Monthly Archives: June 2017

OverHeat’s #KOFXIV Slow Motion Terry Bogard Hitboxes & Laziefred’s Hitbox Video Playlist

WydD’s hitbox viewer for KOFXIV’s Steam Edition has provided players with an opportunity to capture character hitboxes during various special moves in real-time. OverHeat has made a video showing Terry Bogard’s hitbox animations in slow motion (with more coming soon): Laziefred has a playlist of all the characters in KOFXIV 2.01 currently that he has captured:

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Read This In-Depth #KOFXIV Guide On How To Play With Shun’ei Written by KPB’s EXWildWolf

If you are curious on learning the basics and advanced gameplay mechanics of Shun’ei in King of Fighters XIV, Kick Punch Block‘s very own EXWildWolf has written a well-done in-depth guide! Get In The Ring!!! – A Shun’ei Guide for All Comers — Kick-Punch-Block! (@KickPunchBlock) June 8, 2017

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