Tag Archives: KOFXIII

KOFXIII Tournament & Fundraiser – Help Bring Misterio to NEC15

Watch live video from KaneBlueriver on www.twitch.tv This event will serve as a fundraiser to help with Misterio’s travel expenses as he plans to participate in this years NEC15 tournament. Donations via paypal must be sent to: Trolipe@hotmail.com The Paypal account is already open in case anyone wants to donate. All donated funds will go towards Misterios travel and living […]

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KOF XIII: Duo Lon Visual Podcast Tutorial By FM Sway

FM Sway did a very creative stream concept last night by combining the audio from our Dream Cancel Podcast Character Series episode from last year which featured SirOctopus talking about DuoLon with a live visuals, testing and some commentary! FM Sway will be using more of the character series podcasts for these live streams, so be sure to follow him […]

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Thunderstruck 2014 KoFXIII Grand Finals EGN CG|Hugo vs LDA.XD|Kula

VideogamesXDTV just uploaded the grand finals between Hugo vs Kula from the Thunderstruck 2014 tournament this past weekend! It was originally streamed by Team Sabroso and if you would like to know more information about the tournament, check out the article by our good friends KOFFuneral: http://koffuneral.blogspot.com/2014/10/kof-xiii-stream-33-participantes-en-el.html TOP 8 (33 participants) 1.) LDA XD| Kula 2.) EGN CG| Hugo 3.) […]

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