Crazy Battle Circuit Breakers Revenge Tournament – 2/11/2018

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Don’t miss the second battle on the 2018 Crazy Battle Circuit, slated to be Breakers Revenge on Fightcade 1! The tournament is open to players of all skill levels and worldwide as long as you have stable, wired internet. It will take place on Sunday, February 11th @ 1PM PST (4PM Eastern). To see more details and sign-up, please see the official website’s page for the game at or the Challonge page.

Be sure to catch all the action whether you’re an entrant or specator. All matches will be streamed at

When signing up, it’s best to make note of your Fightcade handle for easy identification. For best results, make sure to be present in the aforementioned Twitch channel for match call-outs and other information.

When starting matches, the host of the match should hit F3 to restart the game. Failure to do so may cause part of your match to not be caught on stream. Restarting first gives the host and commentators a chance to load up the match so that they may catch all the action properly. Please do not rush to start your match.

As for rules and restrictions, Bai-hu is banned from being used. Everyone else is fair game.

Past Tournaments:

Curious how much fun these tournaments can be? Check out the previous Breakers Revenge tournament from 2016:

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