| description =Orochi Yashiro is a grappler with a set of great long-range normals, especially {{Hover|st.B|B}} and j.D. These let him control space and lock the opponent's movement down, so he can go in and start his mixups. Once in, he has access to multiple mixup options like lows, an overhead, and 3 command grabs. His weaknesses include a lack of safe specials to cancel into, a lack of a dedicated anti-jump tool, and a lack of meterless fullscreen options.}}
== Normal Moves ==
''Format for Normals section. Be sure to add bullet points for multiple moves having a property (e.g. j. B/D cross-up; st/cr. A/B/C/D are whiff/cancelable). REMOVE AFTER WRITING IN''
Baku - ''(close)'' [[image:bk.gif]] / [[image:fd.gif]] + [[image:c.gif]]
*cl. A: whiffs on regular height crouchers. Chainable. Cancelable.
*cl. B: not very useful as it has a short activation range. Chainable. Cancelable.
*cl. C: good as a close up anti air to catch jumps. Good combo normal. whiffs on tiny crouchers. Cancelable.
*cl. D: hits low. another good combo button. Cancelable.
* Can otg so if this hits raw you can do another one for extra damage.
'''98 to 98UM'''
* Causes a hard knockdown.
'''Bu:''' f + B
<ul><li>{{Hover|st.C|C}}'s recovery has been reduced by 5 frames</li>
* this move is the same whether cancelled into or done raw.
<li>cl.C's activation range has been reduced</li>
* good to use in combos as it's cancelable.
<li>{{Hover|st.B|B}}'s priority has been reduced</li></ul>
* Does more damage than f+A
* j.D's active frames have been reduced
== Special Moves ==
* j.D's priority has been reduced
'''Niragu Daichi:''' (close) hcf + A/C
<ul><li>Raw {{Hover|f+A|6A}}'s startup has been decreased by 4 frames</li>
* slower startup command grab with invincible startup.
<li>{{Hover|f+A|6A}} can now OTG</li></ul>
* on a successful grab it launches the opponent high up into the air putting them in a juggleable state. If you let them fall to the ground they will take damage and be put into a hard knockdown state.
* j.C now has a better crossup hitbox
* This move is the basis for Orochi Yashiros setups and resets making it his most dangerous mixup tool.
* cl.D now hits low
* Can be used to go through guard cancel CDs or counter moves.
'''Musebu Daichi:''' (close) hcb, f + A/C
<ul><li>{{Hover|hcf+K|41236K}} now combos from heavies</li>
* 1f command grab that slams the opponent to the ground repeteadly and leaves them in a backturned hard knockdown state.
<li>{{Hover|qcb+P|214P}}'s startup has been increased by 2 frames</li></ul>
* good mixup tool due to it's speed and also your main meterless combo ender.
* very punishable on whiff.
<ul><li>{{Hover|qcfx2+P|236236P}}'s startup has been decreased, and its hitbox has been lengthened</li>
'''Odoru Daichi:''' hcf + B/D
<li>{{Hover|qcfx2+K|236236K}} is now much faster</li></ul>
* a forwards moving command grab.
'''98UM to 98UMFE'''
* has low invincibility during the majority of the startup frames but not at the beginning.
* risky move to use due to it's long startup speed.
===Close Standing Normals===
| moveId = oyashiro_cla
| description = *Whiffs on regular height crouchers. Chainable and cancelable.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_clb
| description = *Not very useful, as it has a short activation range. Chainable and cancelable.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_clc
| description = *Good as a close-up anti-air to catch jumps. Good combo normal. Whiffs on tiny crouchers. Cancelable.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_cld
| description = *Standing low. Another good combo button. Cancelable.
| phases =
* D version can be used as a tick throw when cancelled from light normals.
