Unlock Special Team Endings in KOF XIV

In addition to the official teams, you can also unlock special endings for certain team combinations.  For example, if you have Nakoruru, Kula, and Athena, you can unlock a special ending for “Team Beautiful Long Hair.”

Skip below to check out a list of all special endings:Team Nests Girl: Angel, Sylvie, Kula

Team Master: Gang-Il, Tung, Chin

Team Tiger: Joe, Robert, Ramon

Team Dragon: Muimui, Ryo, Kensou

Team Bird: King of Dinosaurs, Nakoruru, Zarina

Team Beautiful Long Hair: Kula, Athena, Nakoruru

Team Lucky Seven: Alice, Muimui, Love Heart

Team Mysterious Newcomers: Luong, Kukri, Hein


The following were reported but not tested:

Team ??: Kyo, Kim, Kensou

Team Protaganist: Kyo, Terry, Ryo

Team KOF Protaganist: Kyo, K’, Shun’Ei

Team Garou 2003: Terry, Joe, King of Dinosaur

Team Sunglasses: K’, Clark, Choi

Team Korea (Original): Kim, Choi, Chang

Team Women Fighters (Original): Yuri, Mai, King

Team Secretary: Hein, Mature, Vice

Team Women Kick Fighers: Luong, King, Zarina

Team Tung: Terry, Tung, Alice

Team??: Athena, Mian, Ramon

Team Masks: Kukri, Mian, King of Dinosaur

Team Bad Attitude: Xanadu, Geese, Iori

Team Chinese Kung Fu: Muimui, Kensou, Meitenkun


There may be more special combinations to be uncovered.  Hit us up if you find something we missed.

Source: Right_IIDX, Max Coveri, MMaker

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