after it. 89%.

5 Stocks


 ★ cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A > qcf+A, (C)hcb+B (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(1), qcf+A, dp+C(1) (SC) qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A > 236A, (C)63214B (SC) 2141236AC(1), 236A, 623C(1) (SC) 2141236P

If you release super right away, it only does one hit and juggles so you can link after it. 89%.
  • cl.C, df+D(1), BC run, cl.C, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+D, (C)qcf+C, (C)qcf+A, (C)qcf+C (C)qcf+D>K, raw BC, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B, [qcf+A, dp+C(1), (C)hcb+B]x2 (SC) qcb,hcf+AC(1), qcb,hcf+P 3D(1), BC run, cl.C, 623C(1), (C)63214D, (C)236C, (C)236A, (C)236C (C)236D>K, raw BC, 623C(1), (C)63214B, [236A, 623C(1), (C)63214B]x2 (SC) 2141236AC(1), 2141236P(Charge)
    Delay the 2nd kick of qcf+D 236D to get more time to raw activate max. 96%. This is hard.

The King of Fighters 2002 UM



The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match

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