===Far Standing Normals===
| moveId = oyashiro_sta
| description = Good long-ranged poke for checking hops. Chainable and cancelable.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_stb
| description = *Great long-ranged poke. Good for stopping hops and forwards movement.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_stc
| description = *Fairly slow, and doesn't reach very far. Very good hitbox. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_std
| description = *Slow move with a lot of recovery. Can work as an anti-air if done early enough.
| phases =
===Crouch Normals===
| moveId = oyashiro_cra
| description = <ul><li>Great long-ranged {{Hover|cr.A|2A}}. Good for combos and blockstrings, as well as tick throws. Chainable and cancelable.</li></ul>
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_crb
| description = <ul><li>Long-ranged and fairly fast {{Hover|cr.B|2B}}. One of his main low combo and blockstring starters. Chainable.</li></ul>
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_crc
| description = *Great anti-air, as it comes out fast and has a lot of priority. Also great as a grounded poke for the same reasons. Cancelable.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_crd
| description = *A fairly slow sweep with long range and great priority. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
| phases =
===Jump Normals===
| moveId = oyashiro_ja
| description = *A great jumping normal due to its nice priority. Can work as a jump-in or as an air-to-air.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_jb
| description = *Good air-to-air normal. Hits quite high up.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_jc
| description = *Good jump-in normal. Can crossup.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_jd
| description = *Great air-to-air normal. Whiffs on crouchers.
| phases =
===Blowback Normals===
| moveId = oyashiro_stcd
| description = *Moves forward. Good priority. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_jcd
| description = *Great air-to-air normal when the opponent is higher up.
* on hit it sideswitches O.Yashiro and gives him enough time to connect a cl.C/D into a full combo.
*Regular throw, techable. Orochi Yashiro picks the opponent up and slams them behind him, sending them fullscreen away with a backturned hard knockdown.
* Very risky move due to its large amount of startup frames and how telegraphed the jumping part is.
* can be beaten by an anti airs or by jumping/hopping.
* newer players will get hit a lot by this but good opponents will punish it pretty much every time due to how much time there is to react to it.
* his best and only super for finishing combos with.
* can be used as a reversal.
* causes hard knockdown.
==Command Normals==
| moveId = oyashiro_rawf+a,oyashiro_cancelf+a
| description2 = *Overhead when done raw. Loses that property when canceled into but becomes cancelable instead (unless late-canceled).
*Good to use in combos.
<ul><li>Good anti-mash move when canceled into from {{Hover|cr.A|2A}}.</li></ul>
*Can OTG, so if this hits raw you can do another one for extra damage.
*Causes a hard knockdown.
| phases =
| moveId = oyashiro_f+b
| description = *This move is the same whether canceled into or done raw.
*Good to use in combos, as it's cancelable.
<ul><li>Does more damage than {{Hover|f+A|6A}}</li></ul>.
| phases =
==Special Normals==
====Niragu Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_hcf+p
| description = *Command grab with a lot of invincible startup.
*On a successful grab, it launches the opponent high up into the air, putting them in a juggleable state. If you let them fall to the ground, they will take damage and be put into a hard knockdown state.
*This move is the basis for Orochi Yashiro's setups and resets, making it his most dangerous mixup tool.
*Can be used to go through Guard Cancel CDs or counter moves.
| phases =
====Musebu Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_hcbf+p
| description = *1f command grab that slams the opponent into the ground repeatedly and leaves them in a backturned hard knockdown state.
*Good mixup tool due to its speed, and also your main meterless combo ender.
*Very punishable on whiff.
| phases =
====Odoru Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_hcf+b,oyashiro_hcf+d
|input=hcf + B/D
|input2=41236 B/D
| description2 = *A forwards-moving command grab.
*Has low invincibility during the majority of the startup frames, but not at the beginning.
*Risky move to use, due to its long startup speed.
*D version can be used as a tick throw when cancelled from light normals.
<ul><li>Good to buffer when poking with {{Hover|cr.C|2C}}.</li></ul>
| phases =
====Kujiki Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_qcb+a,oyashiro_qcb+c
|input=qcb + A/C
|input2=214 A/C
| description2 = *A jumping command grab.
*On hit, it sideswitches Orochi Yashiro and gives him enough time to connect a cl.C/D into a full combo.
