-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/EX Joe
Knees of Hell: b/f + C
Leg Throw: b/f + D
Command Moves
Low Kick: f + B
Sliding: df + B
Special Moves
Hurricane Upper: hcf + A/c
Tiger Kick: dp + B/D
Slash Kick: hcf + A/C
TNT Punch: A/C or tapped repeatedly, Push 4 buttons simultaneously to stop.
TNT Punch Finisher (During TNT Punch): qcf + A/C
Pressure Knee: dp + A/C
Golden Calf (During the seconded hit of Pressure Knee): qcb + B/D
Desperation Moves
Screw Upper: qcf qcf + A/C
Thunder Fire: qcf qcf + B/D
cr.B cr.A dp+A qcb+K
this is your low starter combo. gives hard knockdown
cl.C f+B hcf+K
far A dp+A qcb+K
cr.A cl.C f+B hcf+K
this is a link combo
Metered Combos
cr.B cr.A qcfqcf+K
cl.C f+B qcfqcf+K
cl.A/cr.A [A](1) ABCD cl.C f+B qcfqcf+K
TnT combos
(cl.A/cr.A [A](1) ABCD)x2 cl.A dp+A qcb+K/cl.C f+B hcf+K
Ex Joes TnT punch is the key to his more damaging combos. By hitting a point blank cl.A/cr.A [A] and cancelling it on the first hit you can link other moves such as another cl.A [A] or a cl.C afterwards. dp+A ender forgoes damage for Hard knockdown. 2 reps after a jump in is possible but it depends on when the jump in hit so you can omit the second rep for consistency.
crossup j.D (cl.A [A](1) ABCD)x3 cl.C f+B hcf+B/qcfqcf+K
this is a backturned combo and works when you hit a backturned opponent with a point blank cl.A/cr.A.