DC KOFXIII Online Tournament 4/7 RESULTS
Over 20+ online players showed up and played in our KOFXIII online competition this past Saturday. Here are the scores:
Diavle/Sookeek [16 points]
Daireangel [14 points]
DesmondDelaghetto [3 points]
TheHungrywolf/Constantine88 [2 points]
Shiranui Persona/Angel_Shiranui [1 point]
NeoTrinity/ShadowRoxas [0 points]
Xiceman191/datdudexiceman191 [0 points]
Thunderfist4 [0 points]
Crimson Assassin/Crimson_King [0 points]
Cuchito09 [0 points]
solidshark [0 points]
Calibur753 [8 points]
topdawg122/HeavyArms [6 points]
OhSo/OhSoTechnical [6 points]
JINXHAND [4 points]
XTG/XTG8680 [4 points]
Kokujindayo [3 points]
Thec0re3 [2 points]
Mr. Bakaboy [2 points]
VicViper/astejos [2 points]
The Red Strawberry/donoismclovin [0 points]
CR2||TimSharpell/G0D1eG0G034 [0 points]
Check out the results thread showing scores of individual matches: https://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=2190.msg50900#new
GGs and thanks to all the players that showed up and played with us!