*Very risky move, due to its large amount of startup frames and how telegraphed the jumping part is.
*Can be beaten by an anti-airs or by jumping/hopping.
*Newer players will get hit a lot by this, but good opponents will punish it pretty much every time due to how much time there is to react to it.
| phases =
* Max version does more damage.
==Desperation Moves==
====Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi====
| moveId = oyashiro_hcbhcb+P
| description = *A 1f command grab DM.
*Deals good damage.
*His best and only DM for finishing combos with.
*Can be used as a reversal.
*Causes a hard knockdown.
| phases =
====Araburu Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_qcfqcf+k
| description = *A DM version of his jumping command grab.
*It's faster and goes further than the regular version of his jumping grab.
*Good for jumping over and punishing projectiles on a read.
*It still has the problem of his regular jumping command grab, as this DM has a super flash that can let the opponent react to it easier when done in neutral.
*Causes a backturned hard knockdown.
| phases =
====Hoeru Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_qcfqcf+a,oyashiro_qcfqcf+c
|input=qcf,qcf + A/C
|input2=236236 A/C
| description2 = *A long-ranged projectile punch that goes fullscreen.
*Can be charged up by holding the button down to increase the power of the move.
*When fully charged, it becomes unblockable.
*Has a deadzone where his arm is.
*Causes soft knockdown.
| phases =
'''Araburu Daichi:''' (close) qcf, qcf + B/D
==Super Desperation Moves==
====Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi====
| moveId = oyashiro_hcbhcb+Psdm
| description = *MAX version does more damage.
| phases =
====Araburu Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_qcfqcf+ksdm
| description = *MAX version does more damage.
| phases =
====Hoeru Daichi====
| moveId = oyashiro_qcfqcf+psdm
| description = *MAX version does more damage.
| phases =
* a super version of his jumping command grab.
==General Notes==
<ul><li>{{Hover|cr.B, cr.A|2B, 2A}} is a tight link, so in situations where hitting low is not strictly required it can be useful to start with {{Hover|cr.A|2A}} instead.</li>
* it's faster and goes further than the regular version of his jumping grab.
<li>Orochi Yashiro can use either of his command normals, {{Hover|f+A or f+B, in combos: f+B does more damage, but f+A|6A or 6B, in combos: 6B does more damage, but 6A}} is safer on block, so less need to hit confirm it and you have the option of delaying the cancel to get an overhead hit.</li>
* good for jumping over and punishing fireballs on reads.
<li>In any metered combo, you can replace {{Hover|hcbx2+P with hcbx2+AC|6321463214P with 6321463214AC}} for more damage if you have the resources.</li></ul>
* it still has the problem of his regular jumping command grab as this super has a superflash that can let the opponent react to it easier when done in neutral.
* Max version does more damage.
* Causes a backturned hard knockdown.
'''Hoeru Diachi:''' (close) qcf, qcf + A/C
* a long ranged projectile punch that goes full screen.
* can be charged up by holding the button down to increase the power of the move.
* when fully charged it becomes unblockable.
* has a blindspot where his arm is.
* causes soft knockdown.
== Combos ==
* cr.B st.A hcb,f+P
: a fairly tight cr.B combo but it's the best he has access to meterless.
* (j.X) cl.D f+B hcb,f+P/hcbx2+P
: his main combo from heavy normals or jumpins, you can also do it after a qcb+P
== Strategy & Tips ==
== Strategy & Tips ==
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{{#ev:youtube|cxjjtuRX2a0|||'''King of Fighters 98 UM FE: Orochi Yashiro Guide''' by [https://twitter.com/MashItOut Mash It Out]|frame}}
{{#ev:youtube|cxjjtuRX2a0|||'''King of Fighters 98 UM FE: Orochi Yashiro Guide''' by [https://twitter.com/MashItOut Mash It Out]|frame}}
== External Links ==
== Navigation ==
{{CharNavbox 98FE}}
{{Navbox 98UMFE}}
{{Navbox 98UMFE}}
[[Category:The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition]]
[[Category:The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition]]
Orochi Yashiro is a grappler with a set of great long-range normals, especially
B and j.D. These let him control space and lock the opponent's movement down, so he can go in and start his mixups. Once in, he has access to multiple mixup options like lows, an overhead, and 3 command grabs. His weaknesses include a lack of safe specials to cancel into, a lack of a dedicated anti-jump tool, and a lack of meterless fullscreen options.
