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The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Orochi Yashiro/Combos

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The King of Fighters '98 UMFE




cr.B, cr.A/st.A, hcb,f+P 2B, 2A/5A, 632146P


    (j.X), cl.D, f+A/f+B, hcb,f+P/hcf+B 6A/6B, 632146P/41236B
    hcb,f+P does more damage, hcf+B 632146P does more damage, 41236B has better corner carry.


f+A, f+A 6A, 6A

OTG combo.

With Meter


cr.B, cr.A/st.A, hcbx2+P 2B, 2A/5A, 6321463214P

You can input the second cr.A/st.A during a hcb then do hcb+C for an easier cancel; if you're starting the combo with cr.A instead of cr.B, don't input the second A too fast, otherwise you may accidentally get qcb+A.


(j.X), cl.D, f+A/f+B, hcbx2+P 6A/6B, 6321463214P

With Quick MAX


    j.A, ABC, cl.D, f+A/f+B, hcb,f+P/hcf+B/hcbx2+P 6A/6B, 632146P/41236B/6321463214P
    High and fast jump-in combo enabled by Quick MAX. You can go into hcb,f+P or hcf+B to stay in MAX Mode or hcbx2+P 632146P or 41236B to stay in MAX Mode or 6321463214P for a slight damage increase.


cr.B, (cr.A), ABC, cl.D, f+A/f+B, hcf+B 2B, (2A), ABC, cl.D, 6A/6B, 41236B

Hold forward during Quick MAX activation to ensure you're close enough for cl.D.


The King of Fighters '98 UMFE


The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition

FAQSystemControlsGuidesChangelistMatch VideosAdvanced StrategyTier ListsFrame Data & Hitboxes


Andy BogardAthena AsamiyaBenimaru NikaidoBilly KaneBlue MaryBrian BattlerChang KoehanChin GentsaiChizuru KaguraChoi BoungeChrisClark StillEiji KisaragiGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeavy D!HeidernIori YagamiJoe HigashiKasumi TodohKim KaphwanKingKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLucky GlauberMai ShiranuiMatureMr. BigRalf JonesRobert GarciaRugal BernsteinRyo SakazakiRyuji YamazakiSaisyu KusanagiShermieShingo YabukiSie KensouTakuma SakazakiTerry BogardViceWolfgang KrauserYashiro NanakaseYuri Sakazaki

EX Characters

EX AndyEX BillyEX Blue MaryEX GeeseEX JoeEX KingEX KyoEX MaiEX RobertEX RyoEX TerryEX YamazakiEX YuriOrochi ChrisOrochi ShermieOrochi Yashiro