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The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Takuma Sakazaki: Difference between revisions

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== Introduction ==

| description =Takuma is a versatile character that can both zone and rush down pretty well. For zoning, he has a good backdash for gaining distance and a fast, high-flying projectile to control space. He also has access to a good anti-air button in st.B and a great anti-air DM. Takuma also has good anti-zoning tools with a projectile reflector and a fast projectile DM. When going in, Takuma also has strong options like an overhead, a running command grab, a good crossup, good low confirms, and a proximity unblockable DM. No matter what strategy he uses, Takuma also gets reliably high damage. His main weakness is that he's very meter-reliant for both his best damage and his most consistent anti-air; he also lacks a meterless reversal option.}}

== Changes from Previous Versions ==

'''98 to 98UM'''


* st.D now has 2 frames less startup

* st.D's priority has been reduced
*Crouch C can be used as a an anti air

* f+A's active frames have been increased by 5

* cr.A now does less damage

===Blowback Attack===
* cr.B now does less damage

*Jumping CD has a very good priority, great air to air attack
* cr.D now has 1 frame more recovery
* qcb+P can now reflect projectiles
* f,hcf+P is now a DM, it comes out faster but you can no longer charge it
* qcfx2+P now comes out on the second frame; the super flash locks the opponent's inputs, so they can't reaction roll out
'''98UM to 98UMFE'''
* st.B now has more active frames
* cl.C no longer whiffs against short characters
* qcb+P now has less recovery
* qcf,hcb+A is now invincible until just after the hitbox appears
==Normal Moves==
* cl.A: Starts up slightly faster than his st.B, but serves the same purpose of anti-air against hops. Chainable and cancelable.
* cl.B: A light combo filler. Chainable and cancelable.
* cl.C: The main fast heavy combo normal. Cancelable.
* cl.D: Long upwards reach. Good for stopping jumps at closer ranges. Whiffs on short crouchers.
* st.A: Decent anti-hop button. Whiffs on regular crouchers. Chainable.
* st.B: A great anti-air that can stop both hops and full jumps. Has a lot of upwards priority. Whiffs on regular crouchers.
* st.C: Mid-range poke with good priority. Whiffs on regular crouchers.
* st.D: Long startup and recovery. Has okay priority.
* cr.A: A standard low poke. cr.B is mostly the better choice, but this one can be good if the opponent uses moves with lower-body invincibility a lot. Chainable and cancelable.
* cr.B: A fast low. You can connect 3 of these in a row with good timing. Chainable and cancelable.
* cr.C: Good anti-air button and combo tool. Cancelable.
* cr.D: Sweep with good range. Cancelable.
* j.A: Fast startup and a lot of active frames. His is his best air-to air normal.
* j.B: Good crossup jump-in with a lot of active frames. Comes out fast, so it can also be good as a speedy air-to-air.
* nj.B: Longer-range air-to-air.
* j.C: Good jump-in button.
* j.D: Great crossup jump-in. Has more startup than j.B, but its backwards hitbox is bigger, so it's easier to crossup with it.
'''CD Normals'''
* st.CD: Fairly fast startup for a st.CD and a good forwards hitbox, making it good as a close-range poke.
* j.CD: Has very good priority. Great air-to-air. Whiffs on tiny crouchers.

'''Oosotogari''' = b/f + C
* Can be broken, regular knockdown

'''Oosotogari:''' <code>b/f+C (close)</code>

'''Ippon Seoi''' = b/f + D
* Regular throw, techable.
* Can be broken, reverse knockdown
'''Ippon Seoi:''' <code>b/f+D (close)</code>
* Regular throw, techable. Switches sides.

==Command Moves==
==Command Moves==
'''Oni Guruma''' = f+A
*Oni Guruma knocks down when used on it's own. In theory this should not happen when canceled from a normal or when combo'd out of via special attack or dm, but sometimes it does. It seems to happen more frequently if you're a little too late with the canceling so if you want to use it to combo into a special/DM make it quick. Combos from most st/cr.X normals.

