Monthly Archives: September 2011

Team Chaos LA Challenge!

Six weeks/forty three days/one thousand and thirty one hours and some change; The King of Fighters XIII console release date of October 26th 2011 couldn’t come any sooner. For Team Chaos and co., they have already made preparations for this fateful day and put together a video to invite anyone to play with some of the best in the US! […]

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XIII Stream Galore: KOF XIIII console @ Take All Comers!! SouthTown XIII Ranbats Sunday!

Our friends across the pond are going to get a chance to play KOFXIII console version again at Take All Comers. ON reports that Rising Star Games is bring six setups in a very unique venue–a theatre. The event will be streamed this weekend, September 9-11th at : Also, as a reminder the usual biweekly SouthTownArcade Ranbats will be […]

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