Summer Jam 7 photos and hype moments

Pachukof celebrating after defeating ChrisG in a very close set. Photo credits: Jason24cf

Over the past weekend at Summer Jam, KOF has once again found a way to be amongst the hypest finals.  In addition to running the brackets, DES Mono has taken a set of pictures to captures some of the best moments in the KOF tournament.  Separately, Jason24cf has taken a set of amazing pictures throughout the weekend that covers the entire tournament.

DJ Huoshen, FM Sway, and KPB Meanestrage holding it down at the commentary booth.

Commonsense and Pachukof in the midst of an intense match.

Pool matches.

Spectators enjoying the matches.

The crowd around the pools.

Ryry and ChrisG battling out in winners final.


Crowd reacting to Pachukof’s win against ChrisG.  Photo credits: Jason24cf

Check out the full albums to relive the hype or to see what you missed this weekend:

DES_Mono’s Summer Jam 7 kof album

Jason24cf’s Summer Jam 7 album

Be sure to to link DES_Mono and Jason and give them credit if you want to use any of these  photos.

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