Baku - (close) / +
Beki - (close) / +
Command Normals
Saku - +
Bu - +
Special Moves
Niragu Daichi - + /
Musebu Daichi - + /
Odoru Daichi - + /
Kujiku Daichi - + /
Desperation Moves
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi - + /
Araburu Daichi - + /
Hoeru Daichi - + / (Hold OK)
Changes from Previous Versions
98 to 98UM
C's recovery has been reduced by 5 frames
cl.C's activation range has been reduced
B's priority has been reduced
j.D's active frames have been reduced
j.D's priority has been reduced
6A's startup has been decreased by 4 frames
6A can now OTG
j.C now has a better crossup hitbox
cl.D now hits low
41236K now combos from heavies
214P's startup has been increased by 2 frames
236236P's startup has been decreased, and its hitbox has been lengthened
236236K is now much faster
98UM to 98UMFE
Close Standing Normals
close A
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Whiffs on regular height crouchers. Chainable and cancelable.
close B
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Not very useful, as it has a short activation range. Chainable and cancelable.
close C
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
4, 4
Good as a close-up anti-air to catch jumps. Good combo normal. Whiffs on tiny crouchers. Cancelable.
close D
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Standing low. Another good combo button. Cancelable.
Far Standing Normals
stand A
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Good long-ranged poke for checking hops. Chainable and cancelable.
stand B
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Great long-ranged poke. Good for stopping hops and forwards movement.
stand C
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Fairly slow, and doesn't reach very far. Very good hitbox. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
stand D
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Slow move with a lot of recovery. Can work as an anti-air if done early enough.
Crouch Normals
crouch A
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Great long-ranged
2A. Good for combos and blockstrings, as well as tick throws. Chainable and cancelable.
crouch B
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Long-ranged and fairly fast
2B. One of his main low combo and blockstring starters. Chainable.
crouch C
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
2, 3
Great anti-air, as it comes out fast and has a lot of priority. Also great as a grounded poke for the same reasons. Cancelable.
crouch D
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
3, (5), 5
1st= -17 ; 2nd= -9
A fairly slow sweep with long range and great priority. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
Jump Normals
jump A
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
A great jumping normal due to its nice priority. Can work as a jump-in or as an air-to-air.
jump B
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Good air-to-air normal. Hits quite high up.
jump C
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Good jump-in normal. Can crossup.
jump D
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Great air-to-air normal. Whiffs on crouchers.
Blowback Normals
stand CD
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Moves forward. Good priority. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
jump CD
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Great air-to-air normal when the opponent is higher up.
4/6C (close)
Regular throw, techable. Orochi Yashiro punches the opponent in the stomach, sending them fullscreen away with a soft knockdown.
4/6D (close)
Regular throw, techable. Orochi Yashiro picks the opponent up and slams them behind him, sending them fullscreen away with a backturned hard knockdown.
Command Normals
Version> indicates a follow-up to the main move, >> a follow-up to a follow-up and so on.Different versions and/or follow-ups to the move.
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Cancelled into
Cancelled into
Overhead when done raw. Loses that property when canceled into but becomes cancelable instead (unless late-canceled).
Good to use in combos.
Good anti-mash move when canceled into from
Can OTG, so if this hits raw you can do another one for extra damage.
Causes a hard knockdown.
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
This move is the same whether canceled into or done raw.
Good to use in combos, as it's cancelable.
Does more damage than
Special Normals
Niragu Daichi
Niragu Daichi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Command grab with a lot of invincible startup.
