Monthly Archives: December 2011

SoCalRegionals Reminder

SoCalRegionals, is arguably one of the fiercest tournaments for any KOF game in the US outside of Evolution. With 3 more days left, make sure you check the official schedule for when the on site registration is (if for some crazy reason you have not registered yet)…hint: 8am-9am only this Saturday. No ifs or buts so do yourself a favor […]

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Korean pre-tournament stream live now! Poongko warms up for tournament at 8pm PST

Koreans gamers are known to be some of the most hardcore players in the world. World renown fighting game player Poongko, Evo’11 2nd runner up in SFIVAE famous for perfecting Daigo and well established KOFXI player, is training live now–for a KOFXIII tournament that begins in 5 hours. Only thing, it’s 8am in the morning in Korea and he didn’t […]

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DUAL STREAM: SouthTown Ranbats first KOFXIII console Ranbats with International guest ON – MichelS! and UK Stream!

Can’t get enough of KOFXIII today? Southtown Arcade and iPlaywinner is closing out their Fall KOFXIII season with a bang streaming their first ever, KOFXIII console edition RanBats. Joining us, is ON–MichelS, winner of several KOFXIII console tournaments already, from France/UK. Tune it at UPDATE: On now. — Thankfully we live in a day of dual monitors, catch the […]

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