Pre-EVO2013 First to 5 Matches – Woo vs Mr KOF, Yang Yao Ren vs AS| Reynald
ArcadeShock recently uploaded two first-to-5 money matches between Woo vs Mr. KOF and Yang Yao Ren vs AS|Reynald! Woo vs Mr. KOF Yang Yao Ren vs AS|Reynald
Read moreArcadeShock recently uploaded two first-to-5 money matches between Woo vs Mr. KOF and Yang Yao Ren vs AS|Reynald! Woo vs Mr. KOF Yang Yao Ren vs AS|Reynald
Read moreKilley posted up two more recorded off-stream matches from pools and quarter finals at EVO2013: Reynald vs Dakou Luffy vs Mr.KoF Share your thoughts on these matches in the comments section or the video thread here:
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