Dream Cancel KOF2002UM Steam Battle #6 – Sunday 3/20/2016

On Sunday March 20th will be our 6th steam battle for King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match! We will meet up and play together Sunday at 2pm Central time/3pm Eastern Standard Time!

Optional check-in is 30 minutes before the session starts (1:30pm CST, 2:30pm EST) and we will stop collecting scores at 6pm CST/7pm EST.

We will meet in the group chat for the game:


kof02um group chat

All players in attendance will play each other in a first to 3 wins set. Everyone will play at the same time. After you have finished playing with one person, move on to the next available player and so on (in the chat say “FREE” when you are available). When you are playing, please try to keep track of your score either through chat reminders or tally marks on pen and paper.

It is recommended you try to play as many different people as possible, and you are allowed to rematch with previous opponents once.

If you’re playing someone you’ve never faced before, be sure to run a test match to make sure both of your connections feel playable to each other. If they don’t, you can opt out and face another person with a better connection.

While you are playing in the session make sure your connection is free and isn’t being used to stream video or upload or download files. Also make sure that your connection isn’t being used or shared by anyone else on your network.

No wireless connections, please!

See you then!

Dream Cancel Forum Thread: https://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=4121.0

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