'''Oni Guruma:''' <code>f+A</code>

'''Kawara Wari''' = f+B
* Knocks down when used on its own. When canceled into, it leaves the opponent standing and functions as valuable combo filler.
*Kawara Wari is an overhead when is used on its own. Can be combo'd into from lights attacks, even though this move has less options than Oni Guruma, because only Hao Shikou Ken and the Ryuuko Ranbu will combo after it. Personally, I think the timing for comboing into the Haoh Shikou Ken DM a little strict, Ryuuko Ranbu DM is the preferred follow-up of choice since you can overlap the command without pulling a out Ko'oh Ken by accident, despite that only the weak version of the Ranbu DM will connect. The strong version of the Haoh Shikou Ken can also work as a combo ender. In max mode this move will not connect after a heavy normal.
* If it's canceled late, however, it retains its raw properties while still combo-ing, giving you a great knockdown right next to you. Combos from all cancelable normals.
'''Kawara Wari:''' <code>f+B</code>
* An overhead when used on its own, a cancelable mid when canceled into (unless canceled late, in which case it acts like the raw version).
* Can be combo-ed into from light attacks, but has more pushback than f+A, so generally this is ignored as combo filler.

==Special Moves==
==Special Moves==
'''Ko'ou Ken''' = qcf+A/C
*Weak version is slower and does less damage than strong. This is a very good move to keep the pressure on your opponent, it can be combo'd into from both command moves (Oni Guruma/Kawara Wari) and after even Hien Shippuu Kyaku. If your opponent is in the corner and you are on the opposite end of the screen, you can connect the strong version of Hien Shippuu Kyaku, or Ryuuko Ranbu DM with the proper timing after they take a hit from a Ko'ou Ken, it's a good trick but the chances of you pulling it off in the heat of battle is very slim.

'''Ko'ou Ken:''' <code>qcf+A/C</code>
* Takuma's generic but powerful airborne projectile.
* A version is slower and does less damage than the C version.
* This is a very good move to keep the pressure on your opponent from further ranges.
* It can be combo-ed into from both command normals, and juggled into from db~f+D.
* If your opponent is in the corner and you hit them with this from fullscreen, you can connect db~f+D or qcf,hcb+P afterward, though this is fairly impractical.
* Since it's an airborne projectile, a lot of moves can low-profile it, and Leona and Chris/O.Chris can low-profile it by running. It completely whiffs on tiny crouchers.

'''Zanretsu Ken''' = f b f+A/C  
'''Zanretsu Ken:''' <code>f,b,f+A/C</code>
*Both version of the move do the same amount of damage, but the strong version stays out a bit longer and a slightly slower start up. Can be connected after an Hien Shippuu Kyaku juggle.

* Trademark Kyokugen gigantic and unbelievably active hitbox.

'''Moh Koh Burai Gan''' = qcb+A/C
* Both versions of the move do the same amount of damage; the C version stays out a bit longer and has slightly more startup.  
*This move has autoguard and produces auto crash, also in 98 um this move can also reflect projectiles. The move can only be combo'd after a Hien Shippuu Kyaku, and the weak version after a cr.A.

* Can be connected after a db~f+D juggle, and is the damage-optimal meterless ender in that case.

'''Hien Shippuu Kyaku''' = db~f+B/D
* Very punishable on block or whiff, though it has a vacuum effect that can suck in opponent's normals if they mistime a punish or attempt to punish it with a move with low priority.
*Weak version produces knockdown, while the strong version juggles the opponent. After this move you can connect all the special attacks except for his Shoran Kyaku, Haoh Shikou Ken can also work as a good follow-up. This move could be combo'd after a cr.C. The best way to connect this move is after a cr.C from a late jump-in.X, if you do it alone there is high risk that your opponent will able to block it which isn't good because this move has poor recovery. If the move connects, always connect something after it.

'''Moh Koh Burai Gan:''' <code>qcb+A/C</code>

'''Shoran Kyaku''' = hcb+B/D  
* Takuma performs a parry and then delivers a powerful strike.
*Running Command Grab, this grab is really unique for mindgames and such because if the opponent attempts to roll past him Takuma will continue to follow them.
* Does two hits if it connects at point-blank range, but only one if slightly further out.
* This move has autoguard on startup, making it useful as a quasi-counter.
* A version has faster startup than the C version.
* This move can also reflect projectiles, making it excellent in zoning wars.
* A version can combo off of lights but not heavies (due to pushback), and both versions can be juggled into after db~f+D.
* Good to use to blow up predictable attacks with the autoguard.
* Can be hard to anti-air with, because if you're late the opponent can land and block before the strike comes out.
'''Hien Shippuu Kyaku:''' <code>db~f+B/D</code>
* Forward-traveling airborne move. B version causes a soft knockdown, while the D version puts the opponent into a very generous juggle state and thus is a vital combo tool.
* This move can be combo-ed after a cr.C, and is easiest to land after a jump-in.
'''Shoran Kyaku:''' <code>hcb+B/D</code>
* Takuma does a running command grab.
* Good to use when you expect the opponent to roll to avoid a fireball.
* Also good to use as a sneaky mixup tool after something like a j.B, though this should only be done occasionally.
* Can be used to make his projectiles unblockable thanks to the unblockable projectiles bug.

