-Happy New Year 2025!
The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Changelist
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- http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=141424057&postcount=202
- https://forums.shoryuken.com/t/kof-98um-final-edition/115221/128
System Changes
- Recovery after charging in Extra mode has been standardized across the cast
- Can no longer recovery roll after being guard crushed in mid-air
Kyo (both)
- close A - 2 frames less recovery
- crouching A - 1 frame less recovery
Kyo (regular)
- QCF+A - damage increased from 10 to 13, guard point lengthened by 2 frames
- QCB+P - more moves will trigger the counter during the startup frames
Kyo ('95 version)
- QCF+P - 3 frames less recovery, but builds less power meter
- far B - damage increased from 4 to 7
- QCF+C - floats the opponent up for followup attacks, but contributes less to the stun meter
- QCBx2+K - startup quickened by 3 frames
- MAX QCFx2+P - 9 frames less recovery
- df+C - hurtbox reduced in size, anti-air capability improved
- HCB,f+K - Throw hitbox comes out faster
- HCFx2+ K - Super flash activates after the counter move connects, more recovery on whiff, Damage adjusted so that the third hit does the most damage
Terry (both)
- far B - damage increased from 5 to 6
- QCB+D - Hitbox made taller so it hits crouching opponents as well. Less recovery on landing, and as a result it has frame advantage on block
Terry (normal)
- HCF+K - B version damage increased from 4 to 8, D version damage increased from 9 to 12
- dp+D - Invincible until the hitbox comes out, and trading on the first hit results in the opponent being floated up with followup attacks being possible
- QCFx2+D - Invincible until the hitbox comes out
Terry (EX)
- HCF+K - First hit can be cancelled into any attack other than HCF+K on hit/block
- QCF+C - Builds less meter
- QCB,db,f+ P - All versions have their startup quickened by 8 frames, but have no invincibility after the super flash
Andy (both)
- close C - hitbox changed so that it doesn't whiff against short characters
- db,f + C - Slower startup, but less recovery
Andy (EX)
- QCB+P - 5 frames less recovery
Joe (both)
- df+B - less recovery
Joe (EX)
- HCF+P - Projectile has a bigger hitbox
- Mash P repeatedly - Hitbox of the first hit has been enlarged so that it doesn't whiff against short characters, follow up recovery reduced by 2 frames
- QCF+C - Faster startup, more recovery
- HCB,f+P - C and MAX versions have faster startup
Ryo (EX)
- f+A - if not cancelled into, results in a hard knockdown
- HCB+B - landing recovery reduced by 8 frames
- air QCF+A - Projectile flies at a slightly shallower angle
- HCB,f+P - faster startup. A and MAX versions will connect from light attacks
Robert (both)
- Standing CD - longer reach
- f+A - Hitbox has been lengthened
- air QCB+K - recovery after landing has been reduced by 4 frames for the B version and by 3 frames for the D version
- HCB,f+P - C and MAX versions have faster startup
Robert (EX)
- HCB+B - Can juggle after it connects
- MAX QCF,HCB+P - Invincibility is 10 frames longer
Yuri (both)
- jump A - special cancel-able
- jump CD - special cancel-able
- QCF+K - Less recovery on landing, frame advantage on block (doesn't specify whether it's the air or ground version)
- QCB+D - Less damage, but also less recovery. Can connect a stand A or crouch A on hit
Yuri (EX)
- QCB+C - less recovery, +3 on block
- down B - Timing for comboing into itself is easier
- air QCB+P - While jumping backwards after blocked, you can do a jump attack, air throw or a V-slasher
- QCFx2+P - longer invincibility
- crouch A - can be comboed into itself
- far D - hurtbox has been shrunk towards his back
- vertical jump A - faster startup
- charge b, f + P - Shorter charge time, standardized with other charge moves
- charge d,u + P - enemy can't recovery roll on hit
- MAX QCF,HCB+K - completely invincible until just after the hitbox comes out
- close B - less recovery
- crouch D - recovery reduced by 4 frames
- far A - startup faster by 3 frames, bigger hurtbox
- far D - faster startup, gains lower body invincibility sooner
- f+B - second hit has its hitbox extended upwards
- QCB+P - 1 frame less recovery, C version travels faster
- HCF+P - the opponent takes 10 damage if they hit the ground without being juggled
- HCB+K - less recovery
- close/far A - doesn't whiff against crouching short characters anymore
- down B - easier to combo into itself
- far B - damage increased from 4 to 6
- f+A - less recovery
- air QCB+P - Can be cancelled into other special attacks if the final hit connects
- HCF+K - B version is +3 on block, D version is +1 on block
- QCB+C - First hit doesn't push the opponent back anymore
- dp+A - faster startup
- f+A - lower body invincibility until just before the hitbox appears
- d,d+P/K - Now hits overhead, knockdown on hit
- QCF+C - travels less distance, 15 frames of invincibility from the start of the move
- dp+P - less recovery, A version is -1 on block, C version is -10 on block
- QCFx2+P - faster startup, A version has slightly slower projectile speed, C and MAX versions have slightly faster projectile speed
- QCBx2+P - less recovery
Mai (EX)
- charge d,u + K - invincible startup, but less damage and longer recovery as a result
King (both)
- QCF+D - less recovery
King (EX)
- QCFx2+P - opponent can't recovery roll on hit