On a successful grab, it launches the opponent high up into the air, putting them in a juggleable state. If you let them fall to the ground, they will take damage and be put into a hard knockdown state.
This move is the basis for Orochi Yashiro's setups and resets, making it his most dangerous mixup tool.
Can be used to go through Guard Cancel CDs or counter moves.
Musebu Daichi
Musebu Daichi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
1f command grab that slams the opponent into the ground repeatedly and leaves them in a backturned hard knockdown state.
Good mixup tool due to its speed, and also your main meterless combo ender.
Very punishable on whiff.
Odoru Daichi
Odoru Daichi
hcf + B/D
41236 B/D
Version> indicates a follow-up to the main move, >> a follow-up to a follow-up and so on.Different versions and/or follow-ups to the move.
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
A forwards-moving command grab.
Has low invincibility during the majority of the startup frames, but not at the beginning.
Risky move to use, due to its long startup speed.
D version can be used as a tick throw when cancelled from light normals.
Good to buffer when poking with
Kujiki Daichi
Kujiki Daichi
qcb + A/C
214 A/C
Version> indicates a follow-up to the main move, >> a follow-up to a follow-up and so on.Different versions and/or follow-ups to the move.
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Until Landing
Until Landing
A jumping command grab.
On hit, it sideswitches Orochi Yashiro and gives him enough time to connect a cl.C/D into a full combo.
Very risky move, due to its large amount of startup frames and how telegraphed the jumping part is.
Can be beaten by an anti-airs or by jumping/hopping.
Newer players will get hit a lot by this, but good opponents will punish it pretty much every time due to how much time there is to react to it.
Desperation Moves
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
A 1f command grab DM.
Deals good damage.
His best and only DM for finishing combos with.
Can be used as a reversal.
Causes a hard knockdown.
Araburu Daichi
Araburu Daichi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Until landing
A DM version of his jumping command grab.
It's faster and goes further than the regular version of his jumping grab.
Good for jumping over and punishing projectiles on a read.
It still has the problem of his regular jumping command grab, as this DM has a super flash that can let the opponent react to it easier when done in neutral.
Causes a backturned hard knockdown.
Hoeru Daichi
Hoeru Daichi
qcf,qcf + A/C
236236 A/C
Version> indicates a follow-up to the main move, >> a follow-up to a follow-up and so on.Different versions and/or follow-ups to the move.
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
20 if released immediately
2, 2, 3
21 if released immediately
2, 2, 3
A long-ranged projectile punch that goes fullscreen.
Can be charged up by holding the button down to increase the power of the move.
When fully charged, it becomes unblockable.
Has a deadzone where his arm is.
Causes soft knockdown.
Super Desperation Moves
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
Ankoku Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
MAX version does more damage.
Araburu Daichi
Araburu Daichi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
Until landing
1-10f inv
MAX version does more damage.
Hoeru Daichi
Hoeru Daichi
Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits. The first does x, the second does y, for a total of z.Damage dealt by the move. 10 is 1%.
Guard(1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second, No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel(1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second, (x~y) every hit from x to y, No bracket means the entire move is.Whether this move is cancelable. If not, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame NOT included.
Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames Followed by a y frame gap Then the 2nd is active for z frames.Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled.
Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip. SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.After the move hits, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range. x when done point-blank. y on the tip.After the move is blocked, number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame. (Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame. Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location). Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
20 if released immediately
2, 2, 3
MAX version does more damage.
General Notes
cr.B, cr.A
2B, 2A is a tight link, so in situations where hitting low is not strictly required it can be useful to start with
2A instead.
Orochi Yashiro can use either of his command normals,
f+A or f+B, in combos: f+B does more damage, but f+A
6A or 6B, in combos: 6B does more damage, but 6A is safer on block, so less need to hit confirm it and you have the option of delaying the cancel to get an overhead hit.
In any metered combo, you can replace
hcbx2+P with hcbx2+AC
6321463214P with 6321463214AC for more damage if you have the resources.