==Desperation Moves==
==Desperation Moves==
'''Shin Kishin Geki''' = qcfx2+A/C
*In 98 um this move is now a command grab DM, if you whiff the DM there is absolutely no whiff animation. The DM doesn't really have much range to it, and if you whiff it the opponent will have more than enough time to punish you. Can be combo'd from his Oni Guruma command normal.

'''Shin Kishin Geki:''' <code>qcfx2+A/C (close)</code>

'''Haoh Shikou Ken''' = f hfc+A/C
* Command grab DM. Hits on the second frame.
*In 98um this move is a normal DM instead of a special attack, this is move as much more uses compared to it's OG98 counter-part. Since it has a slower start up it can now be combo'd after both command grabs and even strong Hien Shippuu Kyaku. Weak version is a bit slower than the strong variant.

* The DM doesn't really have much range to it, and if you whiff it the opponent will have more than enough time to punish you.

'''Ryuuko Ranbu''' = qcf hcb+A/C
* Can be combo-ed from f+A.
*Takuma is invincible during the start-up, has very good priority. Strong version has an slower start-up and is a lot more hardrt to combo into than the weak one.

==Super Desperation Moves==
* Helps his mixup game a lot, since it's faster than hcb+K.
'''Shin Kishin Geki''' = qcfx2+A/C
*In 98 um this move is now a command grab DM, if you whiff the DM there is absolutely no whiff animation. The DM doesn't really have much range to it, and if you whiff it the opponent will have more than enough time to punish you. Can be combo'd from his Oni Guruma command normal. Does significantly more damage than the regular versions.

* Both versions are identical. The MAX version does significantly more damage than the regular versions.

'''Haoh Shikou Ken''' = f hfc+A/C  
'''Haoh Shikou Ken:''' <code>f,hcf+A/C</code>
*In 98um this move is a normal DM instead of a special attack, this is move as much more uses compared to it's OG98 counter-part. Since it has a slower start up it can now be combo'd after both command grabs and even strong Hien Shippuu Kyaku. Weak version is a bit slower than the strong variant. Does more hits instead of just one.

* Standard Art of Fighting projectile DM.

'''Ryuuko Ranbu''' = qcf hcb+A/C  
* Can be combo-ed into a variety of ways, making it very handy for metered conversions.
*Takuma is invincible during the start-up, has very good priority. Strong version has an slower start-up and is a lot more hardrt to combo into than the weak one. At the end he shoots three Haoh Shikou Ken's instead on just one.
* C version is good for winning projectile wars or using as a long-range punish. Also just good for controlling neutral generally.
* A version is slower than the C version. MAX version does more hits and damage.
'''Ryuuko Ranbu:''' <code>qcf,hcb+A/C</code>
* The classic Kyokugen ranbu DM.
* Takuma is invincible during the startup, and has very good priority.
* Makes for a great invincible anti-air.
* C version has slower start-up and is harder to combo into than the A version. MAX version does more hits and damage.