- f+B - Bigger hitbox, such that it'll hit even if right next to the opponent
- Charge d, u + D - Invincible on the frame that the hitbox appears
- Charge b, f+ K - Charge time is shorter, standardized with the rest of the cast
- air QCF HCB+K - Invincible until just before the hitbox appears
- jump C - hurtbox on the steel ball is smaller
- jump CD - hurtbox on the steel ball is smaller
- Charge times are shorter, standardized with the rest of the cast
Yashiro (both)
- close D - hits low
- jump C - easier to cross up
- HCF+A - 2f less recovery
- QCF+A followup after HCF+A - 3 frames less recovery
- QCB+K - greatly increased the amount it contributes to the stun meter
Shermie (both)
- crouch B - easier to combo into itself
- close C - no longer whiffs on short characters
- jump D - faster startup
- f+B - first hit hits overhead
- HCF+K - Travels further, does more damage
- QCB+P - Bigger collision box
Orochi Shermie
- f+B - first hit hits overhead
- QCB+K - more damage
- HCF+P/K - B, C and D versions have the same recovery as the A version (shorter)
- MAX QCFx2+K - Invincibility lasts until after the hitbox comes out
- QCF+D - less recovery
Orochi Chris
- QCB+P - less recovery
- QCFx2+P - faster startup
Yamazaki (both)
- far C - can cancel into special/super moves when it connects
- QCB+C - C version has less recovery, is now -2 if guard cancel rolled
- HCF+K - damage increased from 13 to 21
- QCFx2+P - Made it easier for the downward attack to hit if a grounded opponent is hit by the rising punch
- HCB,f+P - damage increased from 22 to 27
Yamazaki (EX)
- f+A - if not cancelled into, second hit does a hard knockdown
Blue Mary
- QCF+K - less recovery
Billy (both)
- close C - no longer whiffs on short characters
- crouch D - cancels into special and super moves
- f+A - second hit should no longer whiff on short characters
- HCF+P - B version has 6 frames less recovery, D version has 10 frames less recovery
- A repeatedly/C repeatedly - can cancel the animation by pressing ABCD together
- QCB+K - counter hitbox comes out sooner
- QCFx2+P - If the second hit connects in mid-air, the third hit should connect easier, and Billy's hurtbox has been shrunk downwards
- f,f step (Extra mode) - distance moved is longer
- HCB,f+P - morerecovery after the throw so it's harder to connect attacks afterwards
- QCB+D - slower startup but less recovery
- dp+P - more damage
- jump C - active frames lengthened from 4 to 8
- jump D - active frames lengthened from 5 to 8
- QCFx2+K - invincibility until just after the throw hitbox appears
- charge d,u+C - longer invincibility, but longer recovery
- far B - longer active frames
- close C - no longer whiffs against short characters
- QCB+P - less recovery
- QCF,HCB+A - invincible until just after the hitbox appears
- dp+B - second hit has a larger hitbox so it shouldn't whiff if the first connects
- HCB+K - less recovery, second hit should be easier to connect if the first connects
- QCB+P - First hit has a bigger hitbox and less recovery
- QCFx2+P - A version and MAX version have faster startup
Heavy D!
- close C - less recovery, no longer whiffs on short characters
- d,d+P - after powering up, as long as you don't do any powered up specials you won't lose the effect upon being hit
- QCF+A - while powered up, startup is faster and will connect from light attacks
- QCFx2+K - animation completes during the super flash so you can move as soon as it ends
- MAX QCFx2+K - effect lasts until the end of the round
- close C - no longer whiffs on short characters
- crouch C - no longer whiffs on short characters, special/super cancellable on contact
- dp+B - invincible until just after the hitbox appears
- dp+D - made it easier to connect in full if used as a followup in a combo
- close C - first hit no longer whiffs on short characters
- jump C - can be cancelled into aerial special attacks
- QCFx2+B - faster startup
Geese (both)
- close C - no longer whiffs on short characters
- f+B - less recovery, +2 on block
- dp+A - descending attack is easier to connect against crouching opponents, less recovery on landing
Geese (EX)
- db, HCB, df+ P - hitbox extended to the interior of the move
- close C - less damage
- far C - less damage
- far D - less damage
- stand CD - less damage, smaller hitbox
- rdp+K - less damage, D version no longer has invincibility, more recovery
- QCF+K - less damage
- QCF+P/K - less damage, heavy version has faster startup but more recovery
- f,HCF+P - less damage
- QCF,HCB+P - more recovery on whiff, characteristics don't change if both buttons are pressed
- crouch A - cancel-able into command moves
- crouch B - easier to connect to crouch A
- crouch C - cancel-able into command moves
- f+A - cancel-able if cancelled into
- tap P repeatedly - harder to get pushed out of range on hit, easier to get multiple hits, first hit does less damage
- HCB+K - reflects grounded projectiles
- QCF+B - less recovery
- MAX QCF,HCB+P -slower startup, no invincibility after super flash
- air QCF+P - 5 frames less recovery on landing
- dp+K - no hitback, damage reduced from 14 to 5
- HCF+D - damage increased from 20 to 26
- jump D - easier to crossup
- f+B - will combo after heavy attacks
- QCF+A - no longer whiffs on short characters
- QCF+C - startup faster by 1 frames
- far B - startup faster by 1 frame
- close D - startup faster by 3 frames, recovery reduced by 5 frames