-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Shingo Yabuki
Normal Moves
- cl. A/B/C/D are cancel-able.
- cl. A/B are chain-able
- cl. A: An elbow that hits mid.
- cl. B: Hits low.
- cl. C: Has very fast start-up. Great combo starter.
- cl. D: A bit slower than cl. C.
- Far A: Hits high and is cancel-able. Good for stopping hops.
- Far B: Slower than far A, but has more range.
- Far C: Incredibly slow downward punch that does nothing but reflect Shingo's novice fighting ability. Only use on accident.
- Far D: A crescent kick that could act as a preemptive anti-air.
- cr. A/C/D are whiff/cancel-able.
- cr. A/B are chain-able.
- cr. A: Hits mid. Standard outward jab.
- cr. B: Fast low that could start combos.
- cr. C: Rising uppercut that hits mid. Used to react against jumps and hops.
- j. B/D are both good cross-ups.
- j. A: Ok air-to-air.
- j. B: Downwards knee. Great jump-in from a hop. Instant-overhead.
- j. C: Another good jump-in.
- n. j. B: Knee is out horizontally instead of down and forward. Decent air-to-air.
Blowback Attack
- CD: Soft knockdown, whiff/cancel-able. Has the slowest start-up out of him, Kyo, and Saisyu.
- j. CD: Soft knockdown. Pretty good air-to-air and jump-in.
Anvil Slam: (close) b/f + C
- Shingo cleanly replicates Kyo's Hachi Tetsu throw
- Regular knockdown
Unfinished Swift Shoulder Throw: (close) b/f + D
- Shingo only does the "throw" part of Kyo's Issestsu Seoi Nage, pretty sloppy too.
- Hard knockdown
- Reverse knockdown
Command Moves
Poseur's Thundering Axe: f + B
- Two-hit axe kick that is free-cancellable on the second hit
- The second hit is NOT an overhead
- Can combo into both hits from all cancel-able light attacks
- Can combo into the second hit from heavy attacks
- Second hit has a chance to be a CRITICAL HIT! It doesn't do more damage like other moves, but it does give you more time to cancel into something, especially DMs.
Special Moves
All of Shingo's special moves have a chance to do a CRITICAL HIT!, doing more damage.
Fire Ball Unfinished Misery: dp + A/C
- Kyo's DP without invincibility. Still a good reversal option for its speed, but will often trade instead of fully beat meaties.
- Soft knockdown
- Heavy version does more damage and goes higher than the light version.
Spinning Kick Unfinished Misery: qcb + B/D
- Shingo's realistic depiction of Kyo's Oboroguruma. (Before somehow learning how to fly through the air in every game after '98)
- Light version is the same as EX Kyo's, just one kick that could serve as an anti-air. Soft knockdown.
- Heavy version has Shingo hop for each kick in the move. Does three hits, the last doing hard knockdown. Cannot be reliably combo'd from heavy attacks midscreen, and not at all with f+B.
- Each hit has its own chance to be a CRITICAL HIT!
- There's also a separate chance for the third hit to be unblockable, indicated by Shingo falling to the ground head-first.
Wicked Chew Unfinished Misery: qcf + A
- Shingo throws out Kyo's Aragami, with no follow-ups.
- Good poke option
- Soft knockdown
Poison Gnawfest Unfinished Misery: qcf + C
- Shingo delivers Kyo's Dokugami, with no follow-ups.
- Pretty unsafe on block. Only use in combos.
- Soft knockdown
- There's a chance of Shingo hitting the opponent with his elbow before throwing his fist, like in '97. Unblockable and has its own chance to be a CRITICAL HIT!
Shingo's "Metal Malleator": (close) dp + B/D
- Shingo delivers two elbow strikes to the opponent's face, then does a shoulder uppercut.
- Proximity unblockable.
- Soft knockdown
- Can be followed up with a normal or special move.
- Each hit has its own chance to be a CRITICAL HIT!
Shingo Kick: hcf + B/D
- Shingo's attempt at Kyo's R.E.D. Kick where he flies forward horizontally, foot-first.
- Light version travels 1/2 screen distance. Can be combo'd from a close heavy attack.
