cl. C: Has very fast start-up and a great combo starter.
cl. D: A bit slower than cl. C.
Far A: Hits high and is cancel-able. Good for stopping hops.
Far B: Slower than far A, but has more range.
Far C: Incredibly slow downward punch that does nothing but reflect Shingo's novice fighting ability. Only use on accident.
Far D: A crescent kick that could act as a preemptive anti-air.
cr. A/C/D are whiff/cancel-able.
cr. A/B are chain-able.
cr. A: Hits mid. Standard outward jab.
cr. B: Hits low. Fast low that could start combos.
cr. C: Rising uppercut that hits mid. Used to react against jumps and hops.
cr. D: Hits low. Soft knockdown.
j. B/D are both good cross-ups.
j. A: Ok air-to-air.
j. B: Downwards knee. Great jump-in from a hop. Instant-overhead.
j. C: Another good jump-in.
n. j. B: Knee is out horizontally instead of down and forward. Decent air-to-air.
Blowback Attack
CD: Soft knockdown, whiff/cancel-able. Has the slowest start-up out of him, Kyo, and Saisyu.
j. CD: Soft knockdown. Pretty good air-to-air.
Anvil Slam: (close) b/f + C
Shingo cleanly replicates Kyo's Hachi Tetsu throw
Regular knockdown
Unfinished Swift Shoulder Throw: (close) b/f + D
Shingo only does the "throw" part of Kyo's Issestsu Seoi Nage, pretty sloppy too.
Hard knockdown
Reverse knockdown
Command Moves
Poseur's Thundering Axe: f + B
Two-hit axe kick
The second hit is NOT an overhead
Can combo into both hits from all cancel-able light attacks
Can combo into the second hit from heavy attacks
Second hit has a chance to be a CRITICAL HIT! It doesn't do more damage like other moves, but it does give you more time to cancel into something, especially DMs.