Tag Archives: art of fighting

SNK trademarks recently renewed

Recently the Twitter Trademark Bot account reported trademark renewals on a number of SNK titles: Art of Fighting Baseball Stars Garou Mark of the Wolves King of the Monsters Neo Turf Masters Shock Troopers Twinkle Star Sprites Curiously, some of these titles match discoveries on SteamDB a few months ago, hinting at possible ports in the future: Baseball Stars 2 Garou […]

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Humble NeoGeo 25th Anniversary Bundle

The Humble Bundle site is currently running a NeoGeo 25th anniversary bundle covering several NeoGeo titles, and additional extras at high enough tiers. This covers the applicable titles already available on Steam, and several others as DRM-free downloads which can also be played on a browser. Notably, on of the available titles is Samurai Shodown V Special, which has never […]

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