Dream Cancel KOFXIII Online Tournament (3-17) Results

Over 20 XBL/PSN players showed up and battled on Saturday for a full 2 hours of online matches. Here are the results:

Divale [6 points]
Constantine88 [5 points]                           
DesmondDelaghetto [4 points]
Angel_Shiranui [4 points]
Tofu3421 [4 points]
Duckator [3 points]
solidshark [1 point]
Nightmoves [0 points]

Rex Dart [10 points]
JennyCage [9 points]
OhSo [8 points]
Chnchilla89 [4 points]
Calibur753 [4 points]
SonicLord [2 points]
Mr. Bakaboy [2 points]
thec0re [0 points]
SummyG [0 points]
Dr. Faust [0 points]
CactusMomma [0 points]
trampbasher [0 points]

Visit the thread HERE for more detailed scores and to give shoutouts, feedback about the tournament and your matches if you participated!