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The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/Orochi Yashiro/Combos
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cr.B, cr.A/st.A, hcb,f+P
2B, 2A/5A, 632146P
(j.X), cl.D,
f+A/f+B, hcb,f+P/hcf+B
6A/6B, 632146P/41236B
hcb,f+P does more damage, hcf+B 632146P does more damage, 41236B has better corner carry.
f+A, f+A
6A, 6A
- OTG combo.
With Meter
cr.B, cr.A/st.A, hcbx2+P
2B, 2A/5A, 6321463214P
- You can input the second cr.A/st.A during a hcb then do hcb+C for an easier cancel; if you're starting the combo with cr.A instead of cr.B, don't input the second A too fast, otherwise you may accidentally get qcb+A.
(j.X), cl.D,
f+A/f+B, hcbx2+P
6A/6B, 6321463214P
With Quick MAX
j.A, ABC, cl.D,
f+A/f+B, hcb,f+P/hcf+B/hcbx2+P
6A/6B, 632146P/41236B/6321463214P
High and fast jump-in combo enabled by Quick MAX. You can go into hcb,f+P or hcf+B to stay in MAX Mode or hcbx2+P 632146P or 41236B to stay in MAX Mode or 6321463214P for a slight damage increase.
cr.B, (cr.A), ABC, cl.D, f+A/f+B, hcf+B
2B, (2A), ABC, cl.D, 6A/6B, 41236B
- Hold forward during Quick MAX activation to ensure you're close enough for cl.D.