-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Chang Koehan
Normal Moves
- st.A : a standard jab punch with a lot of reach. Excellent at stuffing both hops and jumps. not Chainable.
or cancelable.
- st.B : Chang does a front kick. Changs fastest grounded button at 5f and therefore your best choice to cancel ´things from. It also has more hitstun than regular lights making it possible to combo some things that wouldn't normally combo from a light, like linking a cr.A after it. Not chainable. Cancelable.
- st.C : Chang swings the ball out horizontally in front of him. Fairly slow both on startup and recovery but it does occupy a nice bit of space in front of Chang that will hit most standing characters and jumps. Has a deadzone from Changs wrist to his body. Only hits on large crouchers. Has a lot of priority. Not cancelable.
- st.D : Chang does a long roundhouse kick. Another move with a lot of reach at the price of fairly long startup and recovery, good to hit against regular and low crouchers. Loses to jumps. Not cancelable.
- cl.A : standard close ranged punch. Not chainable. Cancelable
- cl.B : Same as st.B
- cl.C : Two hit close ranged ball strike. Has a lot of pushback and is safe on block. Not cancelable.
- cl.D : A high kick. Whiffs on regular and low crouchers. Can catch people jumping when you're going for a D throw. Cancelable.
- cr.A : a crouching elbow strike. one of his go to buttons to cancel into command grab or ball spin. Cancelable
- cr.B : hits low, use it to hit people standing. Combos into his commmand grab or ballspin. Cancelable.
- cr.C : Chang swings the ball upwards above his head. slow anti air move. Hit and whiff cancelable.
- cr.D : Long ranged sweep. One of Changs main pokes because it hits low and is cancelable into ballspin to make it safe and catch people jumping over it. Has a deadspot between the ball and Chang. Hit and whiff cancelable.
- j.A : an aerial punch. Has a good air to air hitbox and a ton of active frames. Use it to preemptively beat opponents jumping attacks or to catch hops. Whiffs on all crouchers.
- j.B : Chang does a similar kick to st.B but in the air. Good jump in button that can start combos.
- j.C : Chang swing his ball in front of him in the air. Very fast and a good space control move to hit anything in front of Chang, has good priority. Has a deadzone between the ball and chang.
- j.D : A downwards angled jumping kick. A good jump in normal. Can cross up. Good to use when you're too close to use j.C because of its blindspot.
Face-Crushing Blast: b/f + C
Regular throw, techable. Chang picks up the opponent and headbutts them, sending them flying full screen away. Causes soft knockdown.
Chain Choker: b/f + D
Hold throw, untechable. Chang picks the opponent up and chokes them with his chain. Chang can increase the number of hits and damage by mashing but the opponent can countermash to counteract this. Causes soft knockdown. This is the preferred throw to use since it's untechable.
Command Moves
Hit and Run: df + A
Chang slides on his stomach with the iron ball in front of him. Does not have low invulnerability but does make his hurtbox very low to the ground so it can go under aerial travelling projectiles and higher attacks. Very unsafe on block unless spaced at maximum range.
Special Moves
Breaking Iron Ball: b~f + A/C
Spinning Iron Ball: A/C (tapped repeatedly)
Flying Ball Breaker: d~u + B/D
Big Destroyer Toss: hcb, f + A/C (close)
Desperation Moves
Wild Ball Attack: qcf, hcb + A/C
Iron Sphere Smasher: qcf, qcf + A/C