==ADV/EX Strats==
==ADV/EX Strats==
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*cr.B, f+B, f hcf+C/MAX or qcf hcb+A/MAX
*cr.B, cr.A, f+A, qcf+P/qcfx2+P/f hcf+P/qcf hcb+P
'''General Notes:'''
*cr.B, cr.B, qcf hcb+P
*st.C, f+A, qcf+P/qcfx2+P/f hcf+P/qcf hcb+P
* In any metered combo with f,hcf+P/qcf,hcb+P, it can be replaced with f,hcf+AC/qcf,hcb+AC for more damage if you have the resources.
*cr.C, f+A, qcf+P/qcfx2+P/f hcf+P/qcf hcb+P
*cr.C, db~f+D, f hcf+P/f b f+P/qcf+P/qcb+P
* f,hcf+P is less damaging in any given situation than qcf,hcb+P, but may be easier to input or more reliable to connect. It also works in juggles from db~f+D where qcf,hcb+P does not.
: <code>cr.Bx1-2, cr.A, f+A, qcf+C</code>
: Standard low confirm.
: <code>cr.Bx1-2, cr.A, f+A</code>
: Alternative low combo, has a delayed cancel into f+A as opposed to an immediate one. Does less damage than the previous one but grants hard knockdown with great oki.
: <code>cr.Bx1-2, f+A, f,b,f+P</code>
: Low confirm into f.b.f+A. Spacing/execution requirements are much tighter.
: <code>(j.X), cl.C, (f+A), qcf+C</code>
: Easy and safe combo from jump-in, no need to hit-confirm. f+A should be omitted if the pushback is too much.
: <code>(j.X), cl.C, f+A</code>
: More damaging jump-in combo that also grants hard knockdown with great oki. f+A must be a delayed cancel.
: <code>(j.X), cl.C, f+A, f,b,f+P</code>
: A less damaging crossup combo than a confirm into db~f+D. However, it does not require a charge. You can substitute cl.C for cr.Bx1-2.
: <code>(j.X), cr.C, db~f+D, f,b,f+P</code>
: Most damaging meterless combo, you need to charge down-back during your jump to get enough charge for db,f+D.
===With Meter===
: <code>cr.Bx1-2, cr.A, f+A, qcf,hcb+A/f,hcf+C</code>
: <code>(j.X), cl.C, f+A, qcf,hcb+A/f,hcf+C</code>
: <code>(j.X), cr.C, db~f+D, f,hcf+C</code>
===With Quick MAX===
: <code>cr.B, cl.A, ABC, cl.C, f+A, qcf,hcb+A</code>
: Requires a microwalk before the cl.C.
: <code>cr.B, ABC, cr.C, db,f+D, f,hcf+C</code>

==Color Chart==
==Color Chart==
*A: White/Black
*AB: Red/Blue
*B: Crimson Red
*BC: Green/Black
*C: Yellow
*CD: Beige/Brown
*D: Black (Mr. Karate AOF Color}
*AD: Paint White/Brown (Marco/Butt MOTW Color)
== Strategy & Tips ==
* Takuma can perform the unblockable projectile glitch with qcf+P and hcb+K.
== Videos ==
{{#ev:youtube|FHk2ZgPC4y0|||'''King of Fighters 98 UM FE: Takuma Guide''' by [https://twitter.com/MashItOut Mash It Out]|frame}}
{{#ev:youtube|fK6Cv5Cj6qA|||'''Takuma COMBO TUTORIAL f+A › Hien Shippu Kyaku''' by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyVcathO0StLed0eA-6YbLw Adriano Lopes]|frame}}
* Tutorial video on how to combo into Takuma's db~f+K or [1]6K from his f+A command normal. English subtitles are available with closed captions.
== External Links ==
{{Navbox 98UMFE}}
[[Category:The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition]]
[[Category:Takuma Sakazaki]]

Latest revision as of 20:29, 25 September 2022


Takuma is a versatile character that can both zone and rush down pretty well. For zoning, he has a good backdash for gaining distance and a fast, high-flying projectile to control space. He also has access to a good anti-air button in st.B and a great anti-air DM. Takuma also has good anti-zoning tools with a projectile reflector and a fast projectile DM. When going in, Takuma also has strong options like an overhead, a running command grab, a good crossup, good low confirms, and a proximity unblockable DM. No matter what strategy he uses, Takuma also gets reliably high damage. His main weakness is that he's very meter-reliant for both his best damage and his most consistent anti-air; he also lacks a meterless reversal option.

Changes from Previous Versions

98 to 98UM


  • st.D now has 2 frames less startup
  • st.D's priority has been reduced
  • f+A's active frames have been increased by 5
  • cr.A now does less damage
  • cr.B now does less damage
  • cr.D now has 1 frame more recovery


  • qcb+P can now reflect projectiles


  • f,hcf+P is now a DM, it comes out faster but you can no longer charge it
  • qcfx2+P now comes out on the second frame; the super flash locks the opponent's inputs, so they can't reaction roll out

98UM to 98UMFE


  • st.B now has more active frames
  • cl.C no longer whiffs against short characters


  • qcb+P now has less recovery


  • qcf,hcb+A is now invincible until just after the hitbox appears

Normal Moves


  • cl.A: Starts up slightly faster than his st.B, but serves the same purpose of anti-air against hops. Chainable and cancelable.
  • cl.B: A light combo filler. Chainable and cancelable.
  • cl.C: The main fast heavy combo normal. Cancelable.
  • cl.D: Long upwards reach. Good for stopping jumps at closer ranges. Whiffs on short crouchers.


