Karnovember 2020 – A Fighter’s History Dynamite Tournament

karnovember flier

Join the FHD community on Saturday November 21st 2020 for Karnovember! This will be a double elimination tournament for Fighter’s History Dynamite (aka Karnov’s Revenge) played on Fightcade 2. Be sure to sign-up and catch all the action starting at 5PM PST/7PM CST/8PM EST! See the challonge page at https://challonge.com/g2rlc8i for details.

karnovember flier

The tournament is free to enter for anyone in the Continental US and Canada. Wired connections are required. Any players reported to have unstable connections may be subject to a DQ. You must be present in the FHD Discord by tournament day for match call outs. Anyone who does not respond to a match call after 10 minutes will be DQ’d.

The tournament will feature a prize pool crowd-funded through Matcherino. You can increase the prize pot for free by visiting the page and using coupon code karnovember! Even if you don’t intend to enter, pitching in is greatly appreciated!

The action will be streamed courtesy of LordBBH, so be sure to check out his channel when it starts to watch a great tournament!