Team SLR vs Ensenada Casuals

This past saturday Ensenada visited Team SLR for some casual matches, below are the highlights.

A quick note: There is a long standing rivalry between them since they are from neighboring towns, you can check previous SLR vs Ensenada matches in their Youtube Channel

First up we have AelNoS against Villegas in a First to 10 Set, there’s some sloppy play but AelNoS went to prove that he has been training and has invited the team to do the same.

Next is AelNoS vs Isostrife in a FT10

And finally we have a 3v3 First to 7 set, each one is using their own character, the roster is as follows:
Ensenada: AelNoS (Kyo, Kim, others), QDN (Mr. Karate, Clark), Fernando (Duo Lon, Ralf, Others)
SLR: Rozen (EX Iori), Villegas (Kim), Isostrife (Yuri)

Source: Team SLR

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