  • st.A: Decent anti-hop button. Whiffs on regular crouchers. Chainable.
  • st.B: A great anti-air that can stop both hops and full jumps. Has a lot of upwards priority. Whiffs on regular crouchers.
  • st.C: Mid-range poke with good priority. Whiffs on regular crouchers.
  • st.D: Long startup and recovery. Has okay priority.


  • cr.A: A standard low poke. cr.B is mostly the better choice, but this one can be good if the opponent uses moves with lower-body invincibility a lot. Chainable and cancelable.
  • cr.B: A fast low. You can connect 3 of these in a row with good timing. Chainable and cancelable.
  • cr.C: Good anti-air button and combo tool. Cancelable.
  • cr.D: Sweep with good range. Cancelable.


  • j.A: Fast startup and a lot of active frames. His is his best air-to air normal.
  • j.B: Good crossup jump-in with a lot of active frames. Comes out fast, so it can also be good as a speedy air-to-air.
  • nj.B: Longer-range air-to-air.
  • j.C: Good jump-in button.
  • j.D: Great crossup jump-in. Has more startup than j.B, but its backwards hitbox is bigger, so it's easier to crossup with it.

CD Normals

  • st.CD: Fairly fast startup for a st.CD and a good forwards hitbox, making it good as a close-range poke.
  • j.CD: Has very good priority. Great air-to-air. Whiffs on tiny crouchers.


Oosotogari: b/f+C (close)

  • Regular throw, techable.

Ippon Seoi: b/f+D (close)

  • Regular throw, techable. Switches sides.

Command Moves

Oni Guruma: f+A

  • Knocks down when used on its own. When canceled into, it leaves the opponent standing and functions as valuable combo filler.
  • If it's canceled late, however, it retains its raw properties while still combo-ing, giving you a great knockdown right next to you. Combos from all cancelable normals.

Kawara Wari: f+B

  • An overhead when used on its own, a cancelable mid when canceled into (unless canceled late, in which case it acts like the raw version).
  • Can be combo-ed into from light attacks, but has more pushback than f+A, so generally this is ignored as combo filler.

Special Moves

Ko'ou Ken: qcf+A/C

  • Takuma's generic but powerful airborne projectile.
  • A version is slower and does less damage than the C version.
  • This is a very good move to keep the pressure on your opponent from further ranges.
  • It can be combo-ed into from both command normals, and juggled into from db~f+D.
  • If your opponent is in the corner and you hit them with this from fullscreen, you can connect db~f+D or qcf,hcb+P afterward, though this is fairly impractical.
  • Since it's an airborne projectile, a lot of moves can low-profile it, and Leona and Chris/O.Chris can low-profile it by running. It completely whiffs on tiny crouchers.

Zanretsu Ken: f,b,f+A/C

  • Trademark Kyokugen gigantic and unbelievably active hitbox.
  • Both versions of the move do the same amount of damage; the C version stays out a bit longer and has slightly more startup.
  • Can be connected after a db~f+D juggle, and is the damage-optimal meterless ender in that case.
  • Very punishable on block or whiff, though it has a vacuum effect that can suck in opponent's normals if they mistime a punish or attempt to punish it with a move with low priority.

Moh Koh Burai Gan: qcb+A/C

  • Takuma performs a parry and then delivers a powerful strike.
  • Does two hits if it connects at point-blank range, but only one if slightly further out.
  • This move has autoguard on startup, making it useful as a quasi-counter.
  • A version has faster startup than the C version.
  • This move can also reflect projectiles, making it excellent in zoning wars.
  • A version can combo off of lights but not heavies (due to pushback), and both versions can be juggled into after db~f+D.
  • Good to use to blow up predictable attacks with the autoguard.
  • Can be hard to anti-air with, because if you're late the opponent can land and block before the strike comes out.

Hien Shippuu Kyaku: db~f+B/D

  • Forward-traveling airborne move. B version causes a soft knockdown, while the D version puts the opponent into a very generous juggle state and thus is a vital combo tool.
  • This move can be combo-ed after a cr.C, and is easiest to land after a jump-in.

Shoran Kyaku: hcb+B/D

  • Takuma does a running command grab.
  • Good to use when you expect the opponent to roll to avoid a fireball.
  • Also good to use as a sneaky mixup tool after something like a j.B, though this should only be done occasionally.
  • Can be used to make his projectiles unblockable thanks to the unblockable projectiles bug.

Desperation Moves

Shin Kishin Geki: qcfx2+A/C (close)

  • Command grab DM. Hits on the second frame.
  • The DM doesn't really have much range to it, and if you whiff it the opponent will have more than enough time to punish you.
  • Can be combo-ed from f+A.
  • Helps his mixup game a lot, since it's faster than hcb+K.
  • Both versions are identical. The MAX version does significantly more damage than the regular versions.

Haoh Shikou Ken: f,hcf+A/C

  • Standard Art of Fighting projectile DM.
  • Can be combo-ed into a variety of ways, making it very handy for metered conversions.
  • C version is good for winning projectile wars or using as a long-range punish. Also just good for controlling neutral generally.
  • A version is slower than the C version. MAX version does more hits and damage.

Ryuuko Ranbu: qcf,hcb+A/C

  • The classic Kyokugen ranbu DM.
  • Takuma is invincible during the startup, and has very good priority.
  • Makes for a great invincible anti-air.
  • C version has slower start-up and is harder to combo into than the A version. MAX version does more hits and damage.

ADV/EX Strats


General Notes:

  • In any metered combo with f,hcf+P/qcf,hcb+P, it can be replaced with f,hcf+AC/qcf,hcb+AC for more damage if you have the resources.
  • f,hcf+P is less damaging in any given situation than qcf,hcb+P, but may be easier to input or more reliable to connect. It also works in juggles from db~f+D where qcf,hcb+P does not.



cr.Bx1-2, cr.A, f+A, qcf+C
Standard low confirm.
cr.Bx1-2, cr.A, f+A
Alternative low combo, has a delayed cancel into f+A as opposed to an immediate one. Does less damage than the previous one but grants hard knockdown with great oki.
cr.Bx1-2, f+A, f,b,f+P
Low confirm into f.b.f+A. Spacing/execution requirements are much tighter.


(j.X), cl.C, (f+A), qcf+C
Easy and safe combo from jump-in, no need to hit-confirm. f+A should be omitted if the pushback is too much.
(j.X), cl.C, f+A
More damaging jump-in combo that also grants hard knockdown with great oki. f+A must be a delayed cancel.
(j.X), cl.C, f+A, f,b,f+P
A less damaging crossup combo than a confirm into db~f+D. However, it does not require a charge. You can substitute cl.C for cr.Bx1-2.
(j.X), cr.C, db~f+D, f,b,f+P
Most damaging meterless combo, you need to charge down-back during your jump to get enough charge for db,f+D.

With Meter


cr.Bx1-2, cr.A, f+A, qcf,hcb+A/f,hcf+C


(j.X), cl.C, f+A, qcf,hcb+A/f,hcf+C
(j.X), cr.C, db~f+D, f,hcf+C

With Quick MAX


cr.B, cl.A, ABC, cl.C, f+A, qcf,hcb+A
Requires a microwalk before the cl.C.
cr.B, ABC, cr.C, db,f+D, f,hcf+C

Color Chart

  • A: White/Black
  • AB: Red/Blue
  • B: Crimson Red
  • BC: Green/Black
  • C: Yellow
  • CD: Beige/Brown
  • D: Black (Mr. Karate AOF Color}
  • AD: Paint White/Brown (Marco/Butt MOTW Color)

Strategy & Tips

  • Takuma can perform the unblockable projectile glitch with qcf+P and hcb+K.


King of Fighters 98 UM FE: Takuma Guide by Mash It Out
Takuma COMBO TUTORIAL f+A › Hien Shippu Kyaku by Adriano Lopes
  • Tutorial video on how to combo into Takuma's db~f+K or [1]6K from his f+A command normal. English subtitles are available with closed captions.

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The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition

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Andy BogardAthena AsamiyaBenimaru NikaidoBilly KaneBlue MaryBrian BattlerChang KoehanChin GentsaiChizuru KaguraChoi BoungeChrisClark StillEiji KisaragiGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeavy D!HeidernIori YagamiJoe HigashiKasumi TodohKim KaphwanKingKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLucky GlauberMai ShiranuiMatureMr. BigRalf JonesRobert GarciaRugal BernsteinRyo SakazakiRyuji YamazakiSaisyu KusanagiShermieShingo YabukiSie KensouTakuma SakazakiTerry BogardViceWolfgang KrauserYashiro NanakaseYuri Sakazaki

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EX AndyEX BillyEX Blue MaryEX GeeseEX JoeEX KingEX KyoEX MaiEX RobertEX RyoEX TerryEX YamazakiEX YuriOrochi ChrisOrochi ShermieOrochi Yashiro