Tag Archives: ceotaku

KOFXIV: CEOtaku 2016 Hotel Room Match Videos by Amishmike Featuring ViolentKain, Kyamei, KCOPedro & Kusanagi

If you attended CEOtaku 2016 this past weekend or watched the stream, there is a good chance you missed out on some great personal matches held in the hotel rooms where the tournament was held. Amishmike recorded & uploaded a few matches of Violent Kain, Kyamei, KCOPedro and Kusanagi playing each other: ViolentKain vs Kyamei KUSANAGI vs Kyamei KCO | […]

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$1000 Pot Bonus From AtlusUSA For King of Fighters XIV At CEOtaku 2016

AtlusUSA has provided a $1000 pot bonus for the King of Fighters XIV tournament at CEOtaku 2016 which is being held in Orlando, Florida, October 1st-2nd! Are you planning on going to CEOtaku this year? Haven't picked up #KOFXIV yet? Here's 1,000 more great reasons to courtesy of @AtlusUSA. https://t.co/V26YZa90J5 pic.twitter.com/LPl8Y4UANO — CEOtaku October 1-2 (@CEOGaming) August 27, 2016

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