- Heavy version travels 3/4 screen distance. Does not combo. Used as a surprise rush-move or air-to-air.
- Soft knockdown
- Unsafe on block, but can be spaced.
Elbow Slam: qcb + A/C
- Shingo slams the opponent to the ground, dealing a hard knockdown.
- Hits overhead
- The slam has no chance of being a CRITICAL HIT!
- If Shingo is hit while his arm is raised, he'll almost fall over, accidentally kicking the opponent to the other side of the screen.
- The kick has a chance of being a CRITICAL HIT!
- The light version is faster than the heavy version. While it doesn't combo off of anything the overhead property makes it good for mix-ups.
- The heavy version has Shingo keep his arm up a bit longer before putting it down. Use if you're trying get the counter.
Desperation Moves
Burning Shingo: qcb, hcf + A/C
- Shingo delivers a series of punches ending in a forward-elbow slam.
- Soft knockdown
- DM deals 4 hits
- SDM deals 7 hits
- Each punch has its own chance of being a CRITICAL HIT!
Phoenix Flamer: qcf, qcf + A/C, (A/C again to stop)
- Shingo rushes forward into a painful shoulder tackle.
- Pressing A/C again after starting the move will have Shingo put his shoulder out early. You'll need to do this if you want to make the move combo as Shingo runs too far before doing the tackle otherwise, but don't worry, the timing isn't that difficult to practice.
- Guard crushes on block
- Has a chance of being a CRITICAL HIT!
- Can be followed up with qcf+A (anywhere) or DP (corner only) if timed right.
- SDM version allows Shingo to cancel into a special move. On hit, you can only cancel into DP. On block however, the guard crush property allows you to use any of Shingo's special moves, except D Shingo Kick.
- You can also cancel into a DM, or SDM if you have 5 stocks, and only used two for the first Phoenix Flamer. This is only possible when the opponent blocks and gets guard crushed as a result.
- J. X, cr. B, cr. A, qcf+A OR dp+p
- J. X, cl. A, f+B (2), qcf+C
- J. X, cl. C, (f+B) qcf+C/dp+p/hcf+B/dp+k -> follow-up
- If using f+B, only qcf+C will connect.
- Cross-up J. B/D, cr. B, [link] cl. C, qcf+P/dp+A/hcf+B
( cr. B, [link] cl. C will whiff in MAX mode and become st. C )
- J X, cr B, cr. A, qcb+A
( Doesn't actually combo, but an overhead mix-up ending in a hard knockdown right next to Shingo. The time the opponent stays down gives plenty of time for an okizeme opportunity. )
- Any [Anywhere] combo and end with qcb+D, except cross-up into cr. B, [link] cl. C.
- J. X, cl. C, dp+k, dp+C OR qcb+D
( If the final hit of dp+k does a CRITICAL HIT! only follow up with dp+C. qcb+D will miss. Not a problem if in MAX mode. )
Combos into DMs
- J. X, [cr. B, cr. A]/[cr. C], qcb,hcf+p
- J. X, [cl. C, f+B]/[cr. C] qcfx2+p,p, qcf+A/dp+C
- After qcfx2+p, qcf+A works anywhere; dp+C works only in the corner.
- cl. C, f+B, qcb,hcf+AC
- Requires 3 stocks, as it's not possible in MAX mode.
- Cross-up J. B/D, cl. A, f+B(2), qcb,hcf+p/qcfx2+p,p, qcf+A/dp+C
( Cross-up combo into either DM that works even in MAX mode. If using qcb,hcf+p to finish in MAX mode, the third hit will sometimes miss, but the rest of the move still combos anyway. )
- Combo into SDM qcfx2, CRITICAL HIT! dp+C, cl. C/qcf+A/dp+p
Strategy & Tips
Take the unblockables in qcf+C and qcb+D when they come. While it could save your combo, it's a bad idea to rely on either for how unsafe they are.
Sometimes a CRITICAL HIT! will freeze the opponent before they get knocked away while Shingo is still in motion. This seems to happen randomly, but gives Shingo the opportunity to follow up with something, if a bit improvisation required at its randomness. (e.g. CRITICAL HIT! hcf+D, (opponent freezes